Qudra Healing

Juicing for Cellular Health





 The benefits of juicing are numerous and well documented. The USA in common with rest of the western hemisphere is currently suffering from an epidemic of obesity and rising rates of ailments including heart disease, diabetes and cancer (to name but a few) as we increasingly consume fat and sugar laden fast and processed foods.


name but a few) as we increasingly consume fat and sugar laden fast and processed foods.

However, over the past few years a new trend has developed, which reflects an increasing interest in organic and healthy foods. It seems that more and more people are waking up and realizing that their dietary habits are shortening their life spans.

It’s more than just athletes and health professionals who are slowly but surely acknowledging that the benefits of juicing can help them to be healthier and happier over an extended life span.

It’s more than just athletes and health professionals who are slowly but surely acknowledging that the benefits of juicing can help them to be healthier and happier over an extended life span.



  • Juicing for health provides vital nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals for our bodies to repair themselves, strengthen the immune system and for cell regeneration and growth.
  • Unlocking nutrients of raw foods is one of the vital benefits of juicing. Fiber is quite literally locked into many vegetables and fruits and the potential benefit of the fiber is lost as the digestive system does not unlock it. Juicing releases the fiber’s nutrition so that benefit may be realized.
  • Normally we do not consume peelings, seeds and pits of fruits and vegetables. These parts are a rich source of vital nutrients we normally throw away. A good quality juicer extracts juice from the whole veggie or fruit, including peelings, pits and seeds to provide vitamin and minerals that would otherwise be lost.
  • Heat kills live enzymes. A quality juicer minimizes heat in order to preserve the most live enzymes possible.
  • Using a good quality juicer will cause the least amount of foaming in the juice. Foam is indicative of oxidation of the juice which lowers the antioxidant benefit. Less foam equals more antioxidant benefit.
  • Juice is an excellent snack or meal replacement that is very filling. Many dieters claim that juices assist them to lose pounds with no hunger.
  • The antioxidant effects of juices will help detoxify your body and help you eliminate the toxins, fats, preservatives and chemicals that a diet of processed foods leave behind in your body.

Increased energy and mood uplift are collateral benefits of juicing. As your body becomes detoxified and “cleaned out” it will be more able to access and utilize

  • restorative and sustaining nutrients which most likely will make you feel better in general. When you feel better you are more energized and happier.
  • The most readily digestible or absorbable form of foods, not to mention the most concentrated form, is juice. Juicing makes foods easy to digest and thus, easier for the body to receive maximum benefit from the source food.

Making your own juices allows you to make any combination of fruits or vegetables that you choose into juice – and you know what’s in it, unlike produce on the supermarket shelves

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