Qudra Healing

Part 1: Chakras Overview

Chakra Balancing

Rainbow Brite; a seeker of universal harmony and balance

by Gayle Kirk

 The goal of this text on chakras is to help you understand:

1.) What are chakras, why are they important, and how do they support our bodies?

2.) Where are the 7 main chakras and what are their related life issues?

3.) What are energy blockages or energy imbalances in the chakras?

4.) Why do we want to identify and remove energy blocks/imbalances and balance our chakras?

5.) What are some ways you can balance your chakras and your clients’ chakras?

6.) What is meant by the “kundalini rising”?

1) What are chakras, why are they important, and how do they support our bodies? Our bodies appear to be solid, but, in fact, we are 99.99% empty space filled with energetic, vibrating atoms, according to quantum physicists. Our entire body vibrates at a basic frequency of approximately 8 cycles per second, which is the same frequency as the basic electromagnetic field of the Earth. We are literally attuned to the Earth. Chakras (pronounced “Shock-Ruhs”) are whirling concentrated energy centers.They are measurable patterns of electromagnetic activity for receiving, assimilating, and transmitting life-force energy to and within the body.Chakras receive and transmit energy all the time. When perceived clairvoyantly, chakras appear as a colorful wheel or flower with a hub in the center, similar to fans with overlapping blades. Chakras are located deep within the center of the physical body next to a hormonal gland along the spinal column. There are three currents or nadis, which flow in and around the spinal column, like the serpents spiraling around the caduceus (the familiar symbol used by the American Medical Association). The current on the left is the Ida, the feminine force of passion and emotion. The current on the right is the Pingala, the masculine force of the intellect. Chakras are attached along the spine from the base to the top of the head and are held in place by the crossing of the invisible Ida and Pingala. Chakras draw in Divine life-force energy (also called “ki”, “chi” or “prana”) from the Universe and distribute this vital energy to the physical glands and organs in the body and through the bloodstream and nervous system for optimum health and well being.

Chakras coincide with the body’s endocrine system. Each chakra has an influence over the endocrine glands and internal organs in that part of the body where the chakra is located. Sometimes, their influence covers a broader area. The chakras also connect the spinal cord, the autonomic nervous system, and the endocrine system with our subtle body of vibration energy called the bioelectromagnetic field or aura. There are two primary electrical systems in the physical body. The first is the alternating electrical current of the nervous system and brain, which governs our muscles, hormones, and physical sensations. The second is a continuous, electromagnetic radiation coming off our atoms which allows for an energy exchange between individuals and their environment. Each person’s unique energy field or aura makes up the person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states. Scientists in the field of energy medicine agree that this vibrating energy field stores coded information about our past, present, and future health.

Chakras originated in the ancient Hindu system of healing dating back to before 2,500 BC. Yogis have used the chakra system for thousands of years as an integral part of holistic healing. Every living being, including the Earth has chakras. There are hundreds of chakras within and around you, but most psychics and healers are concerned with only the 7 major ones. Some people are sensitive enough to see or feel the chakras. To try it for yourself, lie on your back and pass your hand over your front midline, from the pubic area to the top of your head, a few inches above your body. You may feel the chakras as intense concentrations of energy. You may see the colors of the chakras with your inner eye or third eye even if you aren’t looking directly at them. This may be seen easier with your eyes closed using the inner eye. It may also be easier to try to see and feel the colors of a friend’s chakras rather than your own.

 Where are the 7 main chakras and what are their related life issues? Besides their role in maintaining our physical health, chakras also oversee various life issues. Each of the 7 main chakras reflects essential aspects of consciousness and governs our lives, loves, learning, and spiritual awakening.

The 1st Chakra (Root) governs Physical Needs and Security.

The 2nd Chakra (Sacral) governs Sexuality, Emotions, and Desires.

The 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus) governs Power.

The 4th Chakra (Heart) governs Love, Forgiveness, and Compassion.

The 5th Chakra (Throat) governs Communication.

The 6th Chakra (Brow) governs Intuition and Reasoning.

The 7th Chakra (Crown) governs Spirituality and Understanding.

The chakras are interrelated; one affects another. The Root Chakra is the lowest of the 7 chakras and spins the slowest or resonates at the lowest of the 7 vibration frequencies. The Crown Chakra is the highest of the 7 chakras and spins the fastest. Each chakra is also a different color.

The colors are similar to a rainbow and go from Red (Root) – Orange (Sacral) -Yellow (Solar Plexus) – Green (Heart) – Blue (Throat) – Indigo (Brow) – Violet (Crown).

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