

As last discussed on 14 Dec. I have since then made istikhara for 3 nights but did not dream anything but still feel positively that I would really love to do Qudra Healing. I would like to give you some insight regarding myself. I have been wanting to do Reiki for a long long time. I have always made sujood for guidance regarding me going into healing because I feel a strong pull in that direction. I was unable to find anyone suitable because i wanted to do it more on an Islamic perspective. I have this strange feeling in my heart since I have been in contact with you, a good feeling, I cannot explain it but it feels like a bit of a tremor type of a thing.

I have become so much more conscious of Allah and I am so much more drawn to Him. Alhumdullilah I’m experiencing a shiver through my body as I read your reply. My heart feels overwhelmed and I shed a few tears. I thank you for your interest in me and cannot express how deeply you have touched me. Shukran
Its just like I’m being swept away by unseen forces. I have always been a soft person but these days I have become so much more so. I cry so easily and I am moved by so many things. I look at the sky, the birds, the mountains, the insects almost everything with so much love and awe. I myself cannot fully grasp what actually is happening. Its just like I’m being swept away but in a very peaceful way.
With a heart filled with gratitude I greet you with love and peace.
Now on a lighter note. I’m so pleased to see that Rumi n Shams Tabriz are mentioned so often. You won’t believe that, before I contacted you I read a book called 40 Rules of Love by Elif Shafak. You won’t believe how moved I was by it. It got to my inner being so much, it truly moved and inspired me therefore I was pleasantly surprised to see his works were mentioned so often. Life is a chain of events by the Hand of Allah.

On World Healing Day Arabia April 28th 2012:

There is something i feel i must tell you about my meditation today as it melted in with all of your prayers and energy into a wide bundle of blue light.
As i felt i was drawn in to the energy i had a vision:
I saw a march of Arabian women, all of them glowing in strength and light. They were unveiled, standing as they were in their full glory and beauty. In the first line 4 very radiant women who led the march. I don’t know which country this was in, but clearly all women stepped forward to show their true inner power of free being.They were all shining with peace, love and light and such strength.
Then I saw very muscular feminine arms…of a very beautifull woman, she lifted something. She was one of the female carriers of the Arc of the covenant!
I was told that the women would carry the light and that they would heal the men. The women would bring forth this light from the Arc. Then i saw Egypt and it’s pyramides. This is were it faded and shortly after this burst of energy i ended meditation. As i was puzzled about it’s meaning i started to google on my pc.

Now, to my surprise i googled on what the arc of the covenant could mean and found some astonishing info. It explaines alot of what i had experienced, as the arc is mentioned in Kuran/bible and jewish scripture…and the pyramide of Gizeh has something to do with it as well….and: ‘women will carry the light(the sun) that shines from the arc’…..The arcs true meaning being the strength of/from God and the path to inner enlightenment……I was so amazed!
(Healer Jose Smit)

September 2012 from North America:

“I’m writing to ask if Qudra is open to non-muslims. I came across the writings of Hafez while working in Oman . This led me to explore the Islamic esoteric writings. About 6 months later I had a ‘twin-flame’ experience which I’ve been trying to understand . I think I was ‘led’ to your website which is a wonderful & blessed help in realizing what a gift such a shems – like counter can be. Thank you, dear Qudra Healer for inviting me to pour out my heart about this. I’ve been trying to make sense of it since June of 2011. In my readings of Hafez , Rumi & the sacred poetry of Islam ( & others) I find insight & solace. To put it briefly and simply, I was not prepared for the spiritual shock that walked into the classroom and into my life in the form of one of the (male) students. I knew instantly that there was a powerful connection here. Well, doesn’t the mind/ego play tricks when we are afraid?! And I was afraid. Such an inexplicable attraction – physical, spiritual, compassionate, humorous, whatever – simply had to be denied. This was not just one of the crushes students often had on western teachers. This ‘crush’ was reciprocated ! I feel you will understand because I become really confused in trying to put itinto words. On so many levels he was ‘teaching’ me. And all the while, I knew that it wasn’t just the physical presence of this young man, but he was pointing the way to a spiritual expansion / growth. Luckily I had the Hafez / spiritual poetry to shed some light and ‘ground’ the experience. “I could go on forever about the personal details / exchanges / synchronicities /symbols that passed between us and brought profound joy ( and anguish ) and continue…..will continue, I know, for a lifetime.

Apart from practicing positive thinking, as advised, I started to recite Quranic verses for protection due to certain circumstances I was facing. I had been ill for over 6 weeks. My maid was bringing a pot of boiling water with vicks in it. As she approached me, she slipped and the boiling water splashed upon my legs. My children, maid and guests were a witness that not only did I not scream, yet no burns or scalding appeared on my legs. I felt no pain. Truly the verses I read proved to be a safeguard against calamities. I am very grateful to the Almighty and the Quranic healer who prescribed the daily reading.

Qudra manifested in the most unique way. I was regularly reciting the litany you advised, days later a donor appeared granting our cause 75,000 SR. Little did I expect anything but ease for personal issues, as surely the last thing on my mind was a donation! Qudra energy is quite powerful!

The dream concerning yourself issuing a cheque of 109.000 transpired to my amazement. Approximately 1.5 months post this dream, I recieved two cheques for our institute; one with the amount of 50.000 and the other 59.000. Alhamdullilah, all praise is to Allah for keeping people of grace on earth.

On my second attunement, I felt very warm and at peace. In fact, my son felt I was my temperature was abnormally warm, and asked if I had a fever.

My 14 year old son is a budding entrepreneur. We simply are amazed of how your self esteem & healing program for kids has had such an effect. He has actually set up a small business and is actually making money!! This has really boosted his self worth and experience. Thank you so much.

My teenage daughter who is bullied often at school is now on her way to becoming a Black Belt and I shall entrust her to you to teach and guide her as I’ve seen the positive effects of only three meetings between you two.

Qudra Healer, I am a big believer in Qudra. For twenty years I was separated from my best friend/beloved. After my encounter with you, and my constant prayers, I found my best friend and he is not only back in my life but a very much part of my heart once again. Subhallah, it’s as if 20 years of heart pain and prayers finally took effect after my first hand encounter with a person who truly transfers ‘Qudra.’

Angelic Healer: “Al hamdulilah, I am making duas for you and fatihas for you very much, no one wants to help me except you, may Allah bless you and your Grand father; Sheikh Abdal Qadir Jilani. Ameen. I also want to tell you there is no one in my life who did this good thing like the way you felt for us. I trust you very much, you are pure in and out, blessing inshallah.

In regards to the Tao course and Attunements, ofcourse I am ready. I had prayed 2 rakaats for a sign, and directly afterwards I received your confirmation about our common Teacher. There’s no doubt that I have been sent to you by him.

Is there a connection between (Qurdra) Healing and Fatima Zahra (RA)? Because, I have always believed that descendants of the Prophet (saw) who happen to have healing abilities is inherited from her. Especially when in the battle Uhud, Ali (RA) wasn’t able to stop the wounds of our beloved Prophet (saw) , but Fatima Zahra (RA) with her blessed hands using a smoking rope was able to do so. So she had healing abilities… I don’t know how and why it happened, but my love for Fatima(as) has increased spontaneously. Almost a very deep yearning for her. This started some 2 months ago when the QRA process started. I also started reading her biography ,because I felt I was lacking informaton about her (as) and her family.

I met the Qudra Healer and expressed my concern regarding my fertility issue. For quite sometime, I’ve been unable to get pregnant and went for many medical tests to no avail. I was told by my medical caregivers that everything was ‘fine’ yet my infertility issue was still unknown. Our discussion consisted of simply discussing the power of Qudra and I was amazed at what I was told. I believed in Qudra yet never officially decided on taking attunements. A month passed and I met the healer again. I conveyed the good news of my pregnancy to her. We both were amazed at such results simply based on ‘talk.’ Qudra is real, it is very powerful and I am grateful to the Healer. SubhanAllah!

“I have read your notes below and gone through your site once again after hanging up and the more I read the more everything seems to sink smoothly.. i’m not trying to push myself into this but maybe it’s the fact that what i have had in mind really exists and not only that but has a name QUDRA healing… I believe everything alive and everything happening or simply being around has a reason, include me coming here to you.”

” Yes the power of Qudra is magical and alf elhimdillah it happend!(me talking to my mom-after 2 years).. i didn’t plan it so soon orthink of it-i simply took my phone and looked for her name on my list and pressed the button.. elhimdillah a million times…i’m feeling more in control this morning and happy…”

“I am able to notice people’s emotions a lot more and accurately now.”

“Also power of attraction is intense; I have people all over me now!”

“Thank you for helping me open my eyes and see everything from a new perspective”

“My teacher actually noticed a difference in me, apparently now when I enter a room, I have a presence.”

“I actually notice so much energy at different times of the day. Lately, oh my God, my brain is exploding with ideas, thoughts and stuff I want to do, and I’m learning so much about myself. At first I didn’t notice any change but now I see so much, like I feel different and more aware and feel awake and as if blind folds have been removed from my eyes…”

“My energy levels have soared, I feel as if this is an anti depressant and my interest towards my family, which I was loosing, has actually increased!”

I’ve always had interest in spirituality, after taking attuenment, I found my spiritual path- my niche.

It is an honor knowing you. You are such a wonderful soul.

I feel the world we live in needs more of what you are doing

I can’t tell you how lucky I am to have someone from al al-bait taking care of me.

You are the light sent to us to show us the way.

Mashallah you are such a blessing.

I don’t know why, but I am sure that it is a divine plan done through you.
Like the touch of an Artist, you have successfully put a smile on my face.

Thanks once again for your positive impact on us, definitely you will be a great inspiration to the masses out there.

I viewed your site and my response can only be, that it’s extremely impressive and thoroughly enlightening .No doubt whoever visits or passes your site will not only be well-pleased with but also spiritually and mentally- uplifted !

Quite informative and stimulating I might add, I think this is the beginning of a positive step for all those who seek true enlightenment. May Allah use you and all those attached to your noble cause to become the guiding stars toward happiness.

In actual fact I too have been an ardent follower of the nature of energy all my life, I also teach if that might cause any interest, I surely hope to use your site more often.

I’m a business owner and have so much more business after getting in contact with you. I truly feel you have transferred ‘barakah’ to us.

“I’ve been directed to meditate more often, and this is helping me stay focused and grounded, keeping me in the ‘present.’

“Simply comming into contact with such healers, I truly feel a sense of enlightment and that my issues are being resolved..the more I become myself, the easier it is to deal with what I thought were problems.”

I was a stay at home mother with older children. I felt frustrated and wished to utilize my time in contributing my skills and talents to the community. After my attunements, I discovered my strenghts and landed my dream job!

I was never truly happy working as an executive, although my job was very well paying. After comming in contact with Qudra Healing, I’ve been able to find my calling. I now own three businesses and have happily transitioned from an executive in a reputalbe firm to a passionate business owner who looks forward to waking up daily for my real work.

My child; a special needs child, is on his road to healing. Thank you Qudra Healer, I love what you’ve done for me.

The artist within me was so shy to come out..now after my attunements, I feel ready to exhibit my works. I can’t wait to launch my company.

After taking the Tao of Islamic Chi course, I’ve ever since, have consciously decided to put my life in order. My life was a huge chaos and I never even realized such simple changes could make huge differences in my life. Thank you Qudra Healer.

After my Attunements, the doors for me to pursue my post graduate degree have actually opened. I didn’t expect this at all, yet always had a desire to continue my higher education.

My wife and I both need healing. After our first meeting with you, we both feel very positive and look forward to receiving more positive energy. I believe strongly in energy work and know this will help us heal and bring our family back on track by Allah’s grace.