7 Principles of Self Care for Healers

To avoid a burn out syndrome and be of service to others we must we must prioritise caring for ourselves as in self-care. These seven principles are applicable for all and not just for healing practitioners. We all are healers in our own right, it is perception which fails us to see otherwise. Self rejuvenation requires us to nourish our mind, body and of course soul. A neglect of self care creates imbalance and where there is imbalance, our performance is impacted.

Seven Principles of Self-Care for Healers taken from the direct teachings of Healing Touch Founder, Janet Mentgen

  1. Physical Clearing (Take care of our physical body, our physical existence.)
  2. Emotional Clearing (Express our hurts, our pains.)
  3. Mental Clearing (Change our cognitive thought processes.)
  4. Sacred Space (Create our sacred space when we are at home, our sacred space when we are away.)
  5. Silence (Move into the silence of meditation or Holy silence.)
  6. Holy Leisure (Learn to let go and bring balance into our life.)
  7. Holy Relationships (Be committed to our relationships.)