Women of Sufism by Camille Helminski


This morning, I received an email from a mystic, one who learns from Khidr; the Green one. She asked me if I had ever read Women of Sufism by Shaykha Camille Helminski.

This triggered profound memories of the early part of my journey in the Kingdom of Love; Arabia, and brought me to beautiful memories. The following was my reply to this Qalander,

Salaam and Good Morning,

Yes, I did read the book, Women of Sufism by Helminski. I read this perhaps over a decade ago while living in Riyadh. I found it to be supportive as at that time in my journey I was feeling as if men too had totally hijacked the spiritual path. I recall feeling hopelessness and resentful and even wondered if Islam was being unfair. This book did save the day for me and reminded me of the fact that we were always there and will always be lovers of the Divine. Spirituality is inherent in our nature and this is something that can never be taken away, even if we go unrecognised. I was reminded of the stories I heard in my childhood and through people of female mystics and those who performed miracles… Hence, I did find it beneficial. Now, as far as covering all geographical locations and orders, sure, it is lacking yet whatever the author could do, I am sure she did her best. So AH ( Alhamdullilah) for the effort. I had even lent the book out to SELECT ladies, some of whom today are in the front lines of the Path in Arabia. So again… I must say that the book itself was pivotal and an aide while I was in the dry and harsh region of Najd.
As far as the couple is concerned, I personally have not met them, yet knew of them before I was initiated. I being inclined towards the Mevelevi Order or Mev. Rumi’s teachings, did come across their work yet no opening ever came from my guides to take from their way. I do recall a dream I had of Kabir and his son and not sure if Camille was in the dream. Hence, I did write an email to him or them and do not recall a reply. I believe it was redirecting me towards the Mevlevi Order as at that time I was not ready for the initiation which came later in dream-initially.
I was to meet Shams e Tabrez personified in a female figure. She drove me to a place unlike any other conduit and prepared me for my life’s calling. In the process, I was ‘transformed’ into a Rumi Prototype (far from his reality yet symbolically) and then this year, I was to be initiated in person in Makkah on the 6th of Rabi 1 and the eve of the Dec 6th.
The Shams I met was my twin soul, my exact mirror. Yet, like Shams e Tabrez had to ‘leave’, the same is my story. She did what Shams did to Rumi and the rest is history. I am indebted to my mirror, a true Qalander. I know that the disappearance was only illusion as I was to reach a state of annihilation in love through her discipline that it brought me to one reality, there is no separation, only union. In this process, I composed multiple poems with no ‘background’ in poetry. She brought out the reality of my DNA if anything. Through her, I found my way and am aligned to my way which is to serve, serve, and serve. She alighted me, put me ablaze and gave me a sip from the Cup of Love. I am to do my work in sobriety through the state of drunkeness.

Your Doorstep

I shall sit by your door
Like an unworthy beggar
I shall remain at your doorstep
Forever and ever

I promise to remain silent
I shall utter not a word or gesture
I shall diffuse in your presence
I am in Love!
And you are the cause!
My only desire?
A glimpse of your face
I swear this love is Divine
Must I admit and proclaim to all;
this love I speak of is earthly.

I seek the day where I shall meet once again, if not here, then by Mustafa’s Fountain!

A River Named Love

There is a river named Love

Upon its banks lovers reside

S e p a r a t e d and United by Love

All in love.

Desiring union they yearn daily

This river is food and drink

Their Fountain of Eternal Life

Lovers must unite!

How shall we reach our beloved’s gate?

Frantic and mad they wail in haste:

This mighty river has split one heart!

Recalling Khidr’s auspicious advice;

One must take the leading plunge

The other shall mirror in unison

Never again to depart

Never again to say good bye

Together in this river they delight

United at last

Shackled by chains

Drifted by vicious currents

Into the Eternal Ocean of Love

Swim together upon the waves

Drink together the eternal drink

Drown together in eternal Love

Live together in eternal Light

[Copyright-Qudra Healing]

With respect,
Your Dost

The Women of Sufism Study Circle can be accessed here

One may register after reading the guidelines and join the virtual study circle which will give insights into the mystical dimension in Islam, also known as Sufism through a feminine lens.
I had registered this morning and look forward to studying the subject deeper.