Unveiling: Jim Keith, Atlantis, Octopus & Mind Control-Fact or Fiction

Unveiling: Jim Keith, Atlantis, Octopus & Mind Control Fact or Fiction

A seeker shares the following dream with Qudra Healing

“I had seen a light skinned man who was a vocal artist. He was on a stage with a pale yellow colored shirt. He began to sing and the audience was listening, some singing along, while another group came on stage and joined him in the chorus.
This man directed the attention of the audience to a large hubble in the sky. The hubble was in the shape of a large transparent purple octopus with one eye. Praising it, he spoke about it as if his ‘source of power’ a deity like reference. This man did not seem he was from our earthly realm. He seemed as if connected to another realm, although ‘human’ in appearance. He made reference to Atlantis. This was all clear and the dream switched to another scene.” (May 24th 2014)



We had some help researching some of the elements relative to this dream and share with our audience insightful findings.

  • The book, provisionally titled ‘The Octopus’, was meant to be an explosive expose of misdeeds by the Justice Department under the Reagan administration.
  • Jim Keith 1949-1999 co authored The Octopus
  • Jim Keith’s mysterious death linked to numerous controversies
  • One of the underlying themes of Keith’s works is that the UFO phenomenon is, in fact, of entirely earthly origin and has its roots within a parallel program of technological development.

Books  by Jim Keith


Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness by Jim Keith

Black Helicopters Over America: Strikeforce for the New World Order by Jim Keith

Mind Control, World Control by Jim Keith

Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3 by Jim Keith

Saucers of the Illuminati by Jim Keith

Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History by Jim Keith

Bio warfare in America by Jim Keith

Casebook on Alternative 3: UFO’s, Secret Societies and World Control by Jim Keith

Casebook on the Men In Black by Jim Keith








atlantisunder-water-grave (1)Dreamer relates,

The day after I saw this dream, I sat in meditation and was transported to Saturn. Baffled by such an odd experience, research led me to find links between Saturn, Atlantis, the “Black Cube”  and it’s resemblance to the Kaba in Makkah.













Atlantis is too broad to cover here. It’s mystery remains and unveils itself sporadically. We leave it to seekers to devle into the subject on their own.

The question remains, “What can we do with this information?”
Not much. We are here to export information and share experiences and dreams of seekers to masses  in our region and abroad.

Organizations like AMMACH provides support and a platform for experiences which are beyond normal every day phenomena. It hosts thousands of members who have reported UFO abductions, sightings,  paranormal activity and interaction with ET’s.



I Dream of Genie: ABC’s of Jinns


We present modern day Paranormal Research Expert and Guru; Rosemary Ellen Guiley.  A leading expert on the paranormal and supernatural.  The author of more than 45 books – including 9 encyclopedias – and hundreds of articles in print on a wide range of paranormal, spiritual and mystical topics, she possesses an exceptional knowledge of the field.

Her encyclopedias on ghosts and spirits, angels, vampires and werewolves, magic and alchemy, witchcraft, demons, dreams, mystical and paranormal experience and saints are considered essential sources for authors, researchers,novelists and screenwriters,  film and documentary producers, and paranormal investigators. Her work has been translated into 14 languages and has been selected by major book clubs around the world. She appears in television programs, documentaries and docu-dramas with paranormal themes, and makes numerous media and lecture appearances, including colleges and universities. She conducts original field investigations of haunted and mysterious sites.


Rosemary Ellen Guiley is a leading expert on the paranormal and supernatural.  The author of more than 45 books – including 9 encyclopedias – and hundreds of articles in print on a wide range of paranormal, spiritual and mystical topics, she possesses an exceptional knowledge of the field.


Her encyclopedias on ghosts and spirits, angels, vampires and werewolves, magic and alchemy, witchcraft, demons, dreams, mystical and paranormal experience and saints are considered essential sources for authors, researchers,novelists and screenwriters,  film and documentary producers, and paranormal investigators. Her work has been translated into 14 languages and has been selected by major book clubs around the world. She appears in television programs, documentaries and docu-dramas with paranormal themes, and makes numerous media and lecture appearances, including colleges and universities. She conducts original field investigations of haunted and mysterious sites.





Rosemary Ellen’s research is in sync with Quranic and Prophetic Sources.



By Rosemary Ellen Guiley

The following are some of the most common questions  asked about the Djinn.  The answers are based on research, investigations in the field, personal experiences, and reports from colleagues and individuals who have had Djinn encounters.

Q:  Where do the Djinn live?

A:  They exist in a parallel dimension in the physical world.  They are “here” – but in a place we cannot normally experience.  It is around a bend in space, so to speak.

Q: Do Djinn take human form, and how can they be recognized?

A:  They can shape shift into human form, either male form or female.    There may be something striking or odd about them, especially in their eyes.   They may exhibit unusual behavior.

Q:  What other forms do Djinn take?

A:  As shape-shifters, probably almost anything that suits their purposes.  People sometimes see them as gray mist or smoke that rapidly changes shape as they move.  They also take on dark silhouettes such as Shadow People (see below).  They can appear solid but go through walls, and they can appear and disappear in an instant.

Q:  Do Djinn eat?

A:  They can eat human food when they take human form, but our food does not sustain them.  It gives them pleasure.  They can absorb the essence of food, and things like the molecules from tobacco smoke, which provide enjoyment. Their main source of nourishment is the absorption of energy from life forms.   The best is the draining of a soul, but is difficult to do and is considered unlawful.  It  is, however, practiced by certain powerful  renegrade Djinn.  The vampiric absorption of the life force can be quite detrimental to people, and cause health problems.

Q:  Do the Djinn ever sing or whistle?

A:  Yes, the Djinn have their own music and language, and they do sing and whistle, just like people.   Their own language sounds like a mixture of Latin and ancient tongues from the Middle East, such as Sumerian.

Q:  Do the Djinn create poltergeist disturbances?

A:  Yes, if it suits their purposes.  They can make noises, smells, apparitional forms, shadow people forms, and apports – objects that appear out of nowhere.

Q:  Can the Djinn cause nightmares?

A:  Yes, like some other entities, they can cause unpleasant dreams, especially “dreams” that are real experiences in an alternate reality.  When they wish to manipulate and control, they are capable of interfering in sleep.

Q:  Can the Djinn influence thoughts?

A:  Yes, they can affect moods and thoughts, and they can influence a person according to that person’s own inclinations – but they cannot influence or cause people to act against their own free will.  The Djinn have free will, too.

Q: Can the Djinn cause physical injury?

A: Yes, but they take such actions only when they feel they or their family or clan have been harmed or wronged by a person, much as a human would react in a protective way.   In rare cases, they can cause harm in several ways.  One is like an electrical shock to the system.  Also, they can knock a person down, cause things to fall on him, and alter his body to cause illness.  Hostile Djinn can act out in unprovoked aggressive ways just as criminal human beings do.  Malevolent Djinn are often called “devils,” but they are not the equivalent to the Western concept of demons.

Q: How can you tell the difference between Djinn and demons?

A:  It’s often hard to tell the difference, as the Djinn are artful at masquerades.  Sometimes they are identified through a process of elimination in terms of expulsion remedies.  Djinn are more likely to communicate with people than some other kind of entities, and especially in a derisive way.  Psychically sensitive people develop the ability to sense the distinctive Djinn energy signatures.

Q:  Can the Djinn possess people?

A:  Djinn often attach to the body’s field of energy rather than enter – and possibly become entrapped in – the body itself.  They can take over a person to alter mood and behavior.

Q:  Are the Shadow People really Djinn?

A:  I  have been studying Shadow People for many years and have come to the conclusion that this is a form taken by Djinn. The Shadow People often manifest as the silhouette of a tall man wearing a coat or cape and sometimes a hat.  There are no facial features.  They are usually bedroom visitors.

Q: Are there ways to minimize Djinn visitations?

A:  Like dealing with all kind of entities, one must often experiment to find an effective solution, as results vary by individual.  However, many people have found that leaving lights, radios and television sets on dampen down paranormal experiences in general.  The fields of energy generated by these devices may interfere with the energy fields of the Djinn, as well as other kinds of entities.  Some people also have success with prayer, invocations of angels, and with forcefully telling the intruders to leave.

Q: How do you exorcize the Djinn?

A:  Many techniques are advertised, but it has been acknowledged by Middle Eastern scholars for centuries that if the Djinn don’t want to go, it is difficult to force them out.  Some may agree to go with bargaining and persuasion, and some may agree to go as a ruse, only to return at a later time.  Some may go if they fear punishment from more powerful Djinn or angels, who can be invoked against them.  The ancient practice of beating a demoniac may make the physical body too unpleasant for them.  Some of them have an ancient and strong attachment to the land and can resist dislodgment.  It is a mistake for Christian demonologists to think that remedies applied against Satanic demons will always work against the Djinn.  In some cases, they might be effective, but in others they will not.

Q:  Are there any Djinn who want to be helpful to humans?

A: Djinn come in all persuasions, attitudes and mindsets, just like humans.  Not all of them are hostile or unfriendly.  Some are indifferent and don’t want to be bothered with us, and an even smaller number may be inclined to be helpful, provided it serves their own interests as well.  However, the final word is, none of them can likely be trusted.  They should not be equated with spiritual guides or angels.

Q:  Do Djinn reincarnate?

A:  As far as is known, no.  They live very long lifespans, hundreds of perhaps even thousands of years.  Like humans, they have the potential to ascend to an enlightened state of being.

Protection From Djinn’s:

A consistent practice of meditation and prayers is the most potent protective shield against entities, possessions, invasions and visitations. The soul and aura  is strengthened which serves as a repellent against entities.

  • Daily Meditation (mantras, prayers, vibrational sound healing)
  • Cleanliness
  • Positivism as a way of Life


Djinn Expert Ben Halima of France Expounds of Jinns, Black Magic and Evil Eye



Education to Empower

Our Qudra Healing Program is an all in one program designed to empower the seeker HOW TO

  • self help
  • removal of negative energy
  • practical guideline
  • traditional and modern healing techniques
  • Law of Attraction
  • protective precaution to strengthen one’s aura





Total Tao of Home ad Office








  • Assessing Energies in home and Office
  • Total Transformation of environment
  • Attract positive energy
  • Removal of negative energies
  • Practical guidelines and full course included.