Elohim Allah HU


This article is dedicated in memory of Mystic Baba Khalwat Dar Anjaum, who recently returned to his Beloved. May the choicest favours enshroud Baba Anjamun who tirelessly spread the message of love.

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem


The song of all, Allah HU.

The ancients of Babylonians chanted ‘Allah.’ Al- a Cannanite name of God and Elohim-God in Hebrew. HaShem is Allah; Elohim. When souls assemble  to chant; in Zikr; to remember, a commemoration takes place remembering the great primordial gathering where all souls assembled praising, proclaiming, affirming through the great Chant,  “Indeed you are our Lord.” HaShem asked in that realm, Am I not HaShem? Yes, we all replied. Allah asked, Alas tu bi Rabbikum? Am I not your Lord, Indeed (Bala), all souls replied.

Zikr means to remember.  Acoustics are a medium to reacquaints us with our original state of remembrance. Repetition in Zikr serves the same purpose as affirmations. Zikr begins with tongue and with constant repetition of a particular mantra, it makes it way into the heart engraving the same. Mantras or Zikr are Divine words and phrases formulated to impact the subconscious mind and the heart chakra. The language used in Zikr is Arabic. Arabic like Sanskrit is believed to be an ancient revealed language carrying potent vibrational properties with every sound, syllable and letter. Tradition states that an Angel is appointed for every letter and to say in the least, we are reciting syllables, words and phrases supported with Angelic energy, which in effect heal our spirit. Chanting words  for which temporal shedding of the ego through trance induced states dissolves man made barriers between body and soul.  In order to enhance the acoustic effect play a significant role in energetic healing, Zikr gatherings chant synchronized mantras which may be accompanied with instruments.  According to researcher and sound expert, Dr. Johen, chants treat ailments and mood.   Zikr creates the DMT effect where our cells become supercharged through vibrations to the frequencies created through each individual present in the chant.  We gather to praise, to proclaim the love of Ila, Elohim.

I will praise you, HaShem my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. Tehillim (Psalms) 86:12

Proclaim He is One. Allah , the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born. Nor is there to Him any equivalent

(Quran Ikhlaas)


What more a beautiful gathering on this plane where cast, creed and tradition aside, and all come together and remembering the day we praised, proclaimed and affirmed, “Verily you are our Lord.”


 Let us recite Fatiha for all those who live for love and left united in Love.
Ameen, Amen.

Master Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee on Oneness & Rose Winstanley Trefz’s Vision

Master Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee on Oneness


There are also forces that stand in the way of this new awakening, that want to keep us in the grip of their power structures, to keep us enslaved with greed and self-centered desires. They have even polluted the spiritual arena, where self-improvement rather than selfless service is encouraged. One cannot sell devotion or market how to give oneself. Love has no power structures or hierarchies; it is not for sale. It passes freely from heart to heart along the web of oneness that connects us all. But in the dense patterns of our worldly thought-forms we have forgotten that the real gifts of God, like the sunlight, are always free. For centuries the secrets of divine love and the knowledge of oneness has passed freely from heart to heart in secret, while the world went about its unheeding ways. But the need of the time is that it come out into the light now, so that it can be lived in the world.

A web of light has been created around the world to help us make this transition. Through this web the invisible is already becoming visible, the signs of God already revealing themselves in a new way. In the energy of divine oneness the opposites have already come together. But love needs us to bring this potential into manifestation, to make it part of the fabric of daily life. Without our participation the potential will ebb into a fading promise of something that might have happened.

This is the work of lovers, of those in service to His love. Lovers know how to give themselves to the moment, to be awake in the eternal now. They are not afraid of the consequences of their actions because they know that only His love is real. They honor their soul’s pledge to witness His oneness. In the mirror of their heart a secret is being born, and in the network of lovers this secret is coming alive. Humanity has forgotten that the world can only be transformed through love, that love is the greatest power in creation. But His lovers have always known this, and long ago they gave themselves to the work of His love.

Without this central note of pure love, the future will remain just a dream and the patterns of the past will close more tightly around us. With love joy will return, and joy will cleanse away the pollution of the world, the negative thought-forms and patterns of greed that devour so much of our energy and life force. When joy returns to the hearts and lives of humanity, the whole world will come alive in a new way. The soul of the world will sing the oneness of God and we will know why we are here.

Vision  shared by Rose Winstanley-Trefz

The Ascended Masters of Grace are beckoning humanity to unite under the banner of LOVE for the sake of Universal harmony. Today we take the honour of sharing a beautiful dream which has been in ‘incubation’ since 2003. The TIME is NOW to share based on inspiration. We thank Light Worker Rose Winstanley-Trefz for the timely release.

“How many have powerful dreams? My dream, which was more like a daydream came from what I authored, called ‘Awaken, the time is now’ What, we must wonder is, how many other women have dreams like this one in which the Divine Feminine is beckoning?
In my dream I was observing a magical place, like a huge arena, in which there were several people sitting in a semi-circle in the center of this stage. These people appeared to be in a deep state of meditation. These figures had an absolute sense of serenity about them and a look of peacefulness on their faces and you could sense this loving energy that encompassed everything around them, including me. I felt like I was being embraced by an invisible wave of warmth, love and acceptance.
These figures emitted a brightness of light that shone outwards from their bodies like prisms. The radiant energy in this place was so vibrant and electrifying, yet paradoxically I had this feeling of inner calm and serenity like nothing I had ever felt before in my life. I knew I was here in this place for a very specific reason and that this moment was the most important one of my life.
As I watched, a powerful looking elderly man with a great, flowing white beard and a brilliantly white robe spoke to a younger man who had a gentle face and a light around him which made him shine like the sun. His essence, everything about him was golden, including his robe. “Son, we have all the elements in place. Our children are ready now. We will proceed.” The one in the golden robe turned to his neighbor and looked at him lovingly. This man with his radiant smile had a look of such compassion, and with the sparkle in his eyes, I knew that the person before me was known as Buddha, the Enlightened One.
I suddenly felt a rush of air around me, and I recalled a book I had just read about the early Gnostic’s and I completely understood their concept of gnosis, this inner “knowing”.
As Buddha looked to his neighbor and ever so lightly touched him, this man looked up and with his piercing dark eyes so intense and powerful, it was clear this was the Prophet Muhammad pbuh. The last figure stood and began doing the Sun Salutation, a series of movements that I had learned from my yoga classes. Krishna, with his liquid, mesmerizing, flowing movements, was the embodiment of meditation in motion.
A couple of other figures entered this most holy place. These were the most beautiful women ever imaginable. They were so dazzling, with their long robes that had what appeared to be thousands of glittering gems around them reflecting all the light. All the men rose and bowed respectfully to them.
The golden robed man embraced the taller of these two woman, “Greetings, Mother Sophia.” Sophia in the Greek language, means wisdom. Most people aren’t aware of the significance of the Divine Feminine aspect of God which has been so neglected throughout history. Jeshua lovingly embraced the women. The last woman he approached, as he looked deeply into her eyes was, “Mary.” For the briefest instant the love between them flashed like a spark and I was encompassed by sheer powerful force of it.
Mother Sophia embraced each one of her son’s, and said. “Let us begin.” She took the hand of Moses and Buddha and sat down. Mother Sophia turned to look directly at me and I heard the words, “Awaken, awaken children. The time is now.”
At 4:30 a.m., 9/24/03 I awoke with the words echoing through my head, “get paper and pen and write.” I wanted to go back to sleep, but this sense of urgency, this nagging message continued until I was driven from my bed to my desk where I wrote non-stop for three hours. ‘Awaken,The Time Is Now’ is the result. Time has passed since I wrote that first draft, and it has sat in my files until now. This bit of writing keeps coming to mind. It calls to me and insists that I do something with it. So grateful to share it with others now. ”
Rose Winstanley-Trefz