31 Belief Codes on Healing



Gregg Braden encourages everyone to move to a mental place where they raise awareness and grow more awakened to their own misperceptions and reasons behind them.  This touches on the hightened perception linked to the 2012 phenomenon.

Braden advises how each human being has inner power to shatter their own conception of false limits. In his book, The Spontaneous Healing of Disbelief, he explore these 31 belief codes in great detail and its truly worth reading;

1) Experiments show the focus of attention shifts reality.

2) We live based on what we believe, limit and create.

3) Science is one language that describes things as they are.

4) Particles we’re made of interact instantaneously, bilocate and change the past through present choices, and so can we.

5) Beliefs can change energy flow and events in the universe.

6) Perceived existence is actually a series of energy holograms.

7) All energy is “on” (physical matter) or “off” (invisible waves).

8) Nature repeats patterns to build all you perceive or not.

9) If the universe is compised of repeating patterns, grasping small things is a window into the bigger picture.

10) Belief is a ‘program’ that creates patterns in reality.

11) What we believe is more powerful than what others accept.

12) Accept the power of belief can transform everything.

13) Belief creates certainty based on thought and feelings.

14) Belief is expressed in the heart, where experiences are translated into electrical and magnetic waves that interact withe the world.

15) Beliefs and feelings speak a quantum language to create.

16) The subconscious is larger & faster than conscious mind.

17) The most deeply-held beliefs are hidden in subconscious.

18) During what are perceived as greatest challenges, deeply held fears/ beliefs are exposed and avaiable for healing.

19) Belief in unresolved hurt arises in harmful, physical effect.

20) Soul pain translates into diminished spiritual quality of life.

21) Principles that permit self-injury are reversed to self-heal.

22) Belief in a unifying force or opposing ones, shapes you.

23) Choose relationship with light and darkness to heal the rift.

24) A miracle possible for anyone is possible for everyone.

25) You create and experience realities you conjure in mind.

26) In 1998, scientists confirmed photons are influenced by being watched and the more intense the observing, the greater influence over particle activity.

27) Key is to consciously become an experience you choose.

28) People tend to experience what they identify with/ believe.

29) Both logic and miracles open inner channels to beliefs.

30) To alter beliefs, shift awareness to many new possibilities.

31) No need to explain how or why something works, just be consciously willing to accept what it brings to your perception.

Dr. Mitchell Gibson on the Science of Miracles and Healing

Dr. Mitchell Gibson is one of the world’s leading authorities on the interface of science, the human soul, and the frontiers of human consciousness.  He is the best-selling author of Your Immortal Body of Light, Signs of Mental Illness, Signs of Psychic and Spiritual Ability, The Living Soul, and Ancient Teaching Stories.

He has delivered addresses to many of the world’s largest conferences related to science and consciousness. These include, The International Science and Consciousness Conference, The Sivananda Ashram Annual Symposium, International Institute of Integral Human Sciences, The Southeast Regional Unity Ministers Conference, The American Federation of Astrologers and many others.
Dr. Gibson has been a consultant for Fortune 500 companies, Hollywood celebrities, A&E Network, NBC, ABC, and CBS regional affiliate television stations, newspapers, radio stations.
Dr. Gibson uses his clairvoyant and spiritual gifts to work with a select group of clients.  He has retired from the traditional practice of psychiatry and has devoted his time to writing, teaching and spiritual research. He now works full time helping these clients free themselves from spiritual disturbances.



Collective Consciousness: Arabia, Quraysh, and the Universe

Millions flock annually to Makkah for the Annual Consciousness Gathering; "The Hajj." Each pilgrim representing "Oneness with the Universe."













At the dawn of the 6th Century, the Quraysh were the dominant tribe in Arabia. The unprecedented proliferation of trade, science, and arts heralded by the dawn of Islam thrust the Quraysh to a position of international prominence. To this day, the Quraysh occupy a special place in the Arab and Muslim collective consciousness, revered for their inimitable contribution to the development of codes, alliances and practices that continue to shape our world. However, even before being elevated to such lofty heights, the Quraysh were known throughout pre-Islamic Arabia for their strong legal and business traditions.

In the Quraysh experience, the three guiding elements of unity, justice and collective action constituted a comprehensive worldview. Trade, cultural and religious festivals, and the need to co-exist with one’s neighbours, all demanded collaboration, efficient communication, and equitable legal conventions. This in turn laid the foundation for interdependence, and unity.


The very word ‘Quraysh’ is said to come from the Arabic word for gathering or getting together, taqarrush, relating to the efforts to unite the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula. The spirit of taqarrush would prove to be central to the growth of Arab and Islamic civilisations, whereby people of different nations and races where brought together under one banner, exhibiting ‘diversity within unity’.


The pursuit of justice runs deep in Quraysh’s history, as shown by the Fudul Pact (Hilf al-Fudul), a 6th Century bill of rights protecting visiting merchants in Mecca from abuse by the locals. With this, the Quraysh elders established that justice takes precedence over bonds of blood and ancestry. Numerous other Pacts, or ahlaf, offer examples of negotiated conventions addressing different concerns ranging from regulating access to resources, such as water, to the protection of property, and the resolution of social and familial disputes.

Trade protections were a recurrent feature of the pre-Islamic Quraysh. In most cases, the protection was offered to foreign merchants, who shared neither the Quraysh’s language nor their pre-Islamic pagan religion. A frequent statement in the negotiation of these trade conventions was, “Your rights must be equivalent to your responsibilities,” thereby exemplifying the equitable basis of Quraysh’s relations with others.

Collective Action

For many generations, Quraysh tradesmen sold their merchandise only in Arabian markets, mostly in Mecca’s trade-cum-religious festivals. Ultimately, however, the Quraysh convinced the Byzantine Empire to open its markets to Arabian products.

This institutional open exchange, or ilaf, would alter fundamentally the course of history. Not only did it connect Arabian and Byzantine markets, but it also encouraged the exchange of ideas. By the time of their adoption of Islam, the Quraysh, and Arabia itself, were firmly part of a wider world with a myriad of different peoples, languages, and traditions. After the spread of Islam to the Levant, Egypt, and beyond, the legacy of ilaf fulfilled itself through the creation of complex networks of religious and secular interactions throughout the entire region.

Furthermore, the Quraysh dialect of Arabic provided the basis for the lingua franca of what became the world’s largest cultural and economic unit, binding together diverse peoples all the way from the Atlantic Ocean to the Himalayas. Arabic also came to be used by European intellectuals who studied Arab literary and scientific texts, and especially by European merchants who traded with the Arab lands of the Mediterranean. Moreover, the legal, and economic traditions first laid down in Arabia informed and influenced practices and behaviours wherever Arabs, and Muslims were to be found. As such, even though time has seen the political centre of gravity move far from the homeland of the Quraysh, their legacy continues to permeate and guide legal, business, and interpersonal relations across the globe.

Collective Consciousness-Arabia World Healing Meditation Day

Source: http://www.quraysh.com



Collective Consciousness, a term used often these days, is a common attitude or thinking or belief of the society or a major part of it for any given topic. The term collective consciousness was coined by a French man Emile Durkheim in 1870s.

Collective consciousness or mass conscious or the common thinking of the population has similar impact on the reality, which may be good or bad for the society. Most experts believe that the reality can be altered by altering the direction of consciousness or the thinking process of the population. However, the most people in world is unaware about this phenomenon and are ignorant about doing anything for the society as a whole. This is known as collective unconsciousness.

There have been several instances where people have practiced collective consciousness to avoid major threats to the society. These instances include Harmonic Convergence, Earth Day, etc. Humans have managed to avoid possible catastrophes through mass prayers and sending positive energy to the universe.

Scientists have been continuously trying to gauge the impact of collective consciousness on the society. On January 23, 1997, scientist tried to measure the effect, when people gathered for the Gaiamind Meditation Event, and the results were positive. Many scientists now agree that the theories that were formed by mystics are true to an extent. The influence of collective consciousness can be experienced on space and time, and positive results can be intentionally brought.

Collective consciousness works on the same principle as mentioned in the law of attraction. The positive series of thoughts create positive energies that are sent to the universe, and the universe responds back in the form of reality. However, any kind of thought is believed to have an impact on the society. Even if the population thinks “we don’t want terrorist attacks’, it attracts such attacks. Hence, any kind of thought, whether positive or negative attracts the mentioned things. Hence, in order to make it a success, people must first understand how it works. And it is not necessary to think together in an event. Each individual, whether in office, home or park, if thinks in the right direction, can attract positive results.

Qudra Healing: A Bi-Product of the ‘Shems Effect’


There may be many soul mates along the Path, yet ultimately there is only one real Shems.” (Qudra Healing) 

Rumi and Shems


“Had I not met you oh dearest Shems, I would not of discovered my path. Had the heavens not sent me to you, I would still be a wanderer. Through  you, I found Me, through this, I know nothing but Love.  In gratitude I search for you. In humility, you’ve disappeared! I’m told, “Despair not, you are One with all those you love, now and eternally. “

In a shower of gentle raindrops
We dance in puddles of reflection
Surrounded by His mysterious protection
Unaware of who is who
Loved- Beloved
Beloved- Loved

Gaze down now to view the reflection
A peek at the height of love’s perfection
I see Me
You see You
We see Him
How could this be?
As in reality we only see ONE imagery!
We’ve unlocked the key to our own Mystery
Our Unity
The Truth WE see
Not Blasphemy.

(Qudra Healing)


“In every spiritual relationship there is a Shems and Rumi. Roles are exchanged periodically..in reality  both are ONE.” (Qudra Healing)

 A Guest House in Your Soul: Emotional and Spiritual Healing

Marilyn Gordon, BCH, CI

Rumi was a great mystic and  poet whose wisdom and heart were as large as the cosmos. His poems ring out truths that even years after they were written are still profoundly meaningful. Rumi wrote about the growth of the soul, about transcendence and metamorphosis. One of his poems about tending to and healing the emotions is particularly relevant. Here it is:

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning is a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.1

This is a poem about inviting in rather that locking out or rejecting the experiences that come to us on a regular basis. It’s about seeing your illness and pain as guests. It’s about the art of paying attention to the experiences of your life. If you don’t pay attention to your wife, your child, your friend, your fear, or your sadness, the problems can escalate. In our culture, we like to push things down, get rid of them, banish them, drug them into the oblivion of unconsciousness – but here we’re being invited to welcome them all into a guest house. If we suppress our feelings, they keep popping back up, like jack-in-the-boxes. If we pay attention to them, just like human beings, they are magically comforted, soothed and transformed.

Your pain is like a weary traveler on the road. You may feel safe enough to open the door and welcome the traveler in. In the guest house inside your deep inner mind, you may be doing the welcoming, or someone else might be there at the door. Who is it? Is it Jeeves the butler? Michael the archangel? A Great Being – or a small child? Bill Cosby’s son used to say, “Hello Friend!” to everyone he met. Simon and Garfunkle used to sing, “Darkness, darkness my old friend…” You have your own way of greeting your pain or suffering, of saying hello to it. You may want to speak to it and say,” Come in. Here’s a place where you can rest your soul.” You may want to begin a conversation by asking it, “What’s happening? Tell me what’s going on. What is your sadness or anger or pain like? Tell me about it. Tell me more.” First there may be some emotions rising up. You can watch them and allow them. When you just “be” with this pain and suffering, a shift happens, a relaxation, a change in quality, a shift in intensity.

After you pay attention to it, you may want to ask it what it needs. This is a great transformational question. Does it want some comfort? An arm around its shoulder? A change of clothes so that it can take off its disguise and reveal its true self? Does it want to experience great love? A shift in understanding? A chance for forgiveness? A life transformation?

At this point, the pain may have transformed into wisdom in its pure potential. You can ask the Wise Mind to speak about what the meaning of this situation is to your life and then what you might do about it. Is this here to instruct you about what you’re attached to and how you can let go? Is it saying to you that it’s time for a change in your life? Is it saying that you may need a more appropriate form of action in a particular situation? Do you need to treat someone differently? Do you need to become more powerful? Is it time to speak up? Is it time to change the nature and quality of your thoughts? Is it possible to bring spiritual solutions into your life?

Watch for a great metamorphosis, and save a chair in this guest house for any Great One who may be hiding under the guise of sadness, anger, fear and pain. When you pay attention, the duckling becomes a swan, the frog – a prince or princess, and the beast may transmute into the “Guide from Beyond” that Rumi so eloquently talks about.

In this same poem, Rumi also says,

Welcome difficulty.
Learn the alchemy
True Human Beings know:
The moment you accept what trouble
you’ve been given, the door opens.

We can apply this in our own lives and in our work, accepting whatever resistance may be and allowing in the deep feelings that may come through our doors. When we adopt this welcoming and allowing attitude, we can go beyond condemnation and judgment and find a merciful attitude of embracing what comes, and it can only serve to expand and enlighten us.

1. The Illuminated Rumi, Translated by Coleman Barks, New York Broadway Books, 1997


World Healing Day: Last Saturday of April, 2012

Message from Bill Douglas to Qudra Healing:

What a wonderful event you have planned.” (Bill Douglas, World Visionary and Author  of 2012 The Awakening and Founder of World Healing Day)


UNPRECENDENTED-Saudi Arabia for the FIRST TIME EVER is to witness a multi-faith collaborative World Healing Event. From the heart of Arabia where Light Workers, Healers, Spiritual Teachers, Adherents and Devotees from all walks and ethnicities are called under the Makki-Madani Energy Fields to join together in heart, mind and soul with the global community and simply pray for world peace. We are all anxious and desire world peace, harmony and await the energy shift bringing humanity towards a higher consciousness. Qudra Healing, a leader in providing spiritual education, has taken the initiative to call upon all devotees to join us through prayers on this day for world peace, harmony and guidance. A moment of your time will make a world of a difference. Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem (In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful). “ “Come One, Come All”


Day: April 28th 2012

Time: Any moment in the day

Location: From your heart

Request: Send out healing prayer energy into the Universe

Cost: Free

ALL participants are requested to:

Join FB Event

Send invites to as MANY as one can

Register on our official event page:


Promote your group/website/organization/service on this event page


Qudra Healing


Hope for Exceptional Needs


Your True Nature


Positive Enlightment and Benefits of Reiki


Sridevi Hatha Yoga


Healers in Arabia


Nimah Nawwab:

Fatima Omar Khamissa:


Tonja Edgecomb


Key Participants & Organizers:

Bill Douglas, Shems Tebrez Khanum, Nura Tarmann, Ayesha Khoja, Fs Suzie, KaY VanHoesen, Rose Winstanley Trfez, Zainab Foundation, Ameena Mansoor Amin, Fatina Ameen, Nimah Nawwab, Nafeesa Shems, Manal Aldabbagh, Naima Ishaqi, Fatima Omar Khamissa, Farrha Xha, Tonja Edgecomb, Rumiana Ali and over 400 plus participants.

Face Book Event Page:



The Global Consciousness Project, born out of research at Princeton University,
found that during times of great tragedy human consciousness focused to such a
degree that it physically affected their computers all around the world. While other
research found that when a small percentage of human beings harmonized their
consciousness, they positively affected the behaviour of the community around them.

What if human consciousness was focused on a healing intention, together, for a 24 hour period?

For More information please visit:



Healing and Animals


Healing and Animals

Dr Silvia Hartmann

A Young Shepard

Healing animals – this can be read two ways, and both are equally important to a person who is drawn to animals, as a part of their path and spiritual development. We meet animals who have the power to give us healing, and these become healing animals for us; and then there comes a time when we want to give back, in fact are now healed enough to have something to give again, and at that point, many are drawn to healing animals themselves.

Animals are the link between us human beings, who have in many ways become painfully detached from the great creative order by our ways and mistakes, and the thinking and doing we do, and all the rest of the Universe.

Animals can become the messenger and pathway back to nature, back to the entire world that exists outside of people doings, and where God awaits, if you want to put it like that.

The very purity of animals who do not lie, steal, plot or doubt themselves or others is an antidote, a mirror to where we human beings are going wrong. The animals are a cure and pathway out of loneliness and disconnection; they give us much needed energy and very importantly, give us somewhere to put our energy, the love we have to give, the care taking and compassion which every person has but no-one asks them for it, and if they offer it to other human beings, it is usually rejected.

So in this very simple, structural way of pure giving and receiving energy exchanges, animals provide us with a bitterly needed service to get some flow back into our energy systems that have become encapsulated as we try and keep away from our human neighbors, have become suspicious of strangers and walk through our cities with our heads down and our energy systems pulled in tight.

In even aiming towards becoming a healer, and giving now instead of only taking all the time, we take a MASSIVE step of evolution in the direction of a fully functional, powerful human being that can protect, and heal the animals in their environment, and further out, the animals that they become aware of on the wider levels.

The suffering of animals because of human intervention across time and space is vast, and it would be impossible for a person in the Hard to make any impact on that that would be noticeable.

In the energy realms however, where all time is one, and a single thought can move a mountain, we can do SO MUCH, and we can make wonderful changes simply by the power of intention which is powered by our heartfelt desire to bring healing and protection to the animals – to a whole species, to all animals past, present and future, or just a single individual who has suffered at the hands of man.




What is Quantum Healing?

Quantum Healing










While conventional medicine approaches healing primarily on the physical level, healing can occur on a nonphysical level of existence, as discussed by H. Dhar in 2009 in Bombay Hospital Journal. Dhar explains that although this type of existence is immaterial, it is the precursor to what becomes physical. Addressing illness on this level as opposed to the physical is thought to be more effective since it is addressing the problem at its source, Dhar says. However, such practice should never replace consulting a medical doctor or outweigh the advice of a doctor.


Quantum is a fraction of the size of an atom and behaves like a wave like light, Dhar explains. A quantum is invisible and comes from the consciousness, or mind, where quantums then come together and take physical form to become matter, according to Dhar.


The idea of the nonlocal mind explains the mind as existing everywhere in space and time and this is why healing can occur remotely, as Larry Dossey explains in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine.


Understanding exactly how quantum healing occurs appears to be beyond the comprehension of the human intellect, according to Dossey. He uses the analogy that it is like the story of the blind who encounter the elephant. Each man feels different parts and consequently is in disagreement about the nature of the animal as a whole. Similarly, the healer can observe healing take place, yet cannot identify within the process how the healing occurs.


Meditation can result in connection to the superconsciousness, or higher self, which is defined as a higher level or more intelligent form of human existence that is closer to the supernatural, according to Dhar. It is in this connection to the supernatural where suffering and ills cease to exist, Dhar explains. He also describes mediation that focuses on the quantum level gets closer to the source of disease than do other forms of meditation that operate on the molecular level.


The first phase of quantum healing is when the healer enters into a meditative state that involves positive feelings such as compassion, warmth and serenity, according to Dossey. He describes the second phase as the biggest mystery of the process, yet it involves the intentions of healing having an influence on the person receiving the healing. The third phase is the physiological change in the person the healing is directed toward, such as positive changes in a heart condition.

Experience Quantum Healing and learn more about Qudra Healing’s remote healing services.

Article Source:  www.livestrong.com



Defining Terms Related to Psychic Powers

By Ryan Dube

Although no form of psychic ability has been validated by science yet, there is a long list of psychic abilities that continue to be reported throughout the world.

What are Psychic Abilities?

The organization that examines the question of PSI abilities in the most scientific manner is the Parapsychological Association (PA), which is an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Within the PA’s online encyclopedia, they’ve published an article by Dr. Mario Varvoglis where he defines “psi” as every kind of unexplainable psychic phenomenon that “seem to be related” to the human mind. He further quantifies that by defining what it means to be “psychic”. Dr. Varvoglis calls it an experience that “must involve” interactions that aren’t the same as our normal methods of interacting with the world around us. In other words, the scientific definition of types of “psychic abilities” refers to those abilities to perceive things about the world through a “sixth sense”. This is why types of psychic abilities are referred to as extrasensory perception.

The following list of psychic abilities make up entire categories of ability. Some psychics claim to have only one of these abilities, while other psychics say that they have several.

A List of Psychic Abilities

Astral projection is the ability to cause your conscious awareness to be in a position outside of your physical body. It is also referred to by the literature as an out-of-body experience (OBE). Experiencers of this psychic phenomenon report seeing their body on an operating table and watching events unfold as medical technicians work to revive them. Some experiencers wake up later and, to everyone’s astonishment, they are able to describe those details to medical staff.

Aura Reading is the perception that allows a “sensitive” to perceive a disturbance in the air surrounding an individual, animal, or object. Auras are defined differently by different people, with some referring to them in the spiritual terms, while some researchers refer to them in purely scientific terms. Whether these disturbances are caused by spirit or by electromagnetic radiation, reading auras is a very common psychic ability.

Automatic writing is a technique that many clairvoyants use to pass information from the spiritual world through their subconscious mind and onto paper. The theory is that the psychic’s hand is ultimately controlled by the outside intelligence.

Channeling is similar to automatic writing, except instead of the outside spiritual intelligence controlling the psychic’s hand, it take over the vocal chords of the psychic. People who have this ability are called “mediums” because they serve as a medium, or vessel, for communication to take place with the invisible entity.

Clairvoyance refers to the capacity of a psychic to see visions of events, people and places that are far away, or outside of the normal perceptual range of the psychic. This is also the form of psychic ability most commonly referred to as “remote viewing.”

Clairaudience is very similar to clairvoyance, except it is focused on the ability to hear things that are normally inaudible to regular hearing. This does not refer to hearing voices of invisible spirits; instead, it is the ability to hear the voices of people who are very far away from the psychic.

Clairsentience is simply the awareness of a fact or piece of information that is hidden from the psychic. For example, if a psychic met someone for the first time and knew their name, or their birthday, this would be an example of clairsentience.

Animal Telepathy is a less commonly known ability to communicate telepathically with animals. Also called “pet psychics,” these people are claimed to have a psychic connection with the thoughts and feelings of animals. Some people believe that people who excel at training animals tend to have this form of telepathy without realizing it.

Divination encompasses the more commonly known activities practiced by most of the commercial psychics such as fortune telling and prophesying. Divination is essentially the ability of a psychic to foretell the future.

Dowsing is an age-old art of using rods or sticks to locate objects. This was a technique used for many decades to locate water. Many older folks swear that it works, but no one can really explain why.

Intuition is an innate “sense” of events, thoughts, activities or feelings of others that are outside of the normal human ability to perceive them. For example, someone with extraordinary intuition may have a very strong feeling that someone they just met has a drinking problem even though the person shows no outward appearance of being alcoholic. An intuitive person has a borderline psychic perception.

Levitation is a rare ability to levitate one’s body above the ground. Levitation is reported in many cases of demonic possession, but it’s also been reported in other spiritual cases, such as the case of St. Theresa of Avila during the 16th century, when witnesses reported seeing her levitating while she was meditating during mass.

Precognition is the ability to foretell the future. This particular form of future viewing involves obtaining specific information about an event, rather than a visual “viewing” of the future.

Psychometry is the ability of a psychic to perceive energies (also called vibrations or impressions) from an object. This ability has been portrayed often in movies and TV shows where a psychic touches an object and receives flashbacks about the person who last touched it.

Pyrokinesis refers to the ability to spark fire with the mind. This is a highly specialized form of psychokinesis. Just because someone has pyrokinetic ability does not mean that he or she has all forms of psychokinesis.

Telekinesis or psychokinesis is one of the most commonly portrayed psychic abilities in the media. It refers to the ability of a psychic to affect or move objects.

Telepathy is the ability to communicate with others through mental thought alone.

Are Psychic Abilities Real?

Even after many years of research regarding psychic phenomenon, the jury is still out. On the one hand, solid and repeatable evidence continues to elude serious scientists. On the other hand, witnesses report seeing and experiencing psychic phenomenon taking place very often, and psychics can be found in almost every community in the world. While some are surely frauds or magicians, others avoid the spotlight while silently using their psychic abilities to counsel or help others – convincing many people that psychic abilities are very real.


What is Angelic Healing?

What is Angelic Healing?

Marjorie McAtee

Angelic healing is a type of alternative medicine that claims to channel the divine energies of angels, archangels, and other celestial beings into the earthly realm in order to heal physical, emotional, and mental illnesses and traumas. Practitioners of angelic healing believe that they are capable of opening a channel or vortex through which angelic beings can travel to share their divine energy with living people. This spiritual healing energy is said to resolve past emotional and psychic traumas, as well as restore the physical body to optimum function. Angelic healing sessions can typically be practiced in person, or from a distance, over the telephone. They are believed safe for everyone, regardless of age or current medical condition.

Practitioners of angelic healing believe that the practice can clear negative energy from an individual’s psychic energy field. They generally feel that physical, psychological, and emotional illnesses and trauma can leave negative physical impressions on a cellular level. These negative impressions are said to strongly influence the individual’s mental and physical function. Angelic healers believe that these negative impressions can cause detrimental imbalances to occur in an individual’s psychic energy field.

People who practice and believe in angelic healing feel that the energy imbalances caused by physical and psychic trauma can be difficult to reverse using conventional methods of therapy, such as psychotherapy. Angelic healing techniques are believed to quickly reverse these energetic imbalances, restoring clients to an optimum state of physical and mental function with as little as one healing session. Some angelic healers even seek to address karmic obstructions that, they claim, may have developed during one or more of a client’s previous physical incarnations.

This type of spiritual healing practice can be performed face-to-face, or it can be performed as a distance healing procedure, usually over the telephone. Practitioners of angelic healing believe that they are calling upon divine energies to help facilitate the client’s physical, emotional, mental, and even karmic healing. Angelic healers often believe temporal boundaries, such as distance, have no bearing on the treatment’s efficacy. Angelic healing from a distance is therefore said to be just as effective as face-to-face angelic healing.

The benefits of angelic healing on emotional and physical health are said to be many. They are believed to include increased feelings of well-being and peace of mind, as well as better sleep and a restored sense of individual purpose or motivation. Some feel that this process can help clients resolve long-standing or deep-seated emotional issues, and can make the process of moving on from emotional trauma much easier.

The Healing Power of Lightworkers

The Healing Power of Lightworkers


By Doreen Virtue

Lightworkers are those who volunteered, before birth, to help the planet and its population heal from the effects of fear. Each lightworker is here for a sacred purpose. Very often, however, life on earth with its material focus creates a form of amnesia in lightworkers. They then forget their divine and perfect identities, and also their abilities to miraculously help the earth and all living creatures. When lightworkers forget their true identity and purpose, they feel lost and afraid.

Your are a lightworker if you: feel called to heal others; want to resolve the world’s social and environmental problems; believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation; have had mystical experiences, such as psychic premonitions or angelic encounters; have endured harsh life experiences that eroded the knowledge of your Divine perfection; want to heal your own life as a first step in healing the world; feel compelled to write, teach, or counsel about your healing experiences, or feel a sense of time urgency to fulfill your mission before you know that you are here for a higher purpose, or even if you are unsure what it is or how to fulfill it.

Everywhere on the planet right now, lightworkers are awakening to faint memories about why they came to earth. They hear an inner calling that can’t be ignored. This call is a reminder that it is now time to stop toying with material dreams, and get to work.

Many lightworkers are discovering innate spiritual gifts, such as psychic communication skills and spiritual healing abilities. These are the gifts that we volunteered to use to heal the earth and her population during the crucial decades surrounding the millennium.

Prophecies predicted our coming, and now it is time for us to fulfill our Divine purposes. The world depends upon us!

We who are lightworkers don’t necessarily need to add anything to ourselves to prepare for our mission. We already have innate abilities, even if they are presently dormant. Instead, we need to work on releasing fears which keep us from feeling confident in our lightworker abilities. When you remind yourself that your power as a lightworker comes from your higher self and God (not from “you”) you automatically feel more assured of your abilities as a spiritual healer.

With our focused intent, thought, and spirit, we can heal anything. There are no limits, except those we place upon our healing abilities.

We definitely can heal the earth with our spiritual approach.
In fact, scientists have recently demonstrated that people can change water and air temperature and also cloud structures, purely through their thoughts. Researchers have known for years that prayer positively affects plants and animals. These studies reveal something that many lightworkers have already known: our collective prayers and healing thoughts can avert prophecies of world trauma.

There is only one spirit and one mind, and we are all part of this collective intelligence and love. Miraculous results in scientific laboratories are demonstrating the factual basis of the oneness of all life. Not long ago, U.S. and Japanese scientists hooked-up test subjects to blood pressure and heart monitor machines. Simultaneously, in separate and sealed rooms, other test subjects were asked to think loving or angry thoughts about the people hooked-up to the machines. At the exact instant when a subject held a loving thought, the monitored person’s blood pressure and heart rate significantly dropped. And then, at the precise moment when an angry thought was projected, the person’s vital signs skyrocketed upward.

We who are lightworkers are already aware of the power of our thoughts.
What we are continuing to learn, however, is that our thoughts are even more powerful than we suspected! A large part of our lightworker function, then, is to continuously monitor our own thoughts to ensure that they are from a high and loving plane. When we occasionally slip into fearful or judgmental thoughts, we can release these thought forms to the angels who surround us, knowing that these spiritual companions want to help us fulfill our sacred purpose.

If your intuition is urging you toward a healing function, you can be sure that this is a Divine voice and not just wishful thinking. In recent years, a spiritual call has been broadcast-like a psychic “help wanted” ad-asking for lightworkers to awaken to their healing roles. Those who have heard the call sometimes contact me, asking for reassurance that this inner voice isn’t setting them up for disappointment or possible failure.

I can certainly understand this fear, since I experienced it myself. When I was a young mother of two and an uneducated housewife, I began having spontaneous visions in which I saw myself as a healer and author. These visions frightened me, because I didn’t think that I had the time, money, or intelligence to succeed. So I began overeating to silence the inner voice and visions. I didn’t feel ready or qualified to awaken to my mission.

What I was doing was the equivalent of pushing the “snooze button” on my spiritual alarm clock. Overeating was my way of delaying God’s plan for me, because food would temporarily drown out the sound and sight of my Divine life plan. I gained nearly 50 pounds before I finally surrendered to the Creator and asked for help in making my inner vision a reality. I discovered that as soon as I committed to following my life purpose, doors opened up for me in succession. In miraculous ways that I could never have planned for, everything in my visions became a reality.

We cannot fail when we accept the mission we chose for ourselves prior to incarnation.
The power and intelligence of the One mind makes no mistakes. We would not have been assigned our lightworker role, were we not perfectly qualified. Since we are made in the image and likeness of One who is all-knowing, all-loving, and able to heal anything, we can relax in the sure knowledge that we were born to heal.