What you see is not reality, what you feel is not reality, what you hear and dream of is not reality. Only HU is reality. HU is unknown and permeates all yet transcends all. Beyond human comprehension yet resides in the heart of all.
Category: Uncategorized
Loyalty Which Betrays
Q)What are we most loyal to which betrays us like no other?
Qudra Healing
The 40 Day Healing Program
The very first seeker who officially approached us in Hijaz was Sumaya Amba. Her total duration of receiving healing and completing the Qudra Healing Program was approximately 40 days. All 3 stages of our program were completed and incidentally her journey to the next world began after her completion. I not only held the opinion that Amba was a fast learner but remained baffled if her duration with us should be kept as a general standard for seekers. Remaining fluid with no specified time frames, I continue to deal with seekers from all walks, yet question the open ended policy I keep with individual seekers in order to respect individual growth and create a personalized and natural method of healing. This year however, a seeker from Jeddah shared a dream which shed light on a matter I was unconsciously seeking an answer to. The dream is what was narrated to us in May 2016 and for general privacy reasons, the name of the narrator shall be withheld.
I see that you are in my house, happily meeting my mother in law. She is laying on a bed and you are beside her giving her smile and offering a lot of love and respect. You inform me that a ship is going for an hour tour in which there will be a sufi gathering, I tell you that i will make it because i can take out one hour and i am very happy and excited. Then I see that i am at the dock and my mother in law is there, she is telling me that I can’t go but I am forcing her that I want to. She tells me the reason- that the ship will be back in one month, go and ask Qudra Healing about it. I am very sad and searching for you. I reach a room where some ladies were collected by you who were leaving all together, one by one they leave for the ship and i am left behind..
We do not interpret dreams as we are not authorized in this science. However, in conclusion to the above, we shall revert back to our 40 day time frame for the Qudra Healing Program.
Sort the Closet, Sort Life
Q) Unlike before, I am faced with a highly disorganized life after my move and starting work. Please advice.
A) The first place to target when faced with disorganization is one’s closet. Sort the closet, sort life. The closet is a mirror of our life today. Declutter, organize and keep it neat. Do not aim for perfection or obsess about intricate details lest you get off track . Focus on keeping “items and belongings in order”. This in turn will magically sort out your life and keep it reasonably in order. Last point, remember to give away an item(s) whenever a new item enters the closet. Prosperity thrives when money is in motion. Hoarding comes from insecurity which stems from attachment and an expression of belief in scarcity. Hoarding is stagnant energy which blocks off new energy to enter our life.
Wishing you prosperity & abundance,
Qudra Healing
Mirror Work 1,400 Years Ago
Indeed we cannot trace the founding father of mirror work, however we do know that Louise Hay is the primary reviver of the this ancient sacred healing practice in our era. It has been a well guarded secret from time eternal that loving oneself is the prerequisite to loving others. We simply cannot bypass this truth. 1,400 years ago an enlightened one from the desert of Arabia, known as Mohammed the Final Prophet for humanity, reaffirmed this great truth. As an avid fan of Louise Hay’s works, light was shed upon this subject matter bringing to light the prayer or affirmation of Mohammed (Peace and blessings be upon him and his family) when looking at the mirror.
اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ حَسَّنْتَ خَلْقِي فَحَسِّنْ خُلُقِي
Allahumma anta hasanta khalqi fahassin khuluqi
“O (Divine) Allah, just as you have made my external features beautiful, make my character beautiful as well.
We can extract a few key points from the above affirmative prayer:
- Looking in the mirror is a virtue, rather prophetically endorsed.
- Affirmations are a praiseworthy practice.
- Healthy self love in connection to praising Divine attributes is virtuous.
- Emphasis on external and internal beauty as praiseworthy.
- Emphasis on developing one’s character and internal qualities, known as ihsan which stresses on inner purification.
- Balance between the internal and external and avoiding neglect of one over the other.
- Positive self talk and prayers in the present tense.
- Expressing gratitude as a precursor in prayers when praying for a particular outcome.
- Refrain from negative self talk.
Lastly, Sufi tradition emphasizes external and internal beautification based on the tradition,
إنَّ اللَّهَ جَمِيلٌ يُحِبُّ الجَمالَ
Verily Allah is Beautiful and Loves Beauty
Qudra Healing
Life Loves You-7 Spiritual Practice to Heal Your Life by Louise Hay and Robert Holden
More on mirror work by Robert Holden
Dream Category
It’s been almost four month since our last post. The hiatus is still not over. Rather a lot of things have been going on and so many different levels. Once the lull or smaller occultation is over, we will be back on regular posting of articles and sharing relevant updates. Since a lot of the work we do is intertwined with dream work, I will be setting up a category for posts pertaining to dreams. These dreams will be directly linked to dreams we are permitted to share either from our side or directly related to Qudra Healing narrated through seekers. We feel it is a relevant time to release this information as we are at a crucial time where humanity is going through a major shift. We look forward to sharing the journey behind the veil with seekers.
With love,
Qudra Healing
Elohim Allah HU
This article is dedicated in memory of Mystic Baba Khalwat Dar Anjaum, who recently returned to his Beloved. May the choicest favours enshroud Baba Anjamun who tirelessly spread the message of love.
Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem
The song of all, Allah HU.
The ancients of Babylonians chanted ‘Allah.’ Al- a Cannanite name of God and Elohim-God in Hebrew. HaShem is Allah; Elohim. When souls assemble to chant; in Zikr; to remember, a commemoration takes place remembering the great primordial gathering where all souls assembled praising, proclaiming, affirming through the great Chant, “Indeed you are our Lord.” HaShem asked in that realm, Am I not HaShem? Yes, we all replied. Allah asked, Alas tu bi Rabbikum? Am I not your Lord, Indeed (Bala), all souls replied.
Zikr means to remember. Acoustics are a medium to reacquaints us with our original state of remembrance. Repetition in Zikr serves the same purpose as affirmations. Zikr begins with tongue and with constant repetition of a particular mantra, it makes it way into the heart engraving the same. Mantras or Zikr are Divine words and phrases formulated to impact the subconscious mind and the heart chakra. The language used in Zikr is Arabic. Arabic like Sanskrit is believed to be an ancient revealed language carrying potent vibrational properties with every sound, syllable and letter. Tradition states that an Angel is appointed for every letter and to say in the least, we are reciting syllables, words and phrases supported with Angelic energy, which in effect heal our spirit. Chanting words for which temporal shedding of the ego through trance induced states dissolves man made barriers between body and soul. In order to enhance the acoustic effect play a significant role in energetic healing, Zikr gatherings chant synchronized mantras which may be accompanied with instruments. According to researcher and sound expert, Dr. Johen, chants treat ailments and mood. Zikr creates the DMT effect where our cells become supercharged through vibrations to the frequencies created through each individual present in the chant. We gather to praise, to proclaim the love of Ila, Elohim.
I will praise you, HaShem my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. Tehillim (Psalms) 86:12
Proclaim He is One. Allah , the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born. Nor is there to Him any equivalent
(Quran Ikhlaas)
What more a beautiful gathering on this plane where cast, creed and tradition aside, and all come together and remembering the day we praised, proclaimed and affirmed, “Verily you are our Lord.”
Communication with Pleiadians and Alien Life Forms
On the subject of soul mates and light workers, many a time, we are introduced to individuals who captivate our hearts, throw us into states of higher consciousness and are a means to transmit the teachings of Love at the highest vibration. Who are these individuals, these mysterious beautiful beings whom who can swear are ‘earth angels’?
Many a time, these highly evolved personalities are beings of another system. Legend goes that Pleiadians are here to assist humanity with the process of spiritual transformation. Their distinctive style blends wit and wisdom, common sense, and cosmic knowledge in teachings that encourage expansive thinking and personal empowerment, and which have been compared to avatar-guru prototypes. One of their distinct effects is they resonate beauty which magnetizes one beyond reason.
In the past few months, we have received over 4-5 reports from Jeddah on vivid dreams concerning UFO, Greys and Aliens. However, due to our last experience on opening up this subject and unusual happenings, we were forced to keep low key as these beings did not like the idea of unveiling them prematurely to this region.
The following is a dream a female seeker and light worker from North America sent us. We would like to share it for the sake of higher awareness.
February 3rd, 2016
Female Crystal Light Worker
Location: North America
We were sitting in a Lovely park together with a few new friends. I was astonished to see a group of Elite aliens/beings passing by us. I got up at once and went closer to see their faces. Their energy was next level and seemed to be very Highly refined and very advance in their knowledge and understanding of our world. They sensed my presence and I felt their radiating love for me in my Heart. They had a glow and Light and a Beautiful energy field around them. I watched as they left for their carriage and as they entered it became a space ship and the group disappeared in a blink of an eye. I went back to ask the special friend who I was sitting with what she experienced and she said that they communicated to her that they have great admiration for me and feel that I am a very special light worker. And they come in peace and help out those who are sincere and have faith…..I saw you and you were sitting peacefully amongst us and were fully aware of it all.
Hungry for Change
Hungry for Change, a highly recommended documentary on the reality of our diet and highlights the shocking truth behind diets and weight loss, and how the food industry manipulates masses through deceptive marketing. Experts and ex-obesees are featured sharing their stories and what it took for them to change.
If Music be the Food for Water, Play On!
Qudra Healing
The consciousness of water is calling upon us to tap into it’s limitless potential in order to heal humanity.
Water was among the earliest of creations intended to sustain life, to bring to life and facilitate the continuity of life known as the cycle of life. Known to have a consciousness of its own, ability to perceive, remember and communicate with the environment like all other living organisms is by far the closest secret we can instantly access in order to change, heal and restore energy frequencies within us. Clearly known to our ancient predecessors as a transmitter to and from the higher realms, water retains memory and conveys information to DNA.
Vibrations such as sound, thoughts, intention and prayer, as well as environmental toxins such as chlorine, structure water’s molecular arrangement – affecting all it comes in contact with. Water has the ability to die just as much as it can give life. Dead water or negatively affected water has the ability to completely change it’s molecular structure through thought, sound and intention.
“Positive information results in beautiful hexagonal crystals, while negative information shows otherwise,” he said. “If we are aware of this and communicate good feelings and messages, the quality of crystals will be beautiful and hence the quality of the water will be good,” Dr. Emoto
Most of us are aware of Dr. Emoto’s research, however the idea that science has yet to convey remains a mystery, does water have a consciousness? To the healing community, not only water, but crystals, rocks, sand and other ‘non living’ classified matter has yet to unveil itself to the majority of humanity. Our personal shift determines the unveiling of these ancient, sacred untapped resources. A water awareness shift will occur as a result.
As we are 70% water, it becomes clear that our thoughts, environment, images and sound all have an affect of our internal water molecular structure. We are either positively or negatively charing the same provided we are conscious of all the active and passive factors which affect the quality of our water. Is this what everything boils down to-water? Yes, the attractor factor we find in individuals is based on the quality of their ‘water’. That is the secret.
Lastly, for those in our specific region who can access Zam zam water, may want to consider switching to it for daily consumption and if not more often than normal. German Scientist, Dr Knut Pfeiffer, head of the largest medical centre in Munich, has studied Zam-zam with his team of scientists and states that a miracle in itself is that the Zam-zam specimen they studied still extraordinarily increased dramatically the energetic fields in human cells having travelled from Saudi Arabia to Munich, sustaining climate changes, and then being stored for approximately two weeks. The opposite reaction would exhibit with other types of water especially if stagnant for some time, including water from Munich which is considered chemically pure.
Easy to Apply Daily Water Activation Technology
Solar charged water
Lunar charged water
Intentionally charged water
Healing water charged with prayers/mantra
Recommended sites
Documentary on water
The Secret of Water