Talk on the Power of Universal Love

Syed Salman Chisti second from far left with leaders at the Unite the Tribes Conference

Dear Seekers,

We are in the works of arranging a live talk for seekers in Saudi Arabia and abroad with renowned Islamic lecturer, writer and leader and head of the Chisty Foundation.

Syed Salman Chisty is the 26th generational descendant and custodian of Khwaja Mohiuddin Chisty’s shrine in Ajmer, India. The latter was by far the greatest Muslim mystic to have lived  and spent his life in the teachings and spreading the way of love in India. Syed Salman has been engaged in practical research studies on spiritual world traditions and their interaction with world cultures and traditions. His passion for  spiritual world cultures has enabled him to travel to many sacred sites around the world. In addition, he has a regular participant in international conferences on interfaith dialogue and has represented the Chisty Order in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Senegal, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Singapore, the United States, the United Kingdom, Bosnia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Nepal, among other countries.

A founding member of the Chishty Foundation, Syed Salman has also served as its director for the last past five years. He has also written several articles on spiritual understanding, and related subjects for various English national and international newspapers, journals, publications, blogs, and websites globally.



The Secret lies not in talks and fancy speeches. The secret lies in bowing your heart in the presence of mystics, the inheritors of light. We seek their grace, their gaze, their blessings to further our journey on the Path of Love. Seek this from your soul and act upon it in spirit, even though you are physically distant for distance is an illusion. You are where your heart is. Syed Salman Chisty, essentially represents  the doorway to the teachings of his great grandfather; the Sultan of Hind. Utilizing an existing  platform simply helps hearts connecting to people of wisdom and love, from all walks and traditions for those on the Way of Love… Qudra Healing

Traditions states the Prophet Mohammed (S) would look towards the region of Hind or India and would smile. When asked by his companions on the significance of Hind, he (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, I feel the smell of Divine fragrance from the direction of India.

Syed Salman’s base in Ajmer, is the largest Islamic shrine in the subcontinent. Pilgrims from all faiths and background flock sharing the tradition of love towards one and all. At Ajmer, we see the Hindu, Sikh, Christian and Muslim all harmoniously immersed in love culture. Love culture is transcendental and  timeless teachings on the way of the heart and attracts seekers from all walks, irrespective of their chosen faith or beliefs.

We truly look forward to this talk on by the young inspiration. If you are a seeker and interested to join us, kindly fill out the form below. The talk will be on a Skype-like platform. Date and time will be updated on our network.

“The essence of Ajmer is unconditional love” Syed Salman Chisty

Recommended Book 

Majma’ Al Bahrain: The Meeting of the Two Seas by Prince Dara Shikoh

Dream of Dolphin Communication Through Consciousness Teacher in Arabia


On March 30th 2017,  we had one of our most revered Wisdom Teachers  in Jeddah share the following dream with us on the subject of dolphins.  In a previous post,  these Angels of the Sea, are seen communicating actively through dream realm to hearts of transmitters. This dream as narrated by our dear friend sheds further light on dolphins and human connectedness.

The communication was so pure and so freely shared there was not this division of animals and humans”


“I had a dream last night that I wanted to share with you. I just …when I woke up this morning and then  was doing spiritual contemplation and then thinking about my dream I really wanted to share with you because it was all about Dolphins and  I was in the ocean. Well I was in the ocean and it was like the Red Sea. It had beautiful turquoise water and parts were very shallow. There were schools and schools of these beautiful  beautiful dolphins that would come right up to the shore and there was such a sense of playfulness and there were people.  A couple of people in the water having these experiences communicating and loving the dolphins and they were so gorgeous and then there was a really huge one that was like turquoise and his body was so shiny and so turquoise and I don’t know… there was just so much love and what it brought to mind was that there was a time and there is a place. Maybe not in this physical universe certainly but  maybe in the physical universe at another time during  a different grand cycle where you know there was just no separation between souls… or any other sentient being that you know wouldn’t be classified as a human form and there was just no separation in consciousness or communication. The communication was so pure and so freely shared there was not this division of animals and humans.”

Recommendation Reading


New Phase in Plant Consciousness

According to Hakim Archuletta, plants you need in your life come to you. They are meant for your healing and make their way to you effortlessly.  Working solely with a particular plant for healing is also coined as mufaradah in Islamic Medicine. At this point in time, this is what we have been instructed to do and inculcate into our healing practice at Qudra.

This year, we have been working with a particular plant for healing as a supplement for seekers. It is an all in one super plant and has entered our domain. Consultations and courses available for seekers.  To find our more, follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

I’m in love with the tree that stares at me
I stare at thee, you stare at me
We gaze on eternally
You heal me
You speak to me
In a language wordless expressively
In dreams you appear
Healing those who come through me
I seek your shade
Bestow your grace
I’m in love with the tree that stares at me



Greetings of Peace,

About last week, we had a seeker who sent us a few twin soul and soul mate related questions. We found it quite interesting how the inquirer apparently had the same name as the twin soul of this site. ‘

Gratitude to the seeker who asked. We hope you find what you seek!

With love,


Their lives are full of mystery
Their hearts for mankind; a treasury
Their wisdom; unsurpassed territory
Their generosity; flows graciously
Their eyes express not tearfully
Yet fill us with ecstasy
Their persona; one to melt for instantly!




1. Is twin soul the same concept as a twin flame? Asking this, as there is so much information available on twin flame concept over the internet, that it is confusing.

1. Yes, both the same concept.
2. How do you know someone is your twin soul… like for SURE?
2. The TS/TF is a total reflection of yourself. You are fully seeing yourself though your twin soul. It is a full mirroring effect.

3. Are twin souls and soul mates DIFFERENT?

3.Twin souls are different. There is only ONE TS/TF. Whereas Soul Mates belong to a soul family group. The latter come into our lives for a specific purpose and time period. Some longer, some brief, some a life time. However the soul mate is NOT your full reflection. The TF is your full reflection. The feeling one has for a soul mate is different than a TF/TS. The latter more intense, more love and more everything. The love is purely unconditional and is the highest form of love experienced.

4. Can twin souls ever come together? What is the purpose of having…. and also meeting your twin, if all you get is only rejection and rejection and more rejection?

4. TF/TS can. Many live together while others do NOT. They are separate physically yet work in spirit. So in essence the TF is ‘together’ always in spirit. The purpose is to discover yourself on a quantum level unlike any other form of self discovery through soul mates. There are many reasons for the TF. Most of all it is to align you to a higher calling so that you may do what is needed to heal yourself and all others. It is 99% for a higher calling. It is a rare experience. It is a life changing experience. Unlike commonly believed, the TF/TS or SM is opposite gender and the context of the relationship is perceived as romantic. This is not the case for all. There are many forms of soul relationships between the above mentioned categories and are not limited to the commonly understood TS /SM relationship.
The Rumi Shams Phenomena is the Twin Soul/Twin Flame Phenomena.
The opinions shared here are subject to experience and may differ from seeker to seeker.

Talk on Mindfulness In an Age of Distraction


Mindfulness In an Age of Distraction

Let go of your worries

and be completely clear-hearted like the face of a mirror

that contains no images…

Mv. Jalaluddin Rumi

The following is a transcript from our talk at Hope for Exceptional Needs in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Hope is the leading bilingual centre in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, founded by Dr. Uzma Raheem, which promotes the education, awareness, and success of all families with children who have Special Needs of every kind.

In an age of distraction  we aim to regain an understanding on a subject which intrigues our imagination, in theory appears to be new age wishful thinking and in reality a lost way of life.

What is Mindfulness?

According to Mindfulness expert  Jon Kabat-Zinn, mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally.”  

Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally.”  


When man has full awareness of his thoughts, is able to pay attention to them, without judgement, and keeps his consciousness in the now, in the present, in the moment, in the very second of right here, right now and not be distracted with the inner pendulum which swings between past and present over and over, he is in a state of mindfulness.

In a practical, no nonsense understanding of mindfulness, let us go over a few relatable instances which the majority of us face on a day to day basis.

Relationship disputes



chaotic living

noise pollution

lack of focus

lack of stillness



negative thinking

stagnant lifestyle

sporadic zoning out

Believe it or not, the lack of mindfulness in our lives has become the number one if not the culprit of the aforementioned issues we face which cause us anything but a peace of mind.

On the other hand, when mindfulness becomes our way of life, we open ourselves to immeasurable levels of peace, joy, contentment, love, stability, order, focus and great achievements.

Origins of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is perceived to be a heavenly gift to man. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and the majority all spiritual traditions have emphasized the concept of flow, being present and practicing mindfulness as a core discipline. Traditionally, seekers and adherents were taught the fundamentals of concentration, meditation, stillness, breath work and emptying the mind. All these disciplines lead to the state of being PRESENT.

Numerous teachings on the practical implementation of mindfulness may be found and learnt through living teachers, guides, books, self development programs, and age old traditions ranging from Tai Chi, Yoga, Chi Gong and a variety of other forms. One of the most commonly advocated practice is through breath work; focusing on one’s breath. This practice channels the distracted ‘Monkey Mind’ from past drama of the Why’s and the future illusion of the what if’s by bringing one’s attention to breath, its subtle sound, grounding our focus in the now.

Now to life, now to the moment, now to action creates reaction and keeps one aloof from the abyss of the deadly twins; past and future.


When man occupies his throughs in the past of future, he begins the process of storytelling, creating tall tales, fables and his interpretation of events which are only throughs and not necessarily reality. Excessive dwelling on either past or future keeps us from action. Essentially our actions  result from thought and emotion. This mental occupation of constant thought distraction fails to produce focus, concentration and significant action which are key ingredients to change.

Evidence of the Lack of Mindfulness in our Everyday Life

scattered shoes

a messy bed

open toothpaste tube

dirty dishes

disheveled appearance

un flushed toilet

scattered clothing

forgetfulness in prayer

interrupted conversations

inability to focus on what the other person is saying

loss of personal belongings

a disorganized purse where keys cannot be located

burnt meals

car lights left on

tap left running

front door left ajar

loved ones constantly saying, “you are not listening to me!”


Dwelling on the past

Dwelling  thoughts on the future

and the list goes on

These are some of the proofs we can find as evidence in our very environment as to where we are in our thoughts. These proofs are great clues which serve as self check reminders of what is happening internally. The interesting thing here is that it would take mindfulness to detect our own lack of. Mindfulness is not constant, it requires discipline, practice and conscious effort. Coming out of mindfulness, entering into unmindfulness and being able to decipher between the two states requires a watchful mind.

On the other hand, had we  practiced mindfulness, then perhaps we would notice shoes placed in their designated area.

Perhaps, upon awakening we would make our beds first rather than rushing into the next, next and next.

Perhaps after brushing, our kids would place the toothpaste lid back on the tube rather than zoning out taking imaginary selfies in the mirror with the tap running 50 miles an hour.

Perhaps we would eat together as a family instead of cubicle eating where every member is occupied in watching something in different rooms.

Perhaps we would eat together without the tv on and not silence ourselves like monks of a secret mystical order who utter not.

Perhaps we would offer to clear the table and put our dishes away instead of conveniently leaving it for Molly Maid or Mommy Maid.

Perhaps we would focus more on aesthetics, physical, emotional and spiritual well being and not lose ourselves to a point where we now seek help for a quick fix, a quack, or 911 tummy tuck.

Perhaps our desks would represent mental order instead of paper clutter which hinders our productivity.

Perhaps if weren’t busy on social media , our burnt dinner would of been saved.

Perhaps if the car lights or AC were shut, the car battery would not magically run down.

And perhaps life would be kinder if mom cooled off on her social networks, and actually paid attention to her child who says, ‘mom I just failed math’, or ‘mom I need help understanding past or future tense in English’ or ‘mom a boy in school is bullying me’,  yet her thoughts preoccupied her mind to a point where she responds with the classical hmm, that’s great, yeah, nice.’ ‘See mommy, you never heard a word I said did you?’ Mom is clueless, speechless and somewhat embarrassed as all she can think about is inability to recall what her child expressed only a few moments ago.

The Technology Agenda

Technology and busy life styles, rat race syndrome, societal expectations of how we are expected to live, behave, dress, act, think has robbed our inherent right to being in the now. Constant stimulation and ADD, ADHD  in adults is on the rise as much as it is in children.

Everyday technology toxins such as, gadgets, TV/Net, noise stimulation, noise pollution, information overload, video games and social media have divorced us from the ancient art of silence, an innate love for nature, meditation, focused thinking, thinking, visualization, human company, reading books and the simple pleasures of life like enjoying the scenic view on a road trip.

Conspiracy or Lunacy-  You Choose

When masses are kept busy in everything but the act of conscious thinking, then injecting information to minds which  have been conditioned to remain off guard, becomes an easy task. Mind control, subliminal programming, subjugation, suggestive ideas, imparting ideologies, influencing lifestyle choices, consumerism, infusing propaganda are media tools utilized through intelligence agencies whose agenda is more than we could possibly grasp. Let us simply ask ourselves, are we mind control candidates?

Who is Easier to Control?

When man is conditioned to be dumbed down, he lacks the ability to tap into his creative intelligence. Creative intelligence connects us through the means of our subconscious mind to infinite intelligence or Universal Mind. The exact opposite; synthetic intelligence, is what most of us use in our day to day life as it requires the use of the conscious mind which collects data from our five senses.  Is it an irony that enlightened masters, artists, poets, thinkers, philosophers, geniuses, prodigies, operate from creative intelligence? Worth mentioning, creative individuals are harder to exercise control over in comparison to individuals who solely rely on synthetic intelligence.

Practical Mindfulness Pointers

  • Seek out individuals who are trained, authorized or who embody mindfulness
  • These are usually Meditation practitioners, coaches or spiritual mentors
  • Establish a morning meditation routine
  • Practice stillness and observe your thoughts as they arise
  • Practice Yoga-join a class, find a teacher or establish a home based Yoga routine through virtual  means
  • Eat slowly, savour the flavours and pay attention to taste, texture, aroma 
  • Observe nature
  • Spend time in nature
  • Observe details in your environment
  • Give your undivided attention to others
  • Find like minded folks who practice mindfulness
  • Eat clean
  • Eat together
  • Practice empathic listening
  • Establish a calming routine prior to bedtime
  • Find a creative outlet to express yourself
  • Take pictures, avoid in excess
  • Practice making eye contact while communicating
  • Speak clearly, un-rushed
  • Slow down and know that you are perfectly fine where you are now in this moment

Research  on Mindfulness

  • 72% of GPs think it would be helpful for their patients with mental health problems to learn Mindfulness meditation skills (21% don’t know if it would be helpful; 7% say it would not be helpful);
  • 66% of GPs say they would support a public information campaign to promote the potential health benefits of Mindfulness meditation; and
  • 64% of GPs think it would be helpful for them to receive training in Mindfulness skills themselves.


Life is a blessing and to live in the now is to live today as if it was our last day. Express love to those you appreciate in your life, pay attention, say sorry, take up a sport, play with your kids, spend quality time with parents and loved ones, take photos, cherish moments, practice gratitude with what life brings us. Mothers and caregivers of special needs children, know that in your home lives an angel, a spiritual guide, a lantern, a beacon who was sent from above to help you become an evolved human being who transcends the barriers of  conditional love. And finally to close off with, let us keep in mind the next time we are out on a dinner with a loved one or loved ones, to shutdown all devices and give undivided attention a priority.

Recommended Reading

Mindfulness a Practical Guide to Finding Peace in Frantic World by Mark Williams and Danny Penman

Symbolism: The Khamsa and Buddha’s Mudra


Today’s morning meditation shed insight on the symbolic mudra or hand gesture associated with Buddha’s image.

Allah, said the Awakened One. Look at Fatima, we grace all through her hand.

Vitarka Mudra : The right forearm is bent. Three fingers of the hand are bent upwards, the thumb and the forefinger touching. This particular mudra is associated with transmission of Bhuddist teachings.


Hand of Fatima: Hand upright palm facing out, middle, ring and last finger upright represent the Arabic letters, Alif- Laam-Laam, while the closed thumb and forefinger touching represent Ha. Together, the hand forms a position of the Arabic name of God, Allah.  This hand position without closing the forefinger and thumb also forms the Khamsa.

The Khamsa is an ancient talisman which traces its origins to Mesopotamian and Phoenician roots. Used alike by Sephardic Jews, Christians, Egyptians and Muslims to ward off evil eye and harness protection, the hand symbolizes sanctified female personalities representing the Divine Feminine. Also known as the Hand of Fatima in Islamic esoteric tradition where each finger represents the “Holy Five” or the household members of the Prophet Mohammed (S); Mohammed, Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussayn.

Uses-Decor, on doors, architecture, jewelry, banners, poles and clothing.

Associated Prayer for Protection

‘Li khamsatunn utfi biha harral waba’il Hatima, al Mustafa wal Murtadha wabnahuma wal Fatimah’

‘These five are enough for me who are a means of removing difficulty, Mustafa, Murtadha, The Two Sons and Fatimah’.
Recommended Reading

Common Ground Between Islam and Bhuddism by Reza Shah Kazemi

The Spiritual Practices of Rumi


This book, The Spiritual Practices of Rumi by Will Johnson, was THE book which presented itself days before I was to meet my Twin Soul. This book brought to light the spiritual relationship of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi and his teacher Shams e Tabrez. In it, Johnson exposes the symptoms of the soul friend. All that he discussed and brought to light,  I was literally experiencing in real-time. It was the most surreal experience. The book akin to a dream. Life became the book. The book became Life.  From feelings of unexplainable affinity, sharing and multiple synchronicities, I realized mid way through the book that this individual was me in another physical form. “Like a split embryo” I  would jest without realizing how weighty the statement was. As far back as grade one,  I recall my librarian gifting me with ‘Mitchell is Moving’ by Majorie W. Sharmat. This  book was about two dinosaur friends who lived ‘next door‘ for ages, then split after Mitchell moved and ‘weeks’ later both were reunited. In retrospect, it seems to me that the time-lapse where the two friends reunite is symbolic to the theme where connected souls are never separate. Time is simply a veil. The weeks of separation, as described in the book,  represent an incalculable measure of time.  Are you really separate from those you love? Is there separation where hearts are in sync? Does physical proximity determine true connection? These were some of the lessons learned when I was to become Margo; The Rumiosaurus who never moved. It was Mitchell who moved and caused Margo to evolve and turn (no pun intended) into a Rumiosaurus. This was the first foreshadowing of the experience I was meant to realize.  This book remained with me for three decades until I sent it over to Mitchell or Shamsosauraus.  This Shams I speak of too left like Mitchell, let’s just see for how long. Does time matter? Lesson: Detachment. Separation is a mirage.

A  year later, in Grade two, I received my first Cabbage Patch; the adored doll for all little girls of my era. My parents had booked the doll through Sears and I awaited eagerly for its arrival; my twin?  When the cutest doll arrived,  I discovered her birth certificate had the same name as mine. The Twin Tale begins.  Was this another clue of the mysterious twin soul journey?  Well in my story, yes. Tragically, this doll too I kept for a number of years thinking I would pass her down to a future child. Lo and behold, she was inadvertently placed in the give-away items during a move. Lesson: Detachment.  Cabbage Patch left yet, her story lives on, so is she actually gone?  What is more important: That what lives in your heart or a fleeting love? Spirit is eternal. Spirit lives on.

Now going to back to Will Johnson’s book; an updated version of my dinosaur tale, I had decided to connect to the author and actually share what I was experiencing. This twin -friend, mentor, sister and very mystical persona was a Shams in disguise. Had I figured it all out? Maybe. In fact, I would utter this all the time to “Shams”. And it would end up in endless laughter tainted with, ‘could she be’… Well one thing for sure, she was the catalyst which mirrored my own reality and set me in alignment to my calling. Likewise, as poetry evolved as an outpouring of our exchange, she would  hint that there is a Rumi within you. And I suppose, based on Johnson’s book, I was more in resonance with Rumi’s personality as opposed to Shams; someone who befitted her better.  Now fast forwarding, Shams delivered all the lessons she had to to Rumi and then, typical of all Shams’, she disappeared like vapour. Very common in  Twin Soul relationships. I was to now find myself without a reflection and apply all the lessons learned. In the process many things happened. Life happened. Looking back, it feels like yesterday. There is no sense of actual separation. The only reality is now. There is nothing but now  that exists. We paint our own reality. We tell our story. This is a story from my Story.

There is no better medium to see yourself than through a mortal. For millions of seekers over the ages, the Way to Divine Love through dissolving of oneself through love in The Mirror, was the Way. The Mirror we speak of is not confined to a particular individual. This mirror becomes a causation of seeing everything and everyone as a mirror reflection..a shift in perception brings you to a conscious realization that all that we perceive is our own mirror reflection and there is no way more exalted except through the lens of Love. The Mirror is a representative of Divine Love at your door. This shift in awareness brings you into a state of harmony with One; with All. A Monistic view that All is One and One is All. All is a reflection of One, One is all. A total annihilation of the self to Love, surrender to Love, becomes the preferred path, the way to live, the way to bliss. Love on the highest frequency brings you to a state of love which  cannot be described in earthly terminology. It is selfless, unconditional, and without ego. I becomes estranged. It becomes detested.  One becomes watchful of the I games through many guises including story telling and tales. It comes unannounced and is a Master Trickster. Could love transform the heart to loyally love, eternally love and place one in confinement to a place where Love exists only through physicality? Love too says, I am beyond physicality. I am unconfined, beyond mind, logic and reason. Yes, Love Can.

There is no way more exalted except through the lens of Love.

Love too says, I am beyond physicality. I am unconfined, beyond mind, logic and reason. Yes, Love Can.

When Shams disappears from your life, the effect is like a trailer of the Isra And Mirage (The Prophetic Journey and  Ascension). You are brought into a  state ONE or Fana through love and upon descent from the state of ascension/Fana, one arrives to a state of Baqa; a separation, back to oneself; individuality /duality). The Prophet Mohammed (S) returned from His Lord Most High to mortals in order to carry out his responsibilities and service. It is the highest stages of Fana where one is spiritually dressed in Divine  Attributes.

Having thus been endowed with Divine Attributes, the seeker is fit for Divine Vicegerency and is sent back  to carry out his duties. However his return is not the same as he was before. Rather graced and strives for both Fana and Baqa during his visitor status on this plane.

Fana is a gateway to Baqa. Fana is necessary to experience Baqa.  You are never separate. Separation is delusion. Through the moments spent in the veil of separation, every moment becomes a tribute to Fana. How can one understand the most sought after station which  Mustafa the Beloved (S) was given privy to, without experiencing a trickle from the Ocean of Love?  This simply cannot be digested or grasped without the experience and if one claims experience then that too may be a state of delusion. There is no real knowing of reality. If one speaks, it may be fable. If one claims, it may be an interpretation of his own story. If one loves, stays in love and becomes love, then one has experienced. Love is the ultimate experience.

Yesterday, a seeker had asked a question which lead to a discussion on the Rumi Shams Phenomena. In response, I shared the title of Will Johnson’s book so that perchance she too may find what she seeks after studying the same. Apparently yesterday was January 11 or 111. 111 appears many a time in this blog unveiling experience of 111 in connection to  the Twin Soul Phenomena. I consciously realized late night that it was 111 and here I am again speaking on the subject and that the talk on the subject was certainly no coincidence.



What you seek is seeking You.- Mev. Rumi

Inseparable Shadow

A lonely traveler strolled along a shaded pathway

Suddenly thunder shattered the starry sky

Lightning struck her instantly

Fatally she gasped for air

Currents of electric waves charged her soul

Spirit revived

An angelic presence

A second life

It was you!

Another Me?

Indescribable transparency

The moment of awakening

Alighted at last

Fire lit

Love’s delight

A shaded path with no road signs

Tragic disappearance

You came and left without notice

Alone again upon this path

Despair not

Your inseparable shadow;

My eternal companion…

Copyright Qudra Healing

Women of Sufism by Camille Helminski


This morning, I received an email from a mystic, one who learns from Khidr; the Green one. She asked me if I had ever read Women of Sufism by Shaykha Camille Helminski.

This triggered profound memories of the early part of my journey in the Kingdom of Love; Arabia, and brought me to beautiful memories. The following was my reply to this Qalander,

Salaam and Good Morning,

Yes, I did read the book, Women of Sufism by Helminski. I read this perhaps over a decade ago while living in Riyadh. I found it to be supportive as at that time in my journey I was feeling as if men too had totally hijacked the spiritual path. I recall feeling hopelessness and resentful and even wondered if Islam was being unfair. This book did save the day for me and reminded me of the fact that we were always there and will always be lovers of the Divine. Spirituality is inherent in our nature and this is something that can never be taken away, even if we go unrecognised. I was reminded of the stories I heard in my childhood and through people of female mystics and those who performed miracles… Hence, I did find it beneficial. Now, as far as covering all geographical locations and orders, sure, it is lacking yet whatever the author could do, I am sure she did her best. So AH ( Alhamdullilah) for the effort. I had even lent the book out to SELECT ladies, some of whom today are in the front lines of the Path in Arabia. So again… I must say that the book itself was pivotal and an aide while I was in the dry and harsh region of Najd.
As far as the couple is concerned, I personally have not met them, yet knew of them before I was initiated. I being inclined towards the Mevelevi Order or Mev. Rumi’s teachings, did come across their work yet no opening ever came from my guides to take from their way. I do recall a dream I had of Kabir and his son and not sure if Camille was in the dream. Hence, I did write an email to him or them and do not recall a reply. I believe it was redirecting me towards the Mevlevi Order as at that time I was not ready for the initiation which came later in dream-initially.
I was to meet Shams e Tabrez personified in a female figure. She drove me to a place unlike any other conduit and prepared me for my life’s calling. In the process, I was ‘transformed’ into a Rumi Prototype (far from his reality yet symbolically) and then this year, I was to be initiated in person in Makkah on the 6th of Rabi 1 and the eve of the Dec 6th.
The Shams I met was my twin soul, my exact mirror. Yet, like Shams e Tabrez had to ‘leave’, the same is my story. She did what Shams did to Rumi and the rest is history. I am indebted to my mirror, a true Qalander. I know that the disappearance was only illusion as I was to reach a state of annihilation in love through her discipline that it brought me to one reality, there is no separation, only union. In this process, I composed multiple poems with no ‘background’ in poetry. She brought out the reality of my DNA if anything. Through her, I found my way and am aligned to my way which is to serve, serve, and serve. She alighted me, put me ablaze and gave me a sip from the Cup of Love. I am to do my work in sobriety through the state of drunkeness.

Your Doorstep

I shall sit by your door
Like an unworthy beggar
I shall remain at your doorstep
Forever and ever

I promise to remain silent
I shall utter not a word or gesture
I shall diffuse in your presence
I am in Love!
And you are the cause!
My only desire?
A glimpse of your face
I swear this love is Divine
Must I admit and proclaim to all;
this love I speak of is earthly.

I seek the day where I shall meet once again, if not here, then by Mustafa’s Fountain!

A River Named Love

There is a river named Love

Upon its banks lovers reside

S e p a r a t e d and United by Love

All in love.

Desiring union they yearn daily

This river is food and drink

Their Fountain of Eternal Life

Lovers must unite!

How shall we reach our beloved’s gate?

Frantic and mad they wail in haste:

This mighty river has split one heart!

Recalling Khidr’s auspicious advice;

One must take the leading plunge

The other shall mirror in unison

Never again to depart

Never again to say good bye

Together in this river they delight

United at last

Shackled by chains

Drifted by vicious currents

Into the Eternal Ocean of Love

Swim together upon the waves

Drink together the eternal drink

Drown together in eternal Love

Live together in eternal Light

[Copyright-Qudra Healing]

With respect,
Your Dost

The Women of Sufism Study Circle can be accessed here

One may register after reading the guidelines and join the virtual study circle which will give insights into the mystical dimension in Islam, also known as Sufism through a feminine lens.
I had registered this morning and look forward to studying the subject deeper.

Master Class from “The Most Organized Woman in the World”

Needless to say much on the Konmari Method, as it speaks for itself.  Marie Kondo has propelled the world of unorganised individuals  into a frenzy of order obsessive conscious individuals whose lives have been transformed dramatically. I believe Marie Kondo is an undeclared healer and brings to light ancient Taoist wisdom through her work.  Additionally, she is responsible for inspiring thousands to gain mastery of their living spaces through the art of tidying and organizing. To live from a place of love, inspiration and appreciation for all  that brings us joy is a beautiful way to live. Here’s an excellent cheat sheet from Makespace on practical decluttering The  KonMari Way in only 6 simple steps.
