Saint Francis of Assisi and the Dervishes

 Over the centuries, the talks of Saint Francis and his relation to Islamic Mystics have left many in wonderment. Idres Shah sheds light on the subject sharing historic encounters of the Saint with the Mystics of the East.

Saint and Sultan

“When he was thirty, Francis decided to try to reach the East, and specifically Syria, which abutted upon the area of Asia Minor where the Whirling Dervishes were established. Prevented by financial troubles, he returned to Italy. Then he started out again, this time toward Morocco. He set off with a companion and traversed the whole kingdom of Aragon in Spain, though nobody can say why he did this, and some biographers are actually puzzled. Spain was very much penetrated with esoteric ideas and schools.

He did not actually reach Morocco, being driven back by illness, In the spring of 1214 he returned home.
Now he set out for the Crusades, where the siege of Damietta was in progress. Sultan Malik el-Kamil was encamped across the Nile—and Francis went to see him. He was well received, and the theory is that he went there to try to convert the Sultan to Christianity. “The Sultan,” says a chronicler, “not only dismissed Francis in peace, with wonder and admiration for the man’s unusual qualities, but received him fully into his favor, gave him a safe-conduct by which he might go and come, with full permission to preach to his subjects, and an entreaty that he would frequently return to visit him.” (Idres Shah)

The Whirling Dervishes can attain intuitive knowledge partly by a peculiar form of spinning, presided over by an instructor. Rumi’s school of Whirling Dervishes was in full operation in Asia Minor, and its founder was still alive, during the lifetime of St. Francis.

Here is the puzzling “spinning” tale:
Francis was walking through Tuscany with a disciple, Brother Masseo. They arrived at a fork in the road. One path led to Florence, another to Arezzo, a third to Siena.
Masseo asked which branch they should take.
“The road which God wills.”
“And which is that?”
“We will know by a sign. I command you, by your path of obedience, turn round and round as children do, until I tell you to stop.”
So poor Masseo twirled and twirled, till he fell down from giddiness. Then he got up and looked beseechingly at the saint; but the saint said nothing, and Masseo, remembering his vow of obedience, began again to twirl his best. He continued to twirl and to fall for some time, till he seemed to have spent all his life in twirling, when, at last, he heard the welcome words: “Stop, and tell me whither your face is turned.”
“To Siena,” gasped Masseo, who felt the earth rock round him.
“Then to Siena we must go,” said Francis, and to Siena they went.

Saint Francis

Dream of Lady Fatima

Lady Fatima
Artist’s depiction of Lady Fatima


Latest dream received from a lady in Jeddah, (Rajab) May 2014:

A Visit to the Resting Place of Lady Fatima al Zahra in Madina & the Secret Link of the Fatimi Prayer

During and after my eldest sister’s passing away, my younger sister and I have been regularly praying certain prayers that are found in Ahle Bait narrations. Additionally, on the day Qudra came for a healing session for my ailing sister in the hospital, she administered a particular prayer associated with Lady Fatima al Zahra, which is read among her descendants, in order for us to recite.
As a direct result of the related prayers of Lady Fatima, I was shown the following dream:
In the dream I saw myself and my sister taking a journey on our own from Jeddah to the sanctified city of Madina Al Munawara to Masjid-e-Nabi (Prophet Mohammed’s Mosque)
We used a new mode of transportation to reach there. In order to enter the Mosque, we stood in a queue to pay for the duration of stay at the mosque. Just as we pay for parking space when accessing certain commercial areas. (I was quite astonished at what I witnessed as this is not the norm)
Before paying the entry fee, I submitted my sister’s and my ID cards. The lady glanced at my ID and said they need clarification on our identity. So she phoned another senior admin staff.

When I asked the lady, what was the entire problem about? Why we need this ‘clarification’..
The lady working at the Mosque, stated, “you are Hashimite”
She gave me, a master card with our full names which we were supposed to be using for future visits to Prophet’s Mosque.
On the card, I clearly saw the word “Hashimite”..
I entered the mosque.
It appeared more like the Grand Mosque in Makkah than that of Madina.
My sister and I quickly walked towards a white stair case which was designed to take us to the female section.
We took the staircase and came down, it turned to night and we were in some remote place and no longer in the Mosque’s premises.. I looked to my right, and saw a small horizontal, maintained but not renovated white building. I read the sign board, which stated in dark green text, “Fatima Al Zahra” in English and Arabic.
While I was about to enter the building, I saw a grave like structure, I thought –
“ Is this Fatima Az-Zahra’s grave? Should I walk over it? NO, it’s wrong..”
So I walked beside it respectfully and entered the building by opening a large rectangular door covered with aged black leather. Following in my steps was my sister.
My sister and I entered a room. In this room, I saw a small group of women, approximately 7-9, were praying and meditating, deeply engrossed in worship.
Just as we stood for prayer, raising my hand to recite, “Allahu Akbar” (God is Great).. I awoke.
Peace be upon Lady Fatima and her descendants.