Qudra Healing

Dream of Crystal Healer and Atlantean Light Worker

This dream is relevant to crystal healing. Below is an excerpt of my narration to my healer friend, Yasmine Fat’emi.
QH-…I had a dream related to you. I’m somewhat foggy on recalling..however I can clearly remember i was in a room which had multiple white shelves around it. On these shelves were crystal of all sorts. I was in awe at looking at them, touching them and even naming some of them. As if someone else was with me, I recall naming aloud the crystals. I saw a lot of clear white quartz-like crystals and rose quartz. They were in the form of raw crystal as well as the type that are imbedding in rock. One of my cousins called me on the phone and I recall telling her I am in a place of crystals which belong to a healer friend named Yasmine. That is how I knew the place and crystals were yours. I cannot recall the scene prior or post to the this scene.

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