Greetings of Peace,

About last week, we had a seeker who sent us a few twin soul and soul mate related questions. We found it quite interesting how the inquirer apparently had the same name as the twin soul of this site. ‘

Gratitude to the seeker who asked. We hope you find what you seek!

With love,


Their lives are full of mystery
Their hearts for mankind; a treasury
Their wisdom; unsurpassed territory
Their generosity; flows graciously
Their eyes express not tearfully
Yet fill us with ecstasy
Their persona; one to melt for instantly!




1. Is twin soul the same concept as a twin flame? Asking this, as there is so much information available on twin flame concept over the internet, that it is confusing.

1. Yes, both the same concept.
2. How do you know someone is your twin soul… like for SURE?
2. The TS/TF is a total reflection of yourself. You are fully seeing yourself though your twin soul. It is a full mirroring effect.

3. Are twin souls and soul mates DIFFERENT?

3.Twin souls are different. There is only ONE TS/TF. Whereas Soul Mates belong to a soul family group. The latter come into our lives for a specific purpose and time period. Some longer, some brief, some a life time. However the soul mate is NOT your full reflection. The TF is your full reflection. The feeling one has for a soul mate is different than a TF/TS. The latter more intense, more love and more everything. The love is purely unconditional and is the highest form of love experienced.

4. Can twin souls ever come together? What is the purpose of having…. and also meeting your twin, if all you get is only rejection and rejection and more rejection?

4. TF/TS can. Many live together while others do NOT. They are separate physically yet work in spirit. So in essence the TF is ‘together’ always in spirit. The purpose is to discover yourself on a quantum level unlike any other form of self discovery through soul mates. There are many reasons for the TF. Most of all it is to align you to a higher calling so that you may do what is needed to heal yourself and all others. It is 99% for a higher calling. It is a rare experience. It is a life changing experience. Unlike commonly believed, the TF/TS or SM is opposite gender and the context of the relationship is perceived as romantic. This is not the case for all. There are many forms of soul relationships between the above mentioned categories and are not limited to the commonly understood TS /SM relationship.
The Rumi Shams Phenomena is the Twin Soul/Twin Flame Phenomena.
The opinions shared here are subject to experience and may differ from seeker to seeker.

Dec 17-Love Shift and Soul Attunement

Shab e Arus, Master of Love; Mevlana Jaluluddin Rumi’s night of Union  corresponds to the Gregorian date, December 17th. The lunar or Hijra date of his birth corresponds to the 6th of Rabiul Awal. The chances of both solar and lunar dates to align on one’s birth and death date are one every few decades or even centuries. Today, these two dates coincide marking the birth and ‘death’ of Jalaluddin Rumi as ONE. Traditional teachings state the passing of a saint translates to Divine Union or the “wedding night” of the beloved where soul reunites with his Lord. How magical, mystical, beautiful that today the lovers of Rumi can actually live to experience the alignment of such a date. Next year and the coming years will not be the same in terms of numerics. Hence, as per the instructions of our noble Master and guide who transmits guidance from the realm of love, today is a day of great alignment for those who seek it through the love of Mevlana Rumi.

Great avatars were sent to heal humanity and enlighten souls, penetrating hearts in a way indescribable through words. Mevlana Jalauddin Rumi reigns as the Greatest teacher of Love, the King of Love, The Heavenly Poet whose poems transcend time and space and speak to every seeker.

Rumi is for every season and for every heart

Qudra Healing, a student of the  Mevlevi Way of Mevlana Rumi was initiated into the  mystical order via a Dede; an authorized conduit of the Mevlevi Order of Rumi. He summoned her to take the pledge of allegiance in the order through Owaisi (telepathic) initiation. Feeling at home once again, Qudra explains that from childhood up till present, she can connect the dots, experiences and openings which resonate to the Shams Rumi Phenomena as she coins it.  “To say in the least, it donned upon me just a few days ago that my lunar birthday, 6th Rabiul Awal, coincides with Mevlana Rumi’s lunar birth date”says Qudra.

Instructions for Love Alignment December 17th,2015

Asana –Meditation Position

Select a place of solitude indoor or outdoors with no distractions.

All positions require an upright posture keeping spine straight at all times.

  • Lotus Position
  • Cross Legged
  • Kneeling position



Eyes Open and immerse your gaze onto one of the two images below, till you feel an imprint on your heart. Closing your eyes, seeing the same image.

Recite: HU (Huuu)

Breathe in through nose:  Huuu-Visualize Inhaling Divine White Light entering into your entire being. Absorb.

Breathe out through nose: Huuu-Visualize Exhaling Darkness within exiting your being.

Alternate image in your next meditation.

Mev. Rumi



Mudra-Hand Position

When we connect the index finger and thumb we begin to feel the pulse of the heart, and our focus now becomes the heart, and Divine says, “I cannot be found on Heavens or earth, but I can be found in the heart of My believer.” That connection opens the flow of Divine power, what we call “Qudra”

Hu Hand Position: Bring together your index finger and thumb forming a circle. Palms facing down resting on your legs, or palms facing up resting on your legs.

Duration: Continue to inhale and exhale HU until your heart feels full of light and contentment.



Closing Prayer for Mawlânâ Rumi:

A disciple of Mawlânâ’s named Ikhtiyâru ‘d-dîn “…saw in a dream that God– may He be glorified and exalted– gave a prayer [du`â] for the deceased [Mawlânâ Jalaluddin Rumi] with this expression:

“O Allah, be merciful and kind toward my chief, my reliance, my shaykh, the place of the spirit in my body, the provision of my today and tomorrow, and Our Master [Mawlânâ], the Glory [Jalâl] of the Truth [ul-Haqq] and the Religion [ud-Dîn]! And upon his fathers, his ancestors, his mothers, his children, his successors, and his followers until the Day of Resurrection!”

allâhumma ‘arHam wa taHannan `alà sayyidî wa sanadî wa shaykhî
wa makâni ‘r-rûHi min jasadî wa Zakhîrati yawmî wa ghadî wa
mawlânâ jalâlu ‘l-Haqq wa ‘d-dîn wa `alà âbâ’i-hi wa ajdâdi-hi wa
ummahâti-hi wa awlâdi-hi wa khulafâ’i-hi wa atbâ`i-hi ilà yawmi
‘l-qiyâmah.[Source: dar-al-masnavi.org]

Recite Surah Fatiha

Note: The above should be done prior to sunset on the 17th of December.


Further reading




Guruma Anandmurti’s Commentary on Hu


The passage below by Guruma Anandmurti captured our attention, as it flawlessly explains the experience of Qudra Healing and a million other seekers who can relate to the effect of the perfect mirror, the twin soul, the Shams e Tabrez persona who becomes the means of breaking, rebirth and yearning for the Divine. Hence, we dedicate this post to the Shams e Tabrez personalities who can never be forgotten and unconditionally loved and have become the greatest teachers of Love for those who fell into their gaze.

The greatest teachers came without notice, taught without books the greatest lessons. Love was their language, grace was their method of delivery and they left without notice. They remain in our hearts, separate not from our being. Their tragic disappearance was only illusion. We are in essence One with whom we love. Thus we rephrase, this  ‘tragic disappearance’ was actually the greatest bounty leading to a process of total dissolving and realization that there exists only ONE in the realm of Love.


This is a prescription of love which has been transcribed below for the benefit of all seekers. To maximize the benefit of this article, the following instructions are recommended on how to read this passage.


  1. Sit in a comfortable place free of noise and distrubance
  2. Play Anandmurti’s  Hu video above
  3. While listening to the video above, read aloud the transcript below in unison with the video.
  4. Let the energy of your recital heal

Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi says, “The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you, don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want, don’t go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the door sill. The door is round and open, don’t go back to sleep. I would love to kiss you. The price of kissing is your life. Now my loving is running towards my life shouting, what a bargain, let’s buy it!”

One has to be a seeker, but before becoming a seeker one has to become a lover. You cannot become a lover if you have filled of worldly attachments. World is here in front of us, to give us experiential knowledge, understanding that it is a changeable transient entity. Laugh, sing, dance, make love, have children, create houses, money and power. And yet, in a moment death snatches everything and  leaves you shivering and shaking in fear and ultimately drowing in unconsciousness.

It is not possible to taste the Divine wine of love, if you haven’t met a Shaikh; a mystic. One must become a ney, a reed flute. Once has to become empty, hollow, then all the poetry and all the music will come through you. This Divine Love occupies heart and mind and then all universe seems as if its just  the Beloved peeping to us. From behind the sun, behind the stars and moon, flowers and trees, man and woman, children and old. Once this Divine Love makes its roots in the heart, person gets overwhelmed, drenched in this beautiful experience, where the mind goes into the zone of silence. The whole universe then exhibits the Divine dance of love One who has surrendered to the Lord is called a sufi. The sufi sings the Zikr, “La ilaha illalahu” There is no reality but God, there is only God. Zikr has three parts. The first is the denial of everything visible. Second is the explosion into the individual and the third part is the out breathing of Divine presence: HU. Sufi sings Hu; that which is, that which was and that which will be.

World becomes nothing more than an image stitched with gold thread in the tapestry, just the playful edition. Drunk in love, the lover calls out in longingness to the one that resides in the heart, but still seems so far. Nobody wishes a heaven if the price is death. Nobody wishes for immortality, if the cost is death. But this is what love is; death!  But from this arises the resurrection of new you, pure virgin, loveful and now the calls of the heart get answered. Until the ego is alive, there is no possibility of love to happen. When darkness of ego is blown away with longings, urgency, search of the truth, this becomes possible. For Jalaluddin Rumi, it happened when Shams e Tabrezi arrived and stole his heart and mind. And then the love occupied this vacuum. Once someone asked Shams, whose head was full of ideas and desires, he said, “tell me about Divine mystery.” Shams said, “I cannot tell you the mystery. I can tell this mystery only to •someone in whom I can see myself. This mystery I will tell only to myself. I don’t see myself in you. I see someone else.”

I cannot tell you the mystery. I can tell this mystery only to someone in whom I can see myself. This mystery I will tell only to myself. I don’t see myself in you. I see someone else.”

The mind has to be emptied of all attachments, greed, passion darkness. And for this, the teacher; the Shaikh has to hit lovefuly until the mind is shattered. The existence of the Beloved cannot be proven physically, nor it is  a fantasy. This presence at best has been given many many names in different cultures, yet the presence remains nameless. You may call it Allah, Bharaman, Reality, Truth or any other word. Because that is what best mind can try to do; give the name to the nameless. The Shaikh is a mirror, a reminder of that presence, understanding of this mystery comes through the Shaikh and it transforms all the energies of the seeker. Rumi said, “I have phrases and whole pages memorized, but nothing can be told of love. You must wait until you begin to live the love. Be patient. But only patient.”

The journey which begins from love towards God a moment comes in this journey when finally the union happens all boundaries get dissolved. Then this I is no more  different from that. As Al Hallaj Mansoor cried out, Anal Haqq-“I am That”(Truth) and then total emptiness. I is no more. So who will call whom? Just a vast emptiness. Which is best described by Sufis as “HU”  That which exists. Hu means that which was, and will be. No word can ever contain the infinitude presence once the consciousness arises after this volcanic experience. On asking,  what happened to you? Sufi says, HU.

Among many themes, this passage beautifully explains the mysteries of the Shems Rumi Phenomena, the role of a mystical teacher, the secret of death through love and the expulsion of the I for the one who seeks Hu. The above transcript can be taken as a mantra prescription for awakening the sleeping heart, mind and soul.

Gaze down now to view the reflection
A peek at the height of love’s perfection
I see Me
You see You
We see Him
How could this be?
As in reality we only see ONE imagery!
We’ve unlocked the key to our own Mystery
Our Unity
The Truth WE see
Not Blasphemy


*The  reflection which Shams refers to was reserved for Mevlana Jalauddin Rumi. Likewise, Rumi’s reflection and mirror was Shams e Tabrez.