Spiritual Communication Between Two People

Telepathic Communication Between Two People

by Enoch an

How do two people become so connected that they are able to communicate without being in contact physically, speak to each other through telepathy and even feel the same pains?

The ability to send to and receive from each other thoughts and feelings comes from a spiritual connection between the two of you. When two people are spiritually close to each other, they are often able to sense what the other is feeling or thinking.

Telepathic communication consists of two directions, sending and receiving.

It depends on intention. Whether you have the intent to sense what the other person is thinking and feeling, or for the other person to pick up certain thoughts and feelings you are sending. It will be harder for others to sense your thoughts if you want to hide yourself from them. You psychically put up a shield to prevent them from seeing your intentions. The same is also true when others do that.

It takes someone of a stronger mind and greater clarity of thinking to penetrate the psychic shields of others to see what they are thinking.

When two people are spiritually close, they trust each other and they have mutual empathy. Empathy is one of the key ingredients of telepathy.

Telepathy which is of the psychic level of the mind tends to operate beyond pure words and linguistics. It takes place in the form of feelings, images and desires. You may be able to receive telepathic communication from another person in the form of pure words. But usually it comes through a feeling, image or desire.

Depending on whether the telepathic message is verbal or nonverbal as well as your dominant mental modality, you might receive the message by instantly knowing it (Paracognition), hearing it from an inner voice in your mind (clairaudience), visualize it (clairvoyance) or feeling it (clairsentience).

In non-local telepathy which is psychic communication out of sight, you might sense an emotion that another person is feeling at that time, or you might think of an image that is related to what that person is experiencing, or you could sense what that person is intending to do. All these happens without you being able to read the body language of the person.

That psychic message that you get doesn’t seem to be just a thought that you conjure up in your mind out of pure imagination but it comes with the feeling of clarity and inner certainty which is exactly what intuition is made up of.

All things at the psychic level operates through the power of belief. In order to send or receive telepathy, you first need to have the belief that you can send and receive telepathy, and that it is going to happen.

The methods of telepathy are induction, visualization and will.

First induce the emotion, image or desire that you are sending within yourself first. Allow yourself to be experiencing it at that moment.

Secondly, visualize your emotion, image or desire traveling to that person and he/she picking it up and experiencing it too.

Thirdly, will it to happen and be certain that it has happened the way you intend it to be.

Take note that telepathy never fails. The outcome always follows the laws that influence it which are the beliefs and attitudes of both parties and the spiritual connection between them. What we call failure is merely feedback about what we are doing.

When a message does not seem to get through or it seems distorted, it is simply because of opposing intentions, beliefs, lack of mutual trust. It could even be your own interpretation of the emotions, images and desires that you receive that prevents you from seeing what really is.

Being authentic is one of the keys to sending and receiving clear telepathic messages. The virtue of honesty and truth is a spiritual law of reality.

When you have a good telepathic connection with someone, you can read each others thoughts easily. So sometimes you do not want the other to know something, such as the correct answer to a question. You can use techniques of counter-telepathy.

You can put up a psychic shield by visualizing it and willing that the person can’t read your mind. Or if you want to, you could mislead the person by focusing on an opposite thought or the wrong answer instead. He/she would usually pick up the misleading thought and be mislead.

This misleading thought effect also explains why it is so important to watch our thoughts. Sometimes we think certain negative thoughts towards a person when we are momentarily angry or upset. The person may pick these thoughts up and think that is what we really think about him/her when it isn’t our true thoughts.

It is alright to think those thoughts for awhile but we must not forget to revert to sending our truer positive thoughts of peace, harmony and well being in between or afterwards, and to send them with equal or greater intensity. Especially to someone we truly love.

Finally, it is also about love. When you really love someone, Universal Mind or God will tell you things about that person, because God is love and love connects you to that person spiritually. That person can also sense certain emotions, images and desires from you through the universal mind.

Telepathic connection works best when we don’t try to force it. When we know it works, it works. But when we think it might work, it doesn’t work. It is driven more by our subconscious beliefs than by conscious effort. The more we try to force it, the worse we do.

The things you tend to send telepathically are the things that you focus on most often. If you focus more often on positive things, you will send positive emotions, images and desires. If you focus more often on negative things, you will send negative emotions, images and desires.

What is Intuition?


What is Intuition and How Do I Use it?

 By Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed.

 Intuition is an incredible resource and gift that we have been given to help us live our best life. Unfortunately, not many people know what it is or how to use it. The word intuition means “in to you” in Latin. Florence Scovel, a theologian, once said, “Intuition is the spiritual faculty that doesn’t explain; it seemingly points the way.” It’s also been said that intuition is your divine Spirit talking to you. If you will stop for a moment and acknowledge this, you will begin to realize the incredible perspective you have at your fingertips. You have this very amazing power! And you don’t even have to get any special training to start using it. All you need to do is raise your awareness about it and set your intention to harness it. Intuitive messages range from an inkling to a strong sign or message. Your inner self is persistent and consistent. It will keep trying to get your attention until you finally wise up! An inkling is like a glimmer or passing feeling/ thought that comes from somewhere inside and usually proceeds a hunch or intuitive message. A “hunch” is accurate information from a higher intelligence; therefore, you can rely on it. An intuitive message ranges from hearing actual words, seeing a clear picture, or a deep inner knowing. Some people experience intuition as a feeling, others a gut reaction, others will see images or have a dream, others hear an actual message. Become familiar with how your inner self communicates with you. Once you receive the message, check it out with your research and common The best ways to get in touch with your intuition are:

 1. Be quiet Practice taking time out every day to experience silence. Calm your mind with traditional or active meditation. Release your need to think, analyze, and know everything. The best information comes from the deep recesses of your soul.

 2. Be open Open to the gift of intuition and accept what is has to tell you. Many times, our ego thinks it has it “all figured out,” but your true path may look very different than the one you are on. Being open to new possibilities and ways of living is key.

 3. Be creative There are many ways to be creative, painting, writing, dancing, designing a website, etc. Do something that helps you get into the “flow,” that place where time seems to fly by and the work is leading you. Creativity is an expression of your soul and goes hand-in-hand with intuitive guidance.

 4. Ask questions When you ask yourself questions, you gain additional insight and clarity. When you ask a question like “What is the next step I need to take?” know that you already know what you need to know. Trust yourself. You already have everything you need inside.

5. Journal When you write, you tap into thoughts, feelings, ideas and direction that you are not consciously aware of. Writing allows the truth to come forth and is an easy way to gain insight from your inner self. You can further develop your intuitive guidance by preparing yourself by gathering the necessary information and experiences to provide more of an opportunity for your intuition to surface. Intuition cannot be forced; you need to allow it. After loading up your mind with information about the issue, give your intuition time to work on it. And then become open to the answer. You will likely experience an “Aha” moment, which is a moment of instant awareness, where the answer sprouts from “out of the blue.” If you have an important decision to make and are not 100% sure about something happening, stop and think before making a decision. Usually this is your intuition trying to tell you that something is not quite right. Likewise, if you feel that you should go for it, do it, so you don ’t miss a valuable opportunity. Intuition is your very own best friend. It is always there for you. It waits patiently for you. It gives the absolute best advice, and all you have to do is ask! Like any good friendship, all it takes to nurture it is a little time and attention. If you decide to be close and intimate with your intuition, I promise that your life will transform into something wonderful

Learn Telepathy

By Kwaja S Azeemi


Brain of every human being is such a remarkable computer, created by the nature which consist of 200 Billion components.When we manage to learn to operate this fabulous inbuilt machine we start seeing beyond the phenomenal world, can communicate telepathy with our near and dear ones living at the far off distances, relay our sentiments for them and recieve messages transmitted by them.

Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi, a leading spiritual scientist of this century, has authored this book “Learn Telepathy” which is based upon those principles and electro – magnatic formulae which will enable you to enjoy the most sensational experiences of your life.
Covering the various aspects of theory and practice this book presents “Telepathy” with a pragmatic approch.

Telepathy, Is it Real?

Telepathy, from the Greek tele, “distant”, and patheia, “feeling”, is the claimed innate ability of humans and other creatures to communicate information from one mind to another, without the use of extra tools such as speech or body language. Considered a form of extra-sensory perception or anomalous cognition, telepathy is often connected to various paranormal phenomena such as precognition, clairvoyance and empathy. Though many scientific experiments into telepathy have been conducted, including recent ones by respected universities (some claiming significant positive results), telepathy remains controversial and is not widely accepted by scientists.

Telepathy is direct transference of thought from one person (sender or agent) to another (receiver or percipient) without using the usual sensory channels of communication, hence a form of extrasensory perception (ESP). While the existence of telepathy has not yet been proved, some parapsychological research studies have produced favorable results using such techniques as card guessing with a special deck of five sets of five cards. The agent may simply think of a random order of the five card symbols while the percipient tries to think of the order on which the agent is concentrating.

Telepathy in History

Very few anecdotal accounts of telepathy have been noted in many ancient cultures since historical records have been kept.

In the Bible, some prophets appear to have the ability to see into the future (precognition, time travel, grid travel). This seems to be a common claim from ancient and primitive people. But the sending and receiving of messages from individual to individual by mind alone is never mentioned at all. As with all psi phenomena, there is wide disagreement and controversy within the sciences, even within parapsychology, as to the existence of telepathy.

Western scientific investigation of telepathy is generally recognized as having begun with the initial program or research of the Society for Psychical Research. The apex of their early investigations was the report published in 1886 as the two-volume work Phantasms of the Living.

It was with this work that the term “telepathy” was introduced, replacing the earlier term “thought transference”. Although much of the initial investigations consisted largely of gathering anecdotal accounts with follow-up investigations, they also conducted experiments with some of those who claimed telepathic abilities. However, their experimental protocols were not very strict by today’s standards.

In 1917, psychologist John E. Coover from Stanford University conducted a series of telepathy tests involving transmitting/guessing playing cards. His participants were able to guess the identity of cards with overall odds against chance of 160 to 1; however, Coover did not consider the results to be significant enough to report this as a positive result.

Perhaps the most well-known telepathy experiments were those of J. B. Rhine and his associates at Duke University, beginning in the 1927 using the distinctive ESP Cards of Karl Zener. These involved more rigorous and systematic experimental protocols than those from the 19th century, used what were assumed to be ‘average’ participants rather than those who claimed exceptional ability, and used new developments in the field of statistics to evaluate results. Results of these and other experiments were published by Rhine in his popular book Extra Sensory Perception, which popularized the term “ESP”.

Another influential book about telepathy in its day was Mental Radio, published in 1930 by the Pulitzer prize-winning author Upton Sinclair (with foreword by Albert Einstein). In it Sinclair describes the apparent ability of his wife at times to reproduce sketches made by himself and others, even when separated by several miles, in apparently informal experiments that are reminiscent of some of those to be used by remote viewing researchers in later times. They note in their book that the results could also be explained by more general clairvoyance, and they did some experiments whose results suggested that in fact no sender was necessary, and some drawings could be reproduced precognitively.

By the 1960s, many parapsychologists had become dissatisfied with the forced-choice experiments of J. B. Rhine, partly because of boredom on the part of test participants after many repetitions of monotonous card-guessing and refusing the suggestion by magicians of adding cards that were totally blank, partly because of the observed “decline effect” where the accuracy of card guessing would decrease over time for a given participant, which some parapsychologists attributed to this boredom.

Some parapsychologists turned to free response experimental formats where the target was not limited to a small finite predetermined set of responses (e.g., Zener cards), but rather could be any sort of picture, drawing, photograph, movie clip, piece of music etc.

As a result of surveys of spontaneous psi experiences which reported that more than half of these occurred in the dreaming state, researchers Montaque Ullman and Stanley Krippner at the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York, undertook a series of experiments to test for telepathy in the dream state.

A “receiver” participant in a soundproof, electronically shielded room would be monitored while sleeping for EEG patterns and rapid eye movements (REMs) indicating dream state.

A “sender” in another room would then attempt to send an image, randomly selected from a pool of images, to the receiver by focusing on the image during the detected dream states. Near the end of each REM period, the receiver would be awakened and asked to describe their dream during that period. The data gathered suggested that sometimes the sent image was incorporated in some way into the content of the receiver’s dreams.

While the dream telepathy experiments results were interesting, to run such experiments required many resources (time, effort, personnel). Other researchers looked for more streamlined alternatives, such as the so-called ganzfeld experiments.

To date there has not yet been any satisfactory experimental protocol designed to distinguish telepathy from other forms of ESP such as clairvoyance.There have been rare claims of shared of visual hallucinations in folie a deux ­ shared psychotic disorder. These are beyond the scope of science at this time. The phenomena cannot be produced or reproduced on demand.

Telepathy and Science

Telepathy proponents point generally to controversially scientific concepts such as psychology and quantum mechanics, as areas of research that are considered to be deeply based in the scientific method, but have equally problematic and unexplainable links to the exclusively physical description of reality.

Quantum Mechanics

In seeking a “scientific explanation,” some telepathy proponents have claimed there to be connections between scientific quantum theory as a basis for telepathy. Such modern concepts of telepathy have attempted to draw both legitimacy and scientific curiosity, by making both general and specific analogies between the “unaccepted unknowns” of religion and parapsychology, and the “accepted unknowns” in the quantum sciences, where the classical and understood concepts of physics (time and space) don’t generally apply. The clear example is in quantum mechanics and its inherently theoretical cousin, string theory. Both have radically changed modern concepts regarding the nature of time, space, energy, and matter, and the relationships between each.

In general the concept is that the mind (human or otherwise) is simply evolved physical scaffold for an entity of electrical and quantum impulses. This system, in turn is claimed to have been developed abilities to influencing and receiving “quantum fluctuations” from other minds. In essence, proponents claim that telepathy is not “extrasensory”, rather that the brain is the telepathic organ, its connections to other brains are not physical, but psychic, and the very definition of the psychic medium is the localized inertial frame of reference which is affected by the mind.

This new and “scientifically-grounded” concept of telepathy provides the context for further speculations. However, physicists and skeptics state that quantum mechanics does not show classical effects until objects are at sub-nanometer scales, and since the physical components of the mind are all much larger, these quantum effects are considered negligible. Proponents counter that the scientific statements carry two flawed assumptions, namely that the experience of telepathy need be a classical effect, and that the mind is sensitive to only classical effects.

Some physicists, such as Nick Herbert, have pondered whether or not quantum mechanics’ “non-locality” (or “spooky action at a distance”) principle would permit instantaneous communication such as telepathy. Experiments have been conducted (by scientists such as Gao Shen at the Institute of Quantum Physics in Beijing, China) to study whether or not quantum entanglements (connections allowing instantaneous information exchange) demonstrated at the level of electrons can also be verified between human minds. Such experiments usually include monitoring for synchronous EEG patterns between two hypothetically “entangled” minds.

Technologically-assisted telepathy

Some, for example the science-fiction writer Spider Robinson in the book Deathkiller, have envisioned neurological research leading to technologically-assisted telepathy, also called techlepathy. As of 2004, scientists have demonstrated that brain imaging can be successfully used to recognise distinct thought patterns, and tell, for example, whether experimental monkeys thought about juice or water, and whether a human participant thought about a rotating cube or moving his paralyzed arm. Both implanted electrodes recording neurons’ activity and outside electrodes recording electromagnetic activity of the brain can be used.

Telepathic communication between humans and animals

Some people believe that it is possible for humans and animals to communicate through telepathy. In the past, this type of interspecies communication was thought to be a normal part of life, such as in Native American culture. For more information on this subject, see books by Rupert Sheldrake (Dogs who know when their owners are coming home), and professional animal communicators Penelope Smith and Marta Williams.

Delusions of telepathy – Schizophrenia can produce delusions that the sufferer is in telepathic communication with others; such delusions include thought broadcasting and thought extraction.

Other Facts

There is a long tradition of anecdotal evidence for foreseeing the future in dreams and by various devices such as observing the flight of birds or examining the entrails of sacrificial animals. Precognition has been tested with subjects required to predict the future order of cards in a deck about to be shuffled or to foretell results of dice throws, but the statistical support for it has generally been less convincing than that from experiments in telepathy and clairvoyance.

Telepathy is instinctual. Primitive species used it as a survival mechanism. It involves mind to mind contact – communication – of one mind with another by means beyond the normal or ordinary – beyond the frequencies of the five physical senses – sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell.

No all psychics are telepathic or can read minds.

Telepathic abilities are about connecting frequency. It is like turning on a radio and finding the right station. You just have to know how to ‘tune in’ and the frequency of the program. For a few people this skill comes easy – but on the norm – telepathy is never developed though many people try. Different meditation techniques and learning to focus the mind are the key. The more you practice the better you get.

Once you open the door to telepathy – it should work like a light switch. You can turn it off – tune off – or turn it on by focusing your thoughts. Rarely does one find that they are bombarded by the thoughts of others all the time. It would drive you crazy.

Human DNA is not activated in a way that makes us natural telepaths – in most cases. We are in the third dimension – the physicalrealms -to experience emotions. Telepathy would make it more complicated than it already is. Of course no one would be able to lieanymore – so perhaps humanity could live in peace – but that is not why we come into the physical. We experience here as if in a Matrix – the Holodeck – a Virtual Reality game – for the drama, the emotions – the thrills and chills – until one day we pause thegame and say, “I am tired of this. I can think ‘out of the box’ and want those skills returned. Give me back my powers.” It is then we go in seek of the tools which are innately ours.

Dreams bring telepathic messages as we time ravel or grid travel in our dreams where al exists. These are called precognitive dreams. If they are about the ‘world’ rather than our personal lives, they are called ‘collective dreams’.

Deceased souls sometimes bring messages through dreamtime. Communication is by thought form using symbols. In dreams youare moving faster than the speed of light. This is similar to meditation, time travel and remote viewing. You meet up with spirits and share adventures and information. In dreamtime you move faster and higher.

As your consciousness returns to the physical body the lower your get to your body – the more it slows down …slower…and slower… until you enter your consciousness mind and wake up in the sluggish place – we call 3D. it is here that the concept of lineartime exists. You can best understand this by remembering that in your dreams – you move from event to event but time is notmarked. There is no time beyond 3D as frequency of light – and that is all we are – is moving too fast. Remember – the lower and slower the frequency – the less likely to achieve telepathy or other abilities that work in faster light. 3D appears to be as dull as it gets.

Lovers definitely are more in tuned telepathically as being in love at that level is a very high frequency. This is not just about sex – though it is an aspect of it. Sexual activity is often telepathic in that one is responding to the needs of their partner on a higher level of expression.

Telepathy between members of the same family – or close friends is common as they learn to adjust to each other’s frequencies. There always seem to be one member of every family – usually a woman – who has psychic or telepathic abilities. Mother’s sense when children are in trouble. When you are in panic mode – the adrenaline flows and the telepathy kicks in to those would tune in to help you.

I woman could receive messages from her unborn child, often through dreams, but also telepathically.

People often sense the death of a family member. These make the most dramatic stories – heightened tension, nick-of-time rescues. However, keep in mind that telepathic situations may be happening all the time, but we lack the awareness to recognize them. In times of crisis we sent out our message and those who are in tune will pick it up.

Twins are often telepathic with each other creating these abilities when they are infants. they generally are in the same frequency at the same time and learn to communicate with words. very often it is just about a single thought – hunger. Telepathy between twins or family members can remain for a life time.

Something to ponder over yet more than research, experience is the most powerful way to believe in such phenomena.