Dec 17-Love Shift and Soul Attunement

Shab e Arus, Master of Love; Mevlana Jaluluddin Rumi’s night of Union  corresponds to the Gregorian date, December 17th. The lunar or Hijra date of his birth corresponds to the 6th of Rabiul Awal. The chances of both solar and lunar dates to align on one’s birth and death date are one every few decades or even centuries. Today, these two dates coincide marking the birth and ‘death’ of Jalaluddin Rumi as ONE. Traditional teachings state the passing of a saint translates to Divine Union or the “wedding night” of the beloved where soul reunites with his Lord. How magical, mystical, beautiful that today the lovers of Rumi can actually live to experience the alignment of such a date. Next year and the coming years will not be the same in terms of numerics. Hence, as per the instructions of our noble Master and guide who transmits guidance from the realm of love, today is a day of great alignment for those who seek it through the love of Mevlana Rumi.

Great avatars were sent to heal humanity and enlighten souls, penetrating hearts in a way indescribable through words. Mevlana Jalauddin Rumi reigns as the Greatest teacher of Love, the King of Love, The Heavenly Poet whose poems transcend time and space and speak to every seeker.

Rumi is for every season and for every heart

Qudra Healing, a student of the  Mevlevi Way of Mevlana Rumi was initiated into the  mystical order via a Dede; an authorized conduit of the Mevlevi Order of Rumi. He summoned her to take the pledge of allegiance in the order through Owaisi (telepathic) initiation. Feeling at home once again, Qudra explains that from childhood up till present, she can connect the dots, experiences and openings which resonate to the Shams Rumi Phenomena as she coins it.  “To say in the least, it donned upon me just a few days ago that my lunar birthday, 6th Rabiul Awal, coincides with Mevlana Rumi’s lunar birth date”says Qudra.

Instructions for Love Alignment December 17th,2015

Asana –Meditation Position

Select a place of solitude indoor or outdoors with no distractions.

All positions require an upright posture keeping spine straight at all times.

  • Lotus Position
  • Cross Legged
  • Kneeling position



Eyes Open and immerse your gaze onto one of the two images below, till you feel an imprint on your heart. Closing your eyes, seeing the same image.

Recite: HU (Huuu)

Breathe in through nose:  Huuu-Visualize Inhaling Divine White Light entering into your entire being. Absorb.

Breathe out through nose: Huuu-Visualize Exhaling Darkness within exiting your being.

Alternate image in your next meditation.

Mev. Rumi



Mudra-Hand Position

When we connect the index finger and thumb we begin to feel the pulse of the heart, and our focus now becomes the heart, and Divine says, “I cannot be found on Heavens or earth, but I can be found in the heart of My believer.” That connection opens the flow of Divine power, what we call “Qudra”

Hu Hand Position: Bring together your index finger and thumb forming a circle. Palms facing down resting on your legs, or palms facing up resting on your legs.

Duration: Continue to inhale and exhale HU until your heart feels full of light and contentment.



Closing Prayer for Mawlânâ Rumi:

A disciple of Mawlânâ’s named Ikhtiyâru ‘d-dîn “…saw in a dream that God– may He be glorified and exalted– gave a prayer [du`â] for the deceased [Mawlânâ Jalaluddin Rumi] with this expression:

“O Allah, be merciful and kind toward my chief, my reliance, my shaykh, the place of the spirit in my body, the provision of my today and tomorrow, and Our Master [Mawlânâ], the Glory [Jalâl] of the Truth [ul-Haqq] and the Religion [ud-Dîn]! And upon his fathers, his ancestors, his mothers, his children, his successors, and his followers until the Day of Resurrection!”

allâhumma ‘arHam wa taHannan `alà sayyidî wa sanadî wa shaykhî
wa makâni ‘r-rûHi min jasadî wa Zakhîrati yawmî wa ghadî wa
mawlânâ jalâlu ‘l-Haqq wa ‘d-dîn wa `alà âbâ’i-hi wa ajdâdi-hi wa
ummahâti-hi wa awlâdi-hi wa khulafâ’i-hi wa atbâ`i-hi ilà yawmi

Recite Surah Fatiha

Note: The above should be done prior to sunset on the 17th of December.


Further reading



The Hu Global Meditation for Peace and Love


Global Meditation for Peace and Love

The Secret of Hu
Resides in You
The secret of Me
Resides in Thee
The secret of us
Resides in WE
The secret of WE
Resides in Hu

(Qudra Healing)

In the name of Allah, God, Yahweh; the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Inspired by the Ascended Masters of Wisdom and Light, we present for the Global Community of Light Workers, The Hu Meditation.


Mantras have an extraordinary importance like the “HU”, like other Mantras is  a “word of power”. Mantras are listened to or recited for many different purposes, as a means of achieving different states of consciousness, to create resonance with specific attributes of Divine Energy, and to manifest different qualities from resonating the chakras to embodying compassion

The Supreme Being has been called by various names in different languages, but the mystics have known him as Hu, the natural name, not man-made, the only name of the Nameless, which all nature constantly proclaims. The sound Hu is most sacred; the mystics call Ism-i Azam, the name of the Most High, for it is the origin and end of every sound as well as the background of each word. The word Hu is the spirit of all sounds and of all words, and is hidden within them all, as the spirit in the body. It does not belong to any language, but no language can help belonging to it. This alone is the true name of God, a name that no people and no religion can claim as their own. This word is not only uttered by human beings, but is repeated by animals and birds. All things and beings proclaim this name of the Lord, for every activity of life expresses distinctly or indistinctly this very sound. This is the word mentioned in the Bible as existing before the light came into being, ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’

Just as many traditions believe that the “OM” is the original creative sound, there are traditions that believe that this energy may be attributed to another sound—the “HU”. In the Shabd Yoga traditions, including Master Path and Eckankar and in the mystical Islamic path of Sufi, the “HU” is considered to be the highest vibratory mantra that can be sounded. Chanting the “HU” is said to lead one to transcendence—to God realization and enlightenment.
“HU” is believed to be the universal name of God, which is present in every existing language. The “HU” sound has been described as many things from the buzzing of bees to the rushing of wind to the flute of God. It is said to be present in the words we speak, in the sounds of animals; that it is the wind in the trees, the rushing of waters, the roaring of waterfalls, the beat of the sea against a beach—that it is everywhere, in every plane. “The “HU” creates extraordinary energy for balance and clearing. Many believe it activates both the heart and the crown chakras. When sounded together in a large group, it is extremely powerful and transformative.” Jonathan Goldman



Asana –Meditation Position


All positions require an upright posture keeping spine straight at all times.

  • Lotus Position
  • Cross Legged
  • Kneeling position



Eyes Closed

Recite: HU (Huuu)

Breathe in through nose:  Huuu-Visualize Inhaling Divine White Light entering into your entire being and the entire Universe. Everything alighted. Absorb.

Breathe out through nose: Huuu-Visualize Exhaling Darkness within exiting your being.


Mudra-Hand Position

Hu Hand Position: Bring together your index finger and thumb forming a circle. Palms facing down resting on your legs, or palms facing up resting on your legs.

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Visual Guided Meditation Script

Envision yourself in the Holy Lands (however you define it) You are in a vast open grassy field. Flowers of all kinds scattered in this field of Love and Harmony surround you. You are forming a circle with the world community. Each individual representing a country forming a grand circle. In the center of this circle, we have children, mothers, elderly, young and old seated representing every place on earth where injustice, tyranny, war, genocide, and every evil imaginable is taking place. They are seated and covered with a white blanket made of the finest wool. This shawl is transparent and radiates light. The Light envelopes everything in sight and beyond. Its breadth and rays disperse in all directions, into the Universe and beyond our Galaxy. This light comes from our heart; the secret chamber. This Light resides in each and every heart. We are projecting light and asking the Creator of Light, who is Light, to heal the world. We are healed in Love, Peace, Unity and Harmony and One with every single living and non living thing in this planet and beyond. We are Love. We are Light. We are One with Love. One with ALL. Huuuu

Holding hands, we are seated upon the grass and recite HU. We close our eyes, relax our entire being, smile and inhale HU. Exhale aloud HU. We are gently swaying back and forth, synchronistic with the winds and every blade of grass. We are ONE with wind, One with Nature. One with Hu. One with Love. We are Love.

We continue to chant and gently sway back and forth holding hands and come to a halt after feeling the Sacred Light reaching every place in need of healing.


Closing Prayer

May we be infused with the Light of HU. May our beings be saturated in the essence of HU. May we acquire Divine Grace by the Grace of HU. May we Love All of creation with the Divine Quality of Love from HU; who is Love. Ameen. Amen



Instructions from the Masters of Wisdom and Light:

The Global Hu Meditation is for all, beyond race, religion, age, gender and creed, we invite young and old to participate.

o-CHILD-MEDITATING-facebookSPECIAL EMPHASIS on children and youth to participate in our Hu Global Meditation for Peace and Love.


Date and Location

This meditation, like all other forms of meditation, can be done remotely or in a group setting within your respective community,  following the instructions above . There is no set date or time.

villas-in-konya---mQudra Healing is Spiritual Life Coach and Energy Healer. She descends from the biological children of Prophet Mohammed (Peace and Blessings be upon him, his companions and family). Authorized in more than one Sufi Order, she has authority from her teachers to heal, initiate, guide, impart teachings and conduct litany. She is an adherent of the Mevlevi Order of Rumi which continues to this day to draw pilgrims to Konya, Turkey from all parts of the Muslim and non-Muslim world. Jalal al-Din who is also known as Rumi, was a philosopher and mystic of Islam. His doctrine advocates unlimited tolerance, positive reasoning, goodness, charity and awareness through love. To him and to his disciples all religions are more or less truth. . Looking with the same eye on Muslim, Jew and Christian alike, Jalaluddin Rumi’s  peaceful and tolerant teaching has appealed to people of all sects and creeds. Qudra Healing’s  works transcend religious dogma and advocates Pluralism.





HU-He is He


HU-The Tao- The Essence-

The Secret of Hu
Resides in You
The secret of Me
Resides in Thee
The secret of us
Resides in WE
The secret of WE
Resides in…(QH)



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Allah! There is no God but He,
the Living, the Self-subsisting, the Eternal.
No slumber can seize Him, nor sleep.
All things in heaven and earth are His.
Who could intercede in His presence without His permission?
He knows what appears in front of and behind His creatures.
Nor can they encompass any knowledge of Him except what he wills.
His throne extends over the heavens and the earth,
and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them,
for He is the Highest and Most Exalted. (Quran 2: 255)


Poem1_900The Tao that can be described in words is not the true Tao

The Name that can be named is not the true Name

From non-existence were called Heaven and Earth

From existence all things were born

In being wthout desires, you experience the wonder

But by having desires, you experience te journey

Yet both spring from the same source

And differ mostly in name

This Source is called ‘Mystery”

Mystery upon Mystery

The womb giving birth to all of being( Tao Te Ching)





In reality, however, God does not have an image because He has no form, only an emanation of power which is called HuThe practice of Dhikr is formulated o bring us back to the awareness of Hu, the Soverin , Most High, who governs and encompasses all.

“Sound is the Medicine of the Future” (Edgar Cayce)






Spiritual Warrior
Spiritual Warrior-“HU Man”

Historic Origins of Hu

The Supreme Being has been called by various names in different languages, but the mystics have known him as Hu, the natural name, not man-made, the only name of the Nameless, which all nature constantly proclaims. The sound Hu is most sacred; the mystics call Ism-i Azam, the name of the Most High, for it is the origin and end of every sound as well as the background of each word. The word Hu is the spirit of all sounds and of all words, and is hidden within them all, as the spirit in the body. It does not belong to any language, but no language can help belonging to it. This alone is the true name of God, a name that no people and no religion can claim as their own. This word is not only uttered by human beings, but is repeated by animals and birds. All things and beings proclaim this name of the Lord, for every activity of life expresses distinctly or indistinctly this very sound. This is the word mentioned in the Bible as existing before the light came into being, ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’

The sound HU becomes limited in the word “ham”, for the letter “m” closes the lips. In Hindustani this word expresses limitation because ham means “I” or “we,” both of which words signify ego. The word “hamsa” is the sacred word of the yogis which illumines the ego with the light of reality. The word “huma” in the Persian language stands for a fabulous bird. There is a belief that if the “huma” bird sits for a moment on someone’s head it is a sign that he will become a king. Its true meaning is that when a person’s thoughts so evolve that they break all limitation, then he becomes as a king. It is the limitation of language that it can only describe the Most High as something like a king. It is said in the old traditions that Zoroaster was born of a “huma” tree. This explains the words in the Bible, “Except a man be born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” In the word “huma”, “hu” represents spirit, and the word “mah” in Arabic means water. In English the word “human ” explains two facts which are characteristic of humanity: “hu” means God and “man” means mind, which word comes from the Sanskrit “mana”, mind being the ordinary person. The two words united represent the idea of the God-conscious person; in other words HU, God, is in all things and beings, but it is man by whom He is known. “Human ” therefore may be said to mean God-conscious, God-realized, or God-man. (Hz. Inayat Khan-Mystic)


” The true healing power of sound comes from the chanting of harmonics”. Pir Vilayat Khan


The sound of the abstract is called Anahad in the Vedas, meaning unlimited sound. The Mystics name it Sarmad, which suggests the idea of intoxication. The word intoxication is here used to signify upliftment, the freedom of the soul from its earthly bondage. Those who are able to hear the Saut-i Sarmad and meditate on it are relieved from all worries, anxieties, sorrows, fears and diseases; and the soul is freed from captivity in the senses and in the physical body. The soul of the listener becomes the all-pervading consciousness, and his spirit becomes the battery which keeps the whole universe in motion.

Some train themselves to hear the Saut-i Sarmad in the solitude on the sea shore, on the river bank, and in the hills and dales; others attain it while sitting in the caves of the mountains, or when wandering constantly through forests and deserts, keeping themselves in the wilderness apart from the haunts of men. Yogis and ascetics blow Sing (a horn) or Shankha (a shell), which awakens in them this inner tone. Dervishes play Nai or Algosa (a double flute) for the same purpose. The bells and gongs in the churches and temples are meant to suggest to the thinker the same sacred sound, and thus lead him towards the inner life.

This sound develops through ten different aspects because of its manifestation through ten different tubes of the body; it sounds like thunder, the roaring of the sea, the jingling of bells, running the water, the buzzing of bees, the twittering of sparrows, the Vina, the whistle, or the sound of Shankha until it finally becomes Hu, the most sacred of all sounds.

This sound Hu is the beginning and the end of all sounds, be they from man, bird, beast, or thing. A careful study will prove this fact, which can be realized by listening to the sound of the steam engine or of a mill, while the echo of bells or gongs gives a typical illustration of the sound Hu. Hazrat Inayat Khan


“When the Sheik arrives at his post, he bows, sits on the post, and kisses the floor. All the turners sit, and their cloaks are put on them by those who did not turn in the fourth selam. They have returned to their tombs but in an altered state. The Sheik recites the Fathia, the first sura of the Koran, and all the dervishes kiss the floor and rise. The Sheik then sounds a prayer to Mevlana (Rumi) and Shams Tabriz and begins the sound “HU”. The dervishes join in sounding the “HU” which is all the names of God in one.” Shems Friedlander


Just as many traditions believe that the “OM” is the original creative sound, there are traditions that believe that this energy may be attributed to another sound—the “HU”. In the Shabd Yoga traditions, including Master Path and Eckankar and in the mystical Islamic path of  the “HU” is considered to be the highest vibratory mantra that can be sounded. Chanting the “HU” is said to lead one to transcendence—to God realization and enlightenment.
“HU” is believed to be the universal name of God, which is present in every existing language. The “HU” sound has been described as many things from the buzzing of bees to the rushing of wind to the flute of God. It is said to be present in the words we speak, in the sounds of animals; that it is the wind in the trees, the rushing of waters, the roaring of water falls, the beat of the sea against a beach—that it is everywhere, in every plane.
Like the “AH” and the “OM”, the “HU” may be perceived of as a seed syllable. Depending upon its pronunciation, it may also be perceived of as a vowel sound—the “U”. The “HU” creates extraordinary energy for balance and clearing. Many believe it activates both the heart and the crown chakras. When sounded together in a large group, it is extremely powerful and transformative. Jonathan Goldman



Global Full Moon Meditation Event 19:19, Wednesday May 14th, 2014

Full Moon Meditation Event-19:19, Wednesday May 14th, 2014-05-14-15th Rajab

Divine Feminine Energy Shift to Take Place

This sacred month of Rajab is famed for Divine Favor, outpouring and Grace. The Universe is shifting towards the Feminine embracing all through the Energy of Love.

Article: Feminine Energy Shift

Event Page



DREAMS  transport one from a state of limitation to unlimited possibilities. Many a time dreams are therapeutic and foretell future events. They unveil realities and serve as premonitions also. The following dream was shown recently to a participant for tomorrow’s Full Moon Meditation. She requested us to not disclose her identity.

“Upon joining the moon meditation event, I saw the following dream the same night.
I was preparing for a flight to the moon. The vehicle was a space shuttle, just as an astronaut would travel in. The only difference was that I did not require a space suit. I was excited, happy and looking forward for this extra ordinary journey! It seemed as if “normal” to travel to the moon. I unconsciously practice moon gazing and HIGHLY RECOMMEND those who know ‘how to,’ to do so tomorrow.

Blessing to All,
Moon Lady



Healing Event: September 30, 2012 GCI

Global Coherence Initiative’s September 30, 2012 full moon (03:19 GMT/UTC) synchronized Care Focus.

One of the goals of GCI is to observe the emotional energetics on the planet. Each year, from around the autumnal equinox and into the New Year, new energies come into the planet, amplifying the emotional systems of people.

This year, the rapidly increasing vibratory rate of the Planetary Shift will be magnifying the fall energies. This full moon is a good time to prepare for the fall energies by increasing our heart frequencies of tolerance and patience with ourselves and with others.

Tolerance and patience are powerful heart frequencies of love that are building blocks of inner and outer peace. They radiate into the field environment and can help calm erratic emotional energies; this draws to us the wisdom and intelligence of what to do that serves the highest best of all concerned.

For this full moon Care Focus, breathe in love from Universal Source and breathe out tolerance, patience and ease through your emotional system and into the planetary field environment for a few minutes. Visualize people of all nations having more tolerance and patience; this magnetizes practical solutions that are best for the whole.

When faced with a personal challenge, commit to breathing tolerance, patience and ease, while asking your heart intelligence for intuitive guidance. As we activate these powerful heart frequencies, the fall energies can amplify intuitive access to our personal next steps in our empowerment process, making us more effective emissaries for change and collective consciousness transformation…

Now hold in your heart space, love and compassion for the pain points throughout the planet. Your heart will direct you where to send your compassionate care.

Realize that the news can be a helpful indicator of global pain points and where to send heart, yet we have to be mindful not to over-identify with news, as this restricts our own spirit and reduces the effectiveness of our intentions to facilitate the whole…

Now let’s complete the Care Focus by holding the vision of increased peace and heart-centered global co-operation.

After 7 minutes

You can continue to do the Care Focus in the Global Care Room, if convenient, after the full moon period, as this will help raise the vibratory rate of the field environment.

Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus.

The GCI Steering Committee and Staff

Join us on Facebook 

Key Organizers (K.S.A Region):
Shems Tebrez Khanum, Zainaba Trust, Nafeesa Saaqiah, Rumiana Ali

Be the Peace: Global Meditation Event: Sept 21, 2012

Middle East collaborator with Be the Peace, Qudra Healing, invites you to collaborate with us and other local organizations to create a local BeThePeace event on the International Day of Peace, September 21, 2012.
How would you like to participate in one of the largest globally-synchronized meditation and prayer events in history?

On September 21, 2012, the International Day of Peace, hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals worldwide will join together as ONE for BeThePeace.

BeThePeace will feature public meditation/prayer events hundreds of cities worldwide from starting at 6 pm in local timezones, creating a profound planetary wave of peace.

All events will start at 6:00 pm (local time) on Friday September 21st, creating a profound wave of peace around the planet as we bring locals together to share inner-peace through movement, breath, silence, and sound.Be the Peace is open to people from every culture, every spiritual tradition, and every political perspective to come together in a global experience of Oneness.This event targets the entire Middle East region. No regional restrictions, global participants welcome.We invite all participants to:
· Post your website, organization, facebook page on this event· experience inner-peace with thousands around the worldWe ask that you:
· promote event through social media
· include event in your email newsletter, posts and tweets
· email event to all contacts
· spread the word, make a buzz!
Key  Organizers (K.S.A-Region)
Shems Tebrez Khanum, Zainaba Trust, Nafeesa Saaqiah, Rumiana Ali



Global Healing Event: August 15, 2011

Global Healing Event:

With Special Guest Global Healers from All 7 Continents
:: UNPRECEDENTED HEALING This is for you if you are:
■Suffering in your body
■Keeping yourself back from success
■Frustrated with your relationships

■Looking for your Purpose
■Looking for Your Soul Mate
■Searching for PEACEWhat will it cost you >>>> ONE HOUR OF YOUR LIFEThis event is FREE


When: Monday, August 15th , 2011

Where: From The Comfort Of Your Home

Time: 9AM New York Time : 8AM CST : 6AM PST : 3PM South Africa and London 9PM Bejing : 7PM : India : 11AM Thurs Australia

Instructions: Tap into the energy at the prescribed time.

Key  Organizers (K.S.A-Region)
Shems Tebrez Khanum, Zainaba Trust, Nafeesa Saaqiah, Rumiana Ali

Fatima Khamissa (God and Energy-location: Canada)
Atiya Khan (Chi Qong Healer-location: Pakistan )
Qudra Healing (Qudra Healers-location: Saudi Arabia)

Sponsored Sites:

Global Healing Event: July 13th, 2011


3  Female Healers Fuse to Create Awesome Powerful Transformation for You!
Qudra Healing
ATIYA KHAN: Reiki Chi Gong Healer UNPRECEDENTED HEALINGThis is for you if you are:

Want World Peace

■Suffering in your body

■Keeping yourself back from success

■Frustrated with your relationships


■Looking for your Purpose

■Looking for Your Soul Mate

■Searching for PEACE

What will it cost you?


This event is FREE

What you may gain:


When: Wed July 13th, 2011

Where: From The Comfort Of Your Home:

Call in Radio Healing/ Online:

Phone: 1-646-716-4478

Time: 9AM New York Time : 8AM CST : 6AM PST : 3PM South Africa and London 9PM Bejing : 7PM : India : 11AM Thurs Australia

World Healing Day: Last Saturday of April, 2012

Message from Bill Douglas to Qudra Healing:

What a wonderful event you have planned.” (Bill Douglas, World Visionary and Author  of 2012 The Awakening and Founder of World Healing Day)


UNPRECENDENTED-Saudi Arabia for the FIRST TIME EVER is to witness a multi-faith collaborative World Healing Event. From the heart of Arabia where Light Workers, Healers, Spiritual Teachers, Adherents and Devotees from all walks and ethnicities are called under the Makki-Madani Energy Fields to join together in heart, mind and soul with the global community and simply pray for world peace. We are all anxious and desire world peace, harmony and await the energy shift bringing humanity towards a higher consciousness. Qudra Healing, a leader in providing spiritual education, has taken the initiative to call upon all devotees to join us through prayers on this day for world peace, harmony and guidance. A moment of your time will make a world of a difference. Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem (In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful). “ “Come One, Come All”


Day: April 28th 2012

Time: Any moment in the day

Location: From your heart

Request: Send out healing prayer energy into the Universe

Cost: Free

ALL participants are requested to:

Join FB Event

Send invites to as MANY as one can

Register on our official event page:

Promote your group/website/organization/service on this event page


Qudra Healing

Hope for Exceptional Needs

Your True Nature

Positive Enlightment and Benefits of Reiki

Sridevi Hatha Yoga

Healers in Arabia

Nimah Nawwab:

Fatima Omar Khamissa:

Tonja Edgecomb

Key Participants & Organizers:

Bill Douglas, Shems Tebrez Khanum, Nura Tarmann, Ayesha Khoja, Fs Suzie, KaY VanHoesen, Rose Winstanley Trfez, Zainab Foundation, Ameena Mansoor Amin, Fatina Ameen, Nimah Nawwab, Nafeesa Shems, Manal Aldabbagh, Naima Ishaqi, Fatima Omar Khamissa, Farrha Xha, Tonja Edgecomb, Rumiana Ali and over 400 plus participants.

Face Book Event Page:


The Global Consciousness Project, born out of research at Princeton University,
found that during times of great tragedy human consciousness focused to such a
degree that it physically affected their computers all around the world. While other
research found that when a small percentage of human beings harmonized their
consciousness, they positively affected the behaviour of the community around them.

What if human consciousness was focused on a healing intention, together, for a 24 hour period?

For More information please visit: