Inayat Khan: Twin Souls

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Shams e Tabrez and Jalaluddin Rumi as One

More than theory and search for doctrinal proofs, the Twin Soul phenomena must be experienced in order to truly understand. (Qudra Healing)


Philosophy, Psychology and Mysticism

Hazrat Inayat Khan

There is a belief which comes from ancient times, and that is the belief in a twin soul. Some people wait for this phenomenon and search for it; and sometimes this belief is the cause of much unhappiness during the greater part of their lives because they have not yet found their twin soul. What is a twin soul? One might say that a proper answer is the twin soul of a question: every person is a question and every person is an answer. And when two people meet and one of them is a question and the other is the answer to that question then they are twin souls. But unfortunately what very often happens is that either two questions meet or two answers.

Twin souls can belong to three distinct spheres: to the angelic sphere, to the sphere of the jinns, and to the sphere of the earth. Two people may have inherited from their childhood, or brought with them from the moment of their birth, qualities that fit one another. They need not be of opposite sex. They can be personalities of the same sex. They can be friends or partners in life. It does not matter. It is two souls. One answers the other’s question, as every person is a question and at the same time an answer. These two souls who have brought with them qualities which already fit one another, become friends the moment they meet, and in coming together they find a satisfaction they have never experienced before, because all their life there has been a question and suddenly it is answered. This may come about early or late in life, but there comes a time in the life of most souls when they meet someone who is the answer to their soul’s question.

Souls need not know what question they are, and naturally they do not know it, but they are a question all the same. Neither do they know what the answer is, but when it comes they know that it fits, they know that it is satisfying, and unconsciously they know that it is the answer to their question. It may be that the two were friends before they came on earth or, as many call it, in a past incarnation, but there is no doubt that a contact had been established before their coming to earth, and that is why the moment they meet they think that they have known each other for many, many years.

Very often people do not realize it when they meet their twin soul, and very often they know it and yet do not feel sure. There were two sisters who were so devoted to each other that it seemed that there was one world made for these two sisters and another quite apart from it. They used to call one another, ‘my twin soul.’ There have been men who have worked together throughout their lives, who have striven and suffered and planned together, and when one of them passed away the other followed him. They were twin souls. One might wonder whether it is not an error of the soul to be born like this, because the conditions are often so unfavorable for twin souls; but whether circumstances are favorable or unfavorable, their satisfaction lies with one another and for one another if they are twin souls, and, therefore, it is not an error. It is never an error for a person to have been born on earth, to have to struggle all his life in order to gain the results that he wanted. It is natural.

Then there are twin souls of another kind which belong to the earth, the world, the human sphere. The nature of these twin souls is different. They must develop to become twin souls. And what develops them is the situation in life that brings them together. They are drawn to each other by providence, and circumstances cause them to meet. As they develop they become twin souls, just as in one shell one can sometimes find two almonds. The shell has been the situation, the circumstances, the mold which has brought them together in order to go through life tolerantly. There is a lesson to be learned from this: that each of those two almond kernels has a curve, some part of it is removed, is gone, in order to let the other grow. If the two almonds had pushed one another they would never have grown. It was done by reciprocity. It was as if they said, ‘I will let you grow,’ ‘I will let you grow, too,’ ‘Some part of my being will be held in check. We shall grow as one almond.’ But when that conception is not there, then there is no chance of growing together; that is the lesson which mankind has to learn.

Those who, not understanding the secret of twin souls, remain dissatisfied in life do not understand that either their twin soul is there, and that if it is there providence must bring them together one day; or that they should develop within themselves the quality of the twin soul in order that one day they may perfect themselves in it; or that they should find in their own soul the answer to their life’s question. It is the knowledge of one of these three qualities of twin souls that enables a person to realize in his life the meaning of this idea. Each soul has one of these three aspects.

Souls who have grown to be twin souls on earth remain so in heaven, for life on earth continues in heaven. The Prophet has said that death is a bridge which unites friend with friend. Can we have a twin soul in each sphere? We can have a twin soul every day; it depends on how much we want it; but if we choose to have another twin soul in another sphere we can change them every day. It is either a continual development from the beginning to the end, from the angelic sphere to the earthly sphere, and that brings about the perfect union; or a new union is created and accomplished and fulfilled for eternity, for the hereafter; or the soul has found within itself the twin soul, and that is God, that is perfection.

Heal Your Life Through Thoughts

“The words you speak become the house you live in.” -Hafiz


The Three Aspects of Conscious Creation: There are essentially three aspects that form the basics of conscious creation. The first is that the Universe is Mental, the second is that everything is vibrating energy and the third is that thought creates. This knowledge has been passed down to us through the oldest of mystical teachings and is as relevant today as it was thousands of years go and will continue to be so eternally.

1. The Universe is Mental: The first aspect of the conscious creation process is also the first of the seven Hermetic Universal Laws. It tells us that the Universe is Mental. This means that all things in the physical realm have their origin in the invisible mental realm. There is a single, intelligent Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe – all powerful, all knowing, all creative and present everywhere at the same time – the Universal Mind. Since It is Omnipresent it stands to reason that your mind must be part of It and “the same in kind and quality, the only difference being one of degree” as Charles Haanel said.

2. Everything is Energy: The second aspect of conscious creation is that everything in the Universe, including everything in the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, every human being, every planet, star and galaxy, everything seen and unseen – EVERYTHING – is energy. Whatever you see in your physical world is simply energy vibrating at varying frequencies that your five senses interpret as something solid or tangible.

Two more Hermetic Universal Laws are relevant here. The Law of Polarity that tells us that energy and matter may appear to be opposites but are in fact varying degrees of the same thing (i.e. energy); and the Law of Vibration that tells us that everything is in constant motion, that everything is vibrating. Since all is energy, one can conclude that mind is energy but we already knew that from the first aspect. William Walker Atkinson told us that “where mind is static [potential] energy, thought is dynamic energy – two phases of the same thing”.

3. Thought is Creative: The third aspect of the conscious creation process is that thought creates. At the back of everything that you directly experience in your physical world, seen or unseen, is thought. Whether you do so consciously or not, you create your reality through the power of your thoughts. Thought is Mind (energy) in action.

Thomas Troward, the renowned English judge and 1904 author of The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science, expressed thought’s creative power most eloquently when he said, “the action of Mind [thought] plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form.” This brings another two Universal Laws into play, specifically the Law of Cause (thought) and Effect (physical manifestation) and the closely related Law of Attraction, whereby that which is created is attracted to its original source (the thinker).

In a nutshell, conscious creation is a process whereby the conscious concentration of thought on a specific thing or outcome in the mental realm, gives rise to the manifestation of its corresponding physical manifestation in the physical realm. It is thought power that transmutes energy in its potential state (mind) into energy in its physical state (matter). Remember that the universe is mental, all is energy and that thoughts give you the power to consciously create your reality. Time bridges the gap between the mental realm of your thoughts and the physical realm of their manifestation. All you need is patience, persistence and perseverance and that which you focus upon with concentrated thought will, if left uninterrupted, materialize in your physical world.

Source: Tania Kotos
