Collective Consciousness: Arabia, Quraysh, and the Universe

Millions flock annually to Makkah for the Annual Consciousness Gathering; "The Hajj." Each pilgrim representing "Oneness with the Universe."













At the dawn of the 6th Century, the Quraysh were the dominant tribe in Arabia. The unprecedented proliferation of trade, science, and arts heralded by the dawn of Islam thrust the Quraysh to a position of international prominence. To this day, the Quraysh occupy a special place in the Arab and Muslim collective consciousness, revered for their inimitable contribution to the development of codes, alliances and practices that continue to shape our world. However, even before being elevated to such lofty heights, the Quraysh were known throughout pre-Islamic Arabia for their strong legal and business traditions.

In the Quraysh experience, the three guiding elements of unity, justice and collective action constituted a comprehensive worldview. Trade, cultural and religious festivals, and the need to co-exist with one’s neighbours, all demanded collaboration, efficient communication, and equitable legal conventions. This in turn laid the foundation for interdependence, and unity.


The very word ‘Quraysh’ is said to come from the Arabic word for gathering or getting together, taqarrush, relating to the efforts to unite the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula. The spirit of taqarrush would prove to be central to the growth of Arab and Islamic civilisations, whereby people of different nations and races where brought together under one banner, exhibiting ‘diversity within unity’.


The pursuit of justice runs deep in Quraysh’s history, as shown by the Fudul Pact (Hilf al-Fudul), a 6th Century bill of rights protecting visiting merchants in Mecca from abuse by the locals. With this, the Quraysh elders established that justice takes precedence over bonds of blood and ancestry. Numerous other Pacts, or ahlaf, offer examples of negotiated conventions addressing different concerns ranging from regulating access to resources, such as water, to the protection of property, and the resolution of social and familial disputes.

Trade protections were a recurrent feature of the pre-Islamic Quraysh. In most cases, the protection was offered to foreign merchants, who shared neither the Quraysh’s language nor their pre-Islamic pagan religion. A frequent statement in the negotiation of these trade conventions was, “Your rights must be equivalent to your responsibilities,” thereby exemplifying the equitable basis of Quraysh’s relations with others.

Collective Action

For many generations, Quraysh tradesmen sold their merchandise only in Arabian markets, mostly in Mecca’s trade-cum-religious festivals. Ultimately, however, the Quraysh convinced the Byzantine Empire to open its markets to Arabian products.

This institutional open exchange, or ilaf, would alter fundamentally the course of history. Not only did it connect Arabian and Byzantine markets, but it also encouraged the exchange of ideas. By the time of their adoption of Islam, the Quraysh, and Arabia itself, were firmly part of a wider world with a myriad of different peoples, languages, and traditions. After the spread of Islam to the Levant, Egypt, and beyond, the legacy of ilaf fulfilled itself through the creation of complex networks of religious and secular interactions throughout the entire region.

Furthermore, the Quraysh dialect of Arabic provided the basis for the lingua franca of what became the world’s largest cultural and economic unit, binding together diverse peoples all the way from the Atlantic Ocean to the Himalayas. Arabic also came to be used by European intellectuals who studied Arab literary and scientific texts, and especially by European merchants who traded with the Arab lands of the Mediterranean. Moreover, the legal, and economic traditions first laid down in Arabia informed and influenced practices and behaviours wherever Arabs, and Muslims were to be found. As such, even though time has seen the political centre of gravity move far from the homeland of the Quraysh, their legacy continues to permeate and guide legal, business, and interpersonal relations across the globe.

Collective Consciousness-Arabia World Healing Meditation Day




Collective Consciousness, a term used often these days, is a common attitude or thinking or belief of the society or a major part of it for any given topic. The term collective consciousness was coined by a French man Emile Durkheim in 1870s.

Collective consciousness or mass conscious or the common thinking of the population has similar impact on the reality, which may be good or bad for the society. Most experts believe that the reality can be altered by altering the direction of consciousness or the thinking process of the population. However, the most people in world is unaware about this phenomenon and are ignorant about doing anything for the society as a whole. This is known as collective unconsciousness.

There have been several instances where people have practiced collective consciousness to avoid major threats to the society. These instances include Harmonic Convergence, Earth Day, etc. Humans have managed to avoid possible catastrophes through mass prayers and sending positive energy to the universe.

Scientists have been continuously trying to gauge the impact of collective consciousness on the society. On January 23, 1997, scientist tried to measure the effect, when people gathered for the Gaiamind Meditation Event, and the results were positive. Many scientists now agree that the theories that were formed by mystics are true to an extent. The influence of collective consciousness can be experienced on space and time, and positive results can be intentionally brought.

Collective consciousness works on the same principle as mentioned in the law of attraction. The positive series of thoughts create positive energies that are sent to the universe, and the universe responds back in the form of reality. However, any kind of thought is believed to have an impact on the society. Even if the population thinks “we don’t want terrorist attacks’, it attracts such attacks. Hence, any kind of thought, whether positive or negative attracts the mentioned things. Hence, in order to make it a success, people must first understand how it works. And it is not necessary to think together in an event. Each individual, whether in office, home or park, if thinks in the right direction, can attract positive results.

Universal Law: Giving and Receiving

The Law Of Giving And Receiving:

 One of the greatest laws is the law of giving. It is a phenomenal law. Give freely and happily. Always form a habit of giving cheerfully. Give first before you receive. Whatever energy you give will come back to you in an amazing way. You may give away your time, for example, and it comes back to you much later from an unexpected source in an unexpected form in a way that benefits you greatly. You cannot insist on a particular way and time it will come back to you, but you can be assured it will come back in the best way for you.

Give. Give. Give. And do so cheerfully and freely. It is the energy behind the giving that matters so do not give grudgingly. The law of cause and effect guarantees that you shall receive plenty for what you give.

Life is for giving… Give what you have of your – time, money, smiles, love, compliments, anything. And you will get back what you do not have on you.

Give graciously and receive gratefully. Grace and gratitude are the energizing factors of giving and receiving. By taking care of society and nature, you take care of yourself. Share with and give to nature and society often. It is the goose that lays the golden eggs, and it needs to be protected and nourished so that it can protect and nourish you.

Share. Give. Help others. In the proportion and to the extent that you cause others to build their wealth, so will you build your wealth. Invest some money in financial services and institutions that lend money to others and enable others to build wealth. This is another great way for you to take care of society, to make it wealthy so that you may also get wealthier from it. The Universe is all energy. Energy flows. Giving promotes this energy flow, placing you in harmony with the powers of the Universe. Whatever you wish to have, cause another being to have it first, and you will begin to have it in abundance. Give and you will receive in multiples. For example, if you wish to have wealth, show others how to have wealth, and in an amazing way, you will soon find yourself wealthy. It is a very complicated system that works perfectly. Give cheerfully! Share, share, share. It is an investment banked with the Universe that returns to you with amazing interest. Share gladly and genuinely.

 What you wish to have, cause another to have. To have wealth and abundance cause another to have it. How do you cause others to have wealth? Teach these lessons to your friends that are interested in wealth. Show them this book and others like it. Form study groups or mastermind circles with them. Where two or more are gathered, the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Develop an awareness that enables you to look out for and see all opportunities where you can give something freely and cheerfully. You can give material things, your time, skills, or anything else. Get out of the habit of thinking that you should receive something first before you give. That is not giving. That is an exchange. Giving freely and cheerfully enables you to do business, if you wish to look at it that way, with the Universe. This is how it works: You give someone something that you have now with you – freely and cheerfully. The Universe, by the law, finds the best way to give back that energy to you in the form of something that you do not have with you. it gives you back in multiples, when it is most appropriate, in the most appropriate form. It is a magical process. Obviously, the more you give, the more magic you create for yourself. Life starts to work for you. Develop a strong desire and persistence to give cheerfully and freely. In your goal setting, remember to include several goals that are about free and cheerful giving.

Giving, under the law of cause and effect, is one of the most powerful actions you can take. It returns in multiples, sevenfold. You cannot afford to leave out giving in your life plan. You cannot afford to leave it to chance occurrence. Develop giving into a habit, something you do naturally without having to think of it. This makes you into a consistent and persistent giver and the Universe will work for you. Give spontaneously. Work on the habit of giving until you get to the point where you enjoy giving. Enjoy it thoroughly. It is ok to think and know that when you give you will get back something from the Universe. You do not have to pretend you are not interested in receiving a reward for giving.

Expecting reward is good. In fact, expecting a reward is empowering a reward to come to you. The violation of the law of giving comes when you start expecting to receive something back from the same being you give to, saying “Well, I did this for you so you should do that for me.” In fact demanding a particular reward back is a violation. It makes you “trading” minded rather than “cheerful and free giving” minded. Never ask for or expect payback” from those you give to. The reward you receive will come from a source and a time and in a form that the Universe finds best suited for you.

You always have something to give. Time, complements, talent, money, knowledge, share a book, etc. Giving has one bonus effect: it shows you what you have but did not know you had. Say you wished to have wealth. You then decide to give wealth first by helping others learn how to have wealth. You read books such as these, help where you can with such knowledge, share these kind of books, and so on. In that process, magically, you end up realizing you had a whole lot of wealth and wealth capabilities that you previously thought you lacked. You are surrounded with abundant opportunities to give, but you only see them when you decide to start seeing them.

Learn also to receive graciously and happily. Do not feel uncomfortable receiving. You deserve it and by receiving, you are in harmony with the law of giving and receiving. The trick to giving is to not force it upon those you give to.Offer your gift freely and cheerfully. Show your hand. Do not shove. Show. If the receiver does not wish to take your gift, respect that cheerfully. Do not get offended if your gift is not accepted. Allow the other person their full nature of freedom of choice. And do not make a person dependent on you. When a person becomes dependent on your gifts unnecessarily, you have not done them any good because you have reduced their belief and ability in themselves. Here is a likely scenario. Imagine a person who does not have much in material possessions to give and share with others. But this person is very charming and kind. The person gives a thousand compliments to people he or she comes across without even getting one compliment back. This person uplifts their mood and confidence by finding ways to encourage and compliment them. But this person never gets a compliment back from anybody. Well, not to worry. The Universe keeps its accounts perfectly. This person’s giving builds credit in the universal system. One day, by the law of cause and effect, of giving and receiving, this person somehow gets the bicycle he or she has always wanted -just when the person needed it – in a way that looks like a miracle. It could be by winning some competition, or having it given to them by a stranger, or one of a countless other possibilities, what people call luck. That is how giving works. Sometime the Universe takes little things that you have, can give, and do give, and it puts them into one big thing that you do not have and require and it gives that to you at a perfect time. All other things held constant, to the extent that an individual or society shares and gives in the right way, so will they have wealth and happiness. Now you know how to do business with the Universe, so to speak.

The Universe itself is a giving Universe, for life is for giving. You give and you receive sevenfold – you actually are rewarded for your kindness. The Source, Life, is all about giving, and the intelligence that runs the Universe honors your giving always, all ways. Give cheerfully! Everything in life is a gift. Especially with regard to wealth and happiness, never cease to cause others to have wealth and happiness, and you will have wealth and happiness in multiples! But what goes with giving? Receiving. And what goes with that?


Qudra Healing: A Bi-Product of the ‘Shems Effect’


There may be many soul mates along the Path, yet ultimately there is only one real Shems.” (Qudra Healing) 

Rumi and Shems


“Had I not met you oh dearest Shems, I would not of discovered my path. Had the heavens not sent me to you, I would still be a wanderer. Through  you, I found Me, through this, I know nothing but Love.  In gratitude I search for you. In humility, you’ve disappeared! I’m told, “Despair not, you are One with all those you love, now and eternally. “

In a shower of gentle raindrops
We dance in puddles of reflection
Surrounded by His mysterious protection
Unaware of who is who
Loved- Beloved
Beloved- Loved

Gaze down now to view the reflection
A peek at the height of love’s perfection
I see Me
You see You
We see Him
How could this be?
As in reality we only see ONE imagery!
We’ve unlocked the key to our own Mystery
Our Unity
The Truth WE see
Not Blasphemy.

(Qudra Healing)


“In every spiritual relationship there is a Shems and Rumi. Roles are exchanged reality  both are ONE.” (Qudra Healing)

 A Guest House in Your Soul: Emotional and Spiritual Healing

Marilyn Gordon, BCH, CI

Rumi was a great mystic and  poet whose wisdom and heart were as large as the cosmos. His poems ring out truths that even years after they were written are still profoundly meaningful. Rumi wrote about the growth of the soul, about transcendence and metamorphosis. One of his poems about tending to and healing the emotions is particularly relevant. Here it is:

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning is a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.1

This is a poem about inviting in rather that locking out or rejecting the experiences that come to us on a regular basis. It’s about seeing your illness and pain as guests. It’s about the art of paying attention to the experiences of your life. If you don’t pay attention to your wife, your child, your friend, your fear, or your sadness, the problems can escalate. In our culture, we like to push things down, get rid of them, banish them, drug them into the oblivion of unconsciousness – but here we’re being invited to welcome them all into a guest house. If we suppress our feelings, they keep popping back up, like jack-in-the-boxes. If we pay attention to them, just like human beings, they are magically comforted, soothed and transformed.

Your pain is like a weary traveler on the road. You may feel safe enough to open the door and welcome the traveler in. In the guest house inside your deep inner mind, you may be doing the welcoming, or someone else might be there at the door. Who is it? Is it Jeeves the butler? Michael the archangel? A Great Being – or a small child? Bill Cosby’s son used to say, “Hello Friend!” to everyone he met. Simon and Garfunkle used to sing, “Darkness, darkness my old friend…” You have your own way of greeting your pain or suffering, of saying hello to it. You may want to speak to it and say,” Come in. Here’s a place where you can rest your soul.” You may want to begin a conversation by asking it, “What’s happening? Tell me what’s going on. What is your sadness or anger or pain like? Tell me about it. Tell me more.” First there may be some emotions rising up. You can watch them and allow them. When you just “be” with this pain and suffering, a shift happens, a relaxation, a change in quality, a shift in intensity.

After you pay attention to it, you may want to ask it what it needs. This is a great transformational question. Does it want some comfort? An arm around its shoulder? A change of clothes so that it can take off its disguise and reveal its true self? Does it want to experience great love? A shift in understanding? A chance for forgiveness? A life transformation?

At this point, the pain may have transformed into wisdom in its pure potential. You can ask the Wise Mind to speak about what the meaning of this situation is to your life and then what you might do about it. Is this here to instruct you about what you’re attached to and how you can let go? Is it saying to you that it’s time for a change in your life? Is it saying that you may need a more appropriate form of action in a particular situation? Do you need to treat someone differently? Do you need to become more powerful? Is it time to speak up? Is it time to change the nature and quality of your thoughts? Is it possible to bring spiritual solutions into your life?

Watch for a great metamorphosis, and save a chair in this guest house for any Great One who may be hiding under the guise of sadness, anger, fear and pain. When you pay attention, the duckling becomes a swan, the frog – a prince or princess, and the beast may transmute into the “Guide from Beyond” that Rumi so eloquently talks about.

In this same poem, Rumi also says,

Welcome difficulty.
Learn the alchemy
True Human Beings know:
The moment you accept what trouble
you’ve been given, the door opens.

We can apply this in our own lives and in our work, accepting whatever resistance may be and allowing in the deep feelings that may come through our doors. When we adopt this welcoming and allowing attitude, we can go beyond condemnation and judgment and find a merciful attitude of embracing what comes, and it can only serve to expand and enlighten us.

1. The Illuminated Rumi, Translated by Coleman Barks, New York Broadway Books, 1997


Declutter for Mind, Body and Soul

The Minimalist’s Guide to Fighting (and Beating) Clutter Entropy

Leo Babauta


“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein

Recently I published the Four Laws of Simplicity, which talked in part about decluttering your home and office … and it seemed to strike a chord with many of you.

Clutter, apparently, has invaded all of our lives.

And the inevitable fact is that, no matter how much we simplify our lives, even after a huge decluttering session and after a vow not to buy anything ever ever ever again … entropy always always sets in.

It starts out as one item on the floor. Just a simple box, or a toy, or a piece of clothing. Such a little thing, nothing to worry about. But that one little thing will attract a second, and then a third, and soon clutter will grow insidiously in our homes until it overwhelms us. And then we’re back to square one.

Don’t let it happen. Be vigilant.

Here are my favorite tips for beating clutter entropy, for the minimalists among you.

1. One in, two out. Make it a rule: for every new item that comes into your life, you need to remove two. That means gifts, clothes, shoes, books, magazines, anything. It’s great to have a place where you put things you’re going to get rid of … whether to give to other people or to donate to charity or to take to a used book store. Then you can just grab the stuff on your way out to do errands.

2. Limited storage. I like this rule because it fits in with my philosophy of self-set limitations: don’t allow yourself to have tons of storage space. The more storage you have, the more stuff you’ll keep. Instead, have limited storage and if stuff doesn’t fit in there, get rid of it. That forces you to make choices. They key is making those choices … if you don’t, you’ll end up with clutter.

3. Clear floors and flat surfaces. Keep them clear. A room looks so much cleaner if all flat surfaces, from the floor to tabletops to countertops, are clear of clutter. Remove everything from these surfaces except perhaps one or two decorative items (don’t clutter with knick knacks). If you find stuff making its way here, clear it out. Clearing surfaces once a day or every couple days is a good routine.

4. Designate a home for everything, and be fanatic. When you find stuff on flat surfaces, or draping over a chair, it might be because you don’t have a designated spot for that kind of thing. If you don’t, designate a spot for it immediately. If stuff doesn’t have a home in your home, you need to get rid of it, or it will forever wander around the house. The other problem might be that you have already designated a spot for it, but you’re just not good at putting it away. In that case, take a month to build up the habit of putting things where they belong immediately. It’ll make a huge difference.

5. Regular decluttering sessions. Put in your calendar. Even the best of us need to declutter regularly. If you’ve decluttered your home, things might be great now, but you’ll need to do clutter maintenance. Put it in your calendar: perhaps once a month, once a week, or once every few months. Experiment to see what interval works for your life.

Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. – Lao Tzu

6. Reduce your desires for more. If clutter is coming into your life at a rate that’s too great for you to handle, you might need to look at your buying habits. Do you go shopping for clothes or gadgets or shoes or books every week (or more)? Are you always buying stuff online? If so, is it out of real necessity, or do you just like to buy stuff? It’s important that you take a look at these desires, and see if you can address them. Reducing your desires will go a long way to reducing your need to fight clutter.

7. 30-day list. This is really a way to control the desires I mentioned in No. 6 above. Make a list: anytime you want to buy something (other than absolute necessities), put it on the list with the date you added it. Then, don’t allow yourself to buy something until it’s been on the list for 30 days. By then, your desire for that item might have passed. It’s a great way to control that impulse to buy. (A cool alternative: the Want book.)

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein

8. Change your habits. Clutter didn’t create itself. It’s there because you put it there. What habits do you have that created the clutter? There may be many of them, some of them already mentioned above: you buy a lot, you don’t designate a home for things, you don’t put things away, you buy but don’t remove things … you may have other habits that create clutter. Change those habits, one at a time. Take 30 days and focus on a clutter habit, and see if you can create a new habit that will reduce your clutter.



The Tao of Islamic Chi:

Energy Course 101:


This course has been designed to meet the needs of today’s multi tasking Muslim. We’ve simplified the fundamental concepts concerning the Law of Attraction, and in a nutshell, present surface rules of energy and how energy affects the individual and her environment.  Additionally, we’ve included practical guidelines on how to organize one’s life, starting from one’s self to a room by room approach.  More effective than hiring a professional organizer or attending hours of time consuming workshops, we assure you this course is 100% user friendly for the most disorganized individual.

Prerequisite: None. We recommend this course as a preliminary to QRA 1-3 and QRP.

World Healing Day: Last Saturday of April, 2012

Message from Bill Douglas to Qudra Healing:

What a wonderful event you have planned.” (Bill Douglas, World Visionary and Author  of 2012 The Awakening and Founder of World Healing Day)


UNPRECENDENTED-Saudi Arabia for the FIRST TIME EVER is to witness a multi-faith collaborative World Healing Event. From the heart of Arabia where Light Workers, Healers, Spiritual Teachers, Adherents and Devotees from all walks and ethnicities are called under the Makki-Madani Energy Fields to join together in heart, mind and soul with the global community and simply pray for world peace. We are all anxious and desire world peace, harmony and await the energy shift bringing humanity towards a higher consciousness. Qudra Healing, a leader in providing spiritual education, has taken the initiative to call upon all devotees to join us through prayers on this day for world peace, harmony and guidance. A moment of your time will make a world of a difference. Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem (In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful). “ “Come One, Come All”


Day: April 28th 2012

Time: Any moment in the day

Location: From your heart

Request: Send out healing prayer energy into the Universe

Cost: Free

ALL participants are requested to:

Join FB Event

Send invites to as MANY as one can

Register on our official event page:

Promote your group/website/organization/service on this event page


Qudra Healing

Hope for Exceptional Needs

Your True Nature

Positive Enlightment and Benefits of Reiki

Sridevi Hatha Yoga

Healers in Arabia

Nimah Nawwab:

Fatima Omar Khamissa:

Tonja Edgecomb

Key Participants & Organizers:

Bill Douglas, Shems Tebrez Khanum, Nura Tarmann, Ayesha Khoja, Fs Suzie, KaY VanHoesen, Rose Winstanley Trfez, Zainab Foundation, Ameena Mansoor Amin, Fatina Ameen, Nimah Nawwab, Nafeesa Shems, Manal Aldabbagh, Naima Ishaqi, Fatima Omar Khamissa, Farrha Xha, Tonja Edgecomb, Rumiana Ali and over 400 plus participants.

Face Book Event Page:


The Global Consciousness Project, born out of research at Princeton University,
found that during times of great tragedy human consciousness focused to such a
degree that it physically affected their computers all around the world. While other
research found that when a small percentage of human beings harmonized their
consciousness, they positively affected the behaviour of the community around them.

What if human consciousness was focused on a healing intention, together, for a 24 hour period?

For More information please visit:

Juicing for Cellular Health





 The benefits of juicing are numerous and well documented. The USA in common with rest of the western hemisphere is currently suffering from an epidemic of obesity and rising rates of ailments including heart disease, diabetes and cancer (to name but a few) as we increasingly consume fat and sugar laden fast and processed foods.


name but a few) as we increasingly consume fat and sugar laden fast and processed foods.

However, over the past few years a new trend has developed, which reflects an increasing interest in organic and healthy foods. It seems that more and more people are waking up and realizing that their dietary habits are shortening their life spans.

It’s more than just athletes and health professionals who are slowly but surely acknowledging that the benefits of juicing can help them to be healthier and happier over an extended life span.

It’s more than just athletes and health professionals who are slowly but surely acknowledging that the benefits of juicing can help them to be healthier and happier over an extended life span.



  • Juicing for health provides vital nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals for our bodies to repair themselves, strengthen the immune system and for cell regeneration and growth.
  • Unlocking nutrients of raw foods is one of the vital benefits of juicing. Fiber is quite literally locked into many vegetables and fruits and the potential benefit of the fiber is lost as the digestive system does not unlock it. Juicing releases the fiber’s nutrition so that benefit may be realized.
  • Normally we do not consume peelings, seeds and pits of fruits and vegetables. These parts are a rich source of vital nutrients we normally throw away. A good quality juicer extracts juice from the whole veggie or fruit, including peelings, pits and seeds to provide vitamin and minerals that would otherwise be lost.
  • Heat kills live enzymes. A quality juicer minimizes heat in order to preserve the most live enzymes possible.
  • Using a good quality juicer will cause the least amount of foaming in the juice. Foam is indicative of oxidation of the juice which lowers the antioxidant benefit. Less foam equals more antioxidant benefit.
  • Juice is an excellent snack or meal replacement that is very filling. Many dieters claim that juices assist them to lose pounds with no hunger.
  • The antioxidant effects of juices will help detoxify your body and help you eliminate the toxins, fats, preservatives and chemicals that a diet of processed foods leave behind in your body.

Increased energy and mood uplift are collateral benefits of juicing. As your body becomes detoxified and “cleaned out” it will be more able to access and utilize

  • restorative and sustaining nutrients which most likely will make you feel better in general. When you feel better you are more energized and happier.
  • The most readily digestible or absorbable form of foods, not to mention the most concentrated form, is juice. Juicing makes foods easy to digest and thus, easier for the body to receive maximum benefit from the source food.

Making your own juices allows you to make any combination of fruits or vegetables that you choose into juice – and you know what’s in it, unlike produce on the supermarket shelves