Seeker Experiences Purple Energy



Upon request to share this experience with a recent seeker, we are doing so.


Actually I have been struggling for three years to solve this issue. I was a very accomplished martial artist for many years. My body was full of chi and I was a Tai Chi and Qigong expert. We spoke last August about me possibly having some reiki healing done by you but we chose to wait at the time. Well things have become significantly worse. I have been literally washed out energetically from inside through the constant struggle with  my third chakra. Can you help me? This has disabled my entire life. I lost all my health space I have become spiritually redundant.  I have been so ill with this for 3.5 years that it has stopped me being able to work. Please let me know your feelings. All the years cultivating my physicality and spirituality is destroyed.



After meeting with a grandmaster yesterday, I received a follow up email from the seeker above re requesting distant healing which I agreed to. My intended time frame for the distant healing was between 9pm and dawn. The following afternoon, I received this message the same seeker:

Yes I felt the healing as it was being sent last night. It was very strong Mash’Allah.  It has actually cleared out a lot of the inner blockage that was there and I was able to pray with a lot less pain this morning. I felt more or less that it was problem solved but yes definitively very very powerful. It has helped more than any other treatment I have had so far. I would highly recommend this treatment to anybody. In fact I wish only that I had had it done when we first spoke or even when I first became aware of your website. It would have saved me a lot more of the physical damage that has occurred to my body.

At one point I could actually see purple energy in the room as the healing was coming to me at around 00:49 am and the energy was very focussed and intense. Much more power than I had actually expected.

Thank you

My response 

Dear Y,

The irony in my work is during the healing process, I am like a blindfolded person. I am literally unaware of what I am channeling… And when such testimonials come in, I am actually quite surprised. Further adding to the irony, I slept forgetting about the intended distant healing, thus reconfirming that intention itself is the ENERGY; the SECRET.






Telepathic Message from Persian Cat: Pray for the Animals of the World

A female seeker in training at Qudra Healing narrates the following message sent telepathically from her Persian cat, Bubbles, which usually communicates to this seeker,


Screen Shot 2017-08-20 at 11.26.58
Bubbles the Persian Mystic Cat: “…pray for the animals of the world”


I have had a white Persian cat with bright yellow eyes for the past twelve years. It wasn’t until her twelfth year in my household though (I have lived abroad a large part of these twelve years), that she fell sick. This is how I realized how much she meant to me. I thought of the days she was a kitten and wondered at how old she was now. I started praying for her recovery. Now, I see her and I appreciate the beauty of Allah and His creation. In the sense that I imagine how gorgeous, powerful and mighty Allah is if He can make a cat so unique and who carries so much presence. She has a habit, especially now that we have grown closer, to come and sit by me. So when I prayed my sunset prayer and sought things within me to pray for I thought of my cat and how sick she is and I prayed for her cure. It was around this time that I felt like she had started communicating with me telepathically.  She thanked me via thoughts or telepathy and asked me to pray for her and this is how I had the idea to do so. I could hear her thoughts, and continuing in her message she asked that I pray for the animal world. Apparently she is aware that humans are destroying the planet and animals are suffering from their hands. She sends messages daily to me…


Recommended reading

Telepathy and the Owaisi Method of Transmission

Dream of Dolphin Communication Through Consciousness Teacher in Arabia

7 Principles of Self Care for Healers

To avoid a burn out syndrome and be of service to others we must we must prioritise caring for ourselves as in self-care. These seven principles are applicable for all and not just for healing practitioners. We all are healers in our own right, it is perception which fails us to see otherwise. Self rejuvenation requires us to nourish our mind, body and of course soul. A neglect of self care creates imbalance and where there is imbalance, our performance is impacted.

Seven Principles of Self-Care for Healers taken from the direct teachings of Healing Touch Founder, Janet Mentgen

  1. Physical Clearing (Take care of our physical body, our physical existence.)
  2. Emotional Clearing (Express our hurts, our pains.)
  3. Mental Clearing (Change our cognitive thought processes.)
  4. Sacred Space (Create our sacred space when we are at home, our sacred space when we are away.)
  5. Silence (Move into the silence of meditation or Holy silence.)
  6. Holy Leisure (Learn to let go and bring balance into our life.)
  7. Holy Relationships (Be committed to our relationships.)