Barakah & Qudra Defined in Simple Terms

Barakah (بركة : also Baraka) is an Arabic term meaning blessing, particularly, spiritual gifts or protection transmitted from God. It is also described as “the greater good” derived from any act. The parallel Jewish term is the cognate Berakhah, in Christianity charisma or divine grace. …

One translation of “universal life energy” in Islam would be, “Qudra”.

A translation of what happens when the energy flows from the practitioner to the seeker would be, “Baraka”.

How to Choose a Healer

Excerpts from, How to Choose a Healer by Lauralyn Harter

How to Choose a Healer

By Lauralyn Harter,

Choosing a healer is a very personal experience. A negative experience can turn you off from further healing, while a positive experience can help you heal in miraculous ways. Here are some tips for choosing a healer that’s right for you.

Difficulty: Easy



Female healers on the rise

Things You’ll Need:

  • Intuition
  • Awareness
  • Questions to ask
  • Things to look out for
  • Clarity on your needs and goals
  1. 1

Word-of-mouth. Referrals from people you know who have been to a healer with rave reviews is one of the best ways to find a good healer. You get to ask the person detailed questions about their experience, which prepares you for the style and method in which the healer works.

  1. 2

Magazine/internet ads. It’s really important to connect to your intuition when looking at ads. Don’t let pretty ads mask the real energy that is resonating from the healer. If there is a photo in the ad, ask yourself, is this someone who looks kind? Do they look compassionate? Do I think I will feel comfortable working with them?

  1. 3

Check out the healer’s website and read it thoroughly. Read any testimonials to see how other people have been helped. Read the healer’s personal story, if they have one. A healer who has healed themselves and “walks the walk” is ideal because they have the empathy, compassion and wisdom that strengthens their healing ability.

  1. 4

The healer’s energy is WAY more important than the healer’s credentials. While you do want to find someone who has training in their expertise and experience, it’s just as important that you’re comfortable working with them. All the degrees in the world are of little help if you don’t feel you can connect to your healer because ultimately YOU are the one who does the healing. The healer is a guide.

  1. 5

Identify if the healer’s ego is present. Does the healer say “I” a lot? i.e. “I healed this person,” “I clear the energy,” “I remove the blocks,” “I release your toxins.” Listen instead to if the healer says, “Reiki healed this person,” “The Angels clear the energy,” “We work together,” etc. A humble healer works from the heart, not the mind.

  1. 6

Determine what your goals are before you call the healer. When you call the healer, be very specific in letting them know what your healing goal is. For example, tell them, “I want to quit smoking. How can you help me?” If what the healer says makes sense to you and you feel inspired and motivated after hearing about their practice, go for it!

  1. 7

Is the healer organized? Healers are notorious for being unorganized when it comes to the business side of their practice. In order to maintain healthy boundaries and feel safe with your healer, it is important that they maintain a professional practice. This includes providing receipts if necessary, keeping track of payments, ending and starting sessions on time, and the healer’s ability to focus and ground during the healing. While no one is perfect, the overall practice should feel professional and the rules of what to expect should be clear.

  1. 8

Does the healer support you or do you feel judged or not good enough? A healer who is working through ego may feel the need to defend or project their own insecurities outward if they believe your healing is “proof” that they are a “real” healer. If a healer ever tries to blame or judge you for how you feel, what you’ve done, who you are or blames you for why your healing goal hasn’t been reached, walk away and don’t go back!

How Positive Energy Can Change Your Life

How Positive Energy Can Change Your Life

 Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen

 The Law of Attraction can help you attract what you want, and increase your life satisfaction. Here’s how positive energy and The Secret transforms minds and lives. Can positive energy change your work or home life? You better believe it! According to the Law of Attraction, we emit positive and negative energy constantly. Other people pick up on our positive energy and gravitate towards us, or sense our negative energy and are repelled by us. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is the most recent incarnation of the Law of Attraction, which was recently described on the Oprah Winfrey show. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, which means that positive energy will attract more positive energy. How do you know if you’re sharing positive energy? The best – and easiest – sign is the people in your life. Are they encouraging and uplifting, or are they draining away your energy? Who you surround yourself with affects the levels of happiness and satisfaction in your life. If you’re not surrounded by positive people, then you may not be transmitting positive energy. You’re emitting positive energy when you:

 1. Stay in touch with your dark side and weaknesses, and are willing to grow towards healing and strength. Positive energy is about movement.

2. See the positive qualities in other people. Positive energy values other positive qualities.

3. Feel compassion towards yourself and the world (we’re all doing the best we can!)

4. Listen to – and try to understand – other perspectives, regardless of how different. Positive energy is open minded.

 5. Give the benefit of the doubt. Positive people don’t judge quickly.

6. Express your true self in thoughts and actions, gently and honestly (and free others to do the same!). Positive energy is honest.

7. Share your negative thoughts and emotions. Positive energy admits the negative.

8. Celebrate the success and happiness of other people. Positive energy appreciates success.

9. Feel fear and defeat, and keep persevering anyway. Positive energy doesn’t deny negative emotions.

10. Follow your dreams and desires You’re not emitting positive energy when you:

1. Ignore your dark side and weaknesses (and then act them out). Negative energy isn’t honest.

2. Focus on other people’s mistakes and weaknesses. Negative energy is critical.

3. Obsess about being perfect; whether it’s at work, at home, or with your appearance (or other people’s!). Negative energy strives for perfection. 

4. Try to change other people’s perspectives and opinions. Negative energy wants everyone to be of one mind.

5. Try to please people constantly and ignore your own needs. Negative energy isn’t balanced.

6. Let other people’s moods and energy dictate your own.

7. Swallow your negative thoughts and emotions.

8. Resent the successes and joys of others. Negative energy is jealous.

9. Allow fear and cynicism to harden your heart and color your perspective. Negative energy revolves around fear and bitterness.

10. Ignore your goals, plans, and passions. Negative energy suffocates your dreams. Maintaining Open Hearts and Open Minds People with positive energy are determined to do their best, and to see the best in the world around them. People with positive energy don’t focus on “should have” or idealized, perfect expectations that are impossible to live up to. People with positive energy have an open heart and a sense of humor. People with positive energy don’t care about being popular or keeping up with the Jones’s – and they stay in touch with their hearts and souls. They know what they want to create and manifest in their lives. Flowing With Failures and Disagreements People with positive energy make mistakes and own up to them. They keep lines of communication open, opting for discussion and connection – and people with positive energy are satisfied with “agreeing to disagree.” Failures and disagreements don’t faze people with positive energy, because they know they’re part of living and working with humans!

The Power of Attraction-Opposites Don’t Attract


The Power Of Attraction –
Opposites Don’t Attract


Law Of Magnetism – The Power Of Attraction

‘Every person is surrounded by the thought atmosphere….Through this power we are either attracting or repelling. Like attracts like and …we attract just what we are in mind.’ – Ernest Holmes

The first universal law of manifestation was about what you create – the power of your consciousness. This one is about what the you attract – the power of attraction and energy. Between them they have the greatest impact on your life.

Birds of a feather flock together best describes this universal law. It states that you only attract the same kind of energy you put out yourself. Quantum physics principle states that everything, including inanimate thing like stones, projects power.

Apparently the universe is full of strings of energy that all around you. And whether you realize it or not, you are part of the exchange that takes place every moment of the day.

So you are like a radio station broadcasting your frequency. Things, circumstances, situations and people tune into your signal and find you. So if it is success you want, you need to find out what kind of energy is neede and then use the power of attraction to bring what you want into your experience.

Your Energy Public Announcement SystemYour personal vibration energy’s power of attraction is strong enough to draw like energy to you . When you are interacting with people, your energy sends out messages others can relate to at a subconscious level.

It introduces you to everyone at this energetic and compelling level. This is why sometimes you feel drawn to some people whilst you can’t stand others without knowing why.

The good news is, you have the power to change your magnetic frequency and increase your power of attration to attract what you desire.

Changing Personal Resonance

You can change it through your:

     Emotional energy – Vibrations of the feelings This is the most powerful. You daily feelings broadcast loud and clear who think you are and the purpose of your life Your predominant feelings energize the direction of your life. The thing is, the starting point is of every emotion is – thought.

    The more emotionally charged a memory conditioning is, the more energy it generates. If you predominant emotion is of joy, love and happiness; this is what will be returned to you. If it is anger, resentment and unhappiness, this is what you get back.

    Cognitive energy – vibrations of the thoughts The thoughts rarely stop throughout your waking time. As thoughts are the fuel for the emotional energy, they are doubly important. Your life moves in the direction of your most predominant thoughts- the cognitive energy it the reason why it does.

    For the majority of people, thinking is not an activity they think they can control, but rather something that happens rather than something you decide on.

    When you start examining your thoughts, you may be surprised to find that most of the thoughts center around three fears: fear of future, rejection and failure.

    Fear is the a killer of achievement, it paralyses you so that you don’t even begin. Think yourself as unsuccessful and you will draw failure.

    Physical energy – vibrations of the body The power of your most predominant thoughts plus the power of your intense emotions equals your physical energy.

    Together they make the pulsating vibration that broadcasts your individual signals and determine everything you attract in your life.

So changing what you think about, which in turn changes what emotions you attach to situations will snowball into a change in your overall signal.

Moving Forward

    1. Start being aware of what you think about during the day and write these down. You will soon find that you have distinct thought patterns and almost pre-recorded reactions or conclusions. 2. Once you have written your thoughts down, the next step is to describe what emotions these thoughts start up in you.

    If you find that the emotions are mostly negative, make it your intention to let them go. You see, the minute you start recognising flaws in thinkng, the level of your consciousness starts to increase.

    3. Sometimes you may find that before you know it, the thought has already progressed into an unpleasant emotion. When this happens, just recognize the emotion, then try to get to the root of the thought that brought it on.

    Then go to the thought and release it. If it possible, replace it with a positive thought instead.


So to use the law of magnestism through the power of thinking, you first need to become aware of energetic frequencies you are sending out by becoming very aware of your thoughts and feelings.

I know, it may seem difficult, but your perseverance will pay off. Sonn you will be projecting the right energy to attract the things you want.

Just by changing one predominant negative thought, you will notice a major shift in your energy and power of attraction. Then you can intentionally use the law of magnetism to attract wealth, health and happiness into your life.