Mevlana Rumi and Fariddudin Attar

Every master has a select vessel where secrets and knowledge may be poured into. The Master seeks an empty vessel, a heart ready to receive. Attar the famed Persian poet and mystic too sought an empty vessel and in his presence arrived the young Jelaluddin Rumi. The latter, as legend states had fled with his family,  the Mongol invasion of his homeland  and en route to Anatolia, in the city of Neshapour, young Jelaluddin had to come into the physical presence of Master Attar who would gaze at him and grace him for such works the world had yet to see. He saw Jelaluddin’s father walking ahead of his son and said, “Here comes a sea followed by an ocean.”
Naturally, Attar a master, recognised the secret of Rumi and gave him his  Asrarnama, the book of secrets, which prepared him to study deeper the subtle mysteries of the heart. Later in his adult years, Mevlana Rumi was to meet his spiritual Master and guide who would alchemically transmute the scholar into an ecstatic lover of Divine, something the world had yet to expreience. Again, Shamsuddin too was in search of a open vessel, a master whom he would transfer his entire being and secrets to. Rumi was the select and elect candidate for Shams e Tabrez.
Among the students of Rumi, was Husamuddin. As the story goes, Husamuddin implored Mevlana Rumi, “If you were to write a book like the Ilahiname of Sanai or the Mantiq ‘ut-Tayr (Conference of the Birds) of Attar it would become the companion of many troubadours. They would fill their hearts from your work and compose music to accompany it.” Thereupon Mevlana Rumi embraced the suggestion and composed the song of the reed which would become the opening chapter of his Mathnavi, a six volume epic work of the famed Eastern poet who stands today as the most read poet in the West.
Song of the Reed

Listen to the reed as it tells its tale;

it complains of separation.


Since they cut me from the reed-bed,
men and women have been crying over my lament.


I wish for someone with a bosom torn apart by separation,
so that I can tell them the meaning of the pain of longing.


Everyone who stays far away from his own origin
seeks to get back to the day he was together with it.


I have been crying in every gathering;
I have kept company with the miserable and the happy.


Everyone has thought he is my friend,
but no one has sought my inner secrets.


My secret is not far from my crying,
but neither eye nor ear has the light to find it.


Body from soul, soul from body are not veiled,
but no one has permission to see the soul.


This call of the reed is fire, not wind.
Everyone who has not this fire–should be naught.


The fire is love that came down into the reed;
its fervor is love that came down into the wine.


The reed is the companion of everyone parted from a beloved.
Its tunes have torn apart our veils.


Who has seen such a poison and antidote as the reed?
Who has seen such a sympathizer and longing lover as the reed?


The reed tells the tale of the Way full of blood.
It tells the love stories of Layla and Majnun.


No one but the delirious is intimate with this consciousness.
The tongue has no customer but the ear.


In our sorrow the days have become untimely.
The days accompany the burning griefs.


If the days are gone, tell them “Go!” and never mind.
But Thou, please stay, for none is as holy as Thou.


Everyone but the fish is fed up with his water.
For everyone without daily bread, his day is very long.


No one who is raw can understand the state of the cooked.
So the talk should be short. “That’s all!”
Recommended Read

Dec 17-Love Shift and Soul Attunement

Shab e Arus, Master of Love; Mevlana Jaluluddin Rumi’s night of Union  corresponds to the Gregorian date, December 17th. The lunar or Hijra date of his birth corresponds to the 6th of Rabiul Awal. The chances of both solar and lunar dates to align on one’s birth and death date are one every few decades or even centuries. Today, these two dates coincide marking the birth and ‘death’ of Jalaluddin Rumi as ONE. Traditional teachings state the passing of a saint translates to Divine Union or the “wedding night” of the beloved where soul reunites with his Lord. How magical, mystical, beautiful that today the lovers of Rumi can actually live to experience the alignment of such a date. Next year and the coming years will not be the same in terms of numerics. Hence, as per the instructions of our noble Master and guide who transmits guidance from the realm of love, today is a day of great alignment for those who seek it through the love of Mevlana Rumi.

Great avatars were sent to heal humanity and enlighten souls, penetrating hearts in a way indescribable through words. Mevlana Jalauddin Rumi reigns as the Greatest teacher of Love, the King of Love, The Heavenly Poet whose poems transcend time and space and speak to every seeker.

Rumi is for every season and for every heart

Qudra Healing, a student of the  Mevlevi Way of Mevlana Rumi was initiated into the  mystical order via a Dede; an authorized conduit of the Mevlevi Order of Rumi. He summoned her to take the pledge of allegiance in the order through Owaisi (telepathic) initiation. Feeling at home once again, Qudra explains that from childhood up till present, she can connect the dots, experiences and openings which resonate to the Shams Rumi Phenomena as she coins it.  “To say in the least, it donned upon me just a few days ago that my lunar birthday, 6th Rabiul Awal, coincides with Mevlana Rumi’s lunar birth date”says Qudra.

Instructions for Love Alignment December 17th,2015

Asana –Meditation Position

Select a place of solitude indoor or outdoors with no distractions.

All positions require an upright posture keeping spine straight at all times.

  • Lotus Position
  • Cross Legged
  • Kneeling position



Eyes Open and immerse your gaze onto one of the two images below, till you feel an imprint on your heart. Closing your eyes, seeing the same image.

Recite: HU (Huuu)

Breathe in through nose:  Huuu-Visualize Inhaling Divine White Light entering into your entire being. Absorb.

Breathe out through nose: Huuu-Visualize Exhaling Darkness within exiting your being.

Alternate image in your next meditation.

Mev. Rumi



Mudra-Hand Position

When we connect the index finger and thumb we begin to feel the pulse of the heart, and our focus now becomes the heart, and Divine says, “I cannot be found on Heavens or earth, but I can be found in the heart of My believer.” That connection opens the flow of Divine power, what we call “Qudra”

Hu Hand Position: Bring together your index finger and thumb forming a circle. Palms facing down resting on your legs, or palms facing up resting on your legs.

Duration: Continue to inhale and exhale HU until your heart feels full of light and contentment.



Closing Prayer for Mawlânâ Rumi:

A disciple of Mawlânâ’s named Ikhtiyâru ‘d-dîn “…saw in a dream that God– may He be glorified and exalted– gave a prayer [du`â] for the deceased [Mawlânâ Jalaluddin Rumi] with this expression:

“O Allah, be merciful and kind toward my chief, my reliance, my shaykh, the place of the spirit in my body, the provision of my today and tomorrow, and Our Master [Mawlânâ], the Glory [Jalâl] of the Truth [ul-Haqq] and the Religion [ud-Dîn]! And upon his fathers, his ancestors, his mothers, his children, his successors, and his followers until the Day of Resurrection!”

allâhumma ‘arHam wa taHannan `alà sayyidî wa sanadî wa shaykhî
wa makâni ‘r-rûHi min jasadî wa Zakhîrati yawmî wa ghadî wa
mawlânâ jalâlu ‘l-Haqq wa ‘d-dîn wa `alà âbâ’i-hi wa ajdâdi-hi wa
ummahâti-hi wa awlâdi-hi wa khulafâ’i-hi wa atbâ`i-hi ilà yawmi

Recite Surah Fatiha

Note: The above should be done prior to sunset on the 17th of December.


Further reading